Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Threads moved from the Suggestions forum after implementation

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YES - for all
YES - only for drinks
YES - only for lemons
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NO - for all
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Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Leinades » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:10 pm

Why we do not drink it? My suggestion:

Water +0.2hp/100g
Milk +1hp/100g
Coffee +2hp/100g
Tea +3hp/100g

And... lemons? Yes! I eat everyday.

Lemons +4hp/100g
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Bmot » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:15 pm

Tea already did exist I believe, to reduce tiredness, but is not useful anymore... Coffee (according to the wiki) still exists, to reduce tiredness also. (But as I said, I don't know if that's still true).

For the rest, yeah, sure!
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby freiana » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:45 pm

I think milk is on schedule for being implemented together with animal domestication...
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby guilletierno » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:59 pm

milk is for make cheese, tea and coffee need to be "eatables" for RP purpose... add a healing and a nutritious value can be helpful to avoid eat it by mistake.

i think that we need the lowest possible amount on both values, like the "healing grass".
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Vega » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:36 pm

I think the original idea is to make them eatable and give them some values. They all exist yet in the game ;)

Agreed agreed agreed!!!
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Henkie » Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:36 pm

tea +3?!?!? how about +1.5.... 3 is way too much considering howmuch of it exists in game
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Doug R. » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:58 am

I think we just need to take a look at the old energy restoring foods and give them some value back. But in general, yes, in for no other reason than RP purposes I support giving these things some type of value.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby *Wiro » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:23 am

Tea was overpowered and allowed people to work around the slow design of Cantr. I would rather not give powergames their power back and instead have these items as roleplaying drinks.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Oasis » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:45 am

I said yes to only drinks, as I think the lemons should need to be squeezed first, then drink the lemon juice. Thus, it is a drink as well. I don't care so much about it or milk, but I would really like to see a small value added to tea and coffee to increase their use....they mostly are forgotten about in game now.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Doug R. » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:54 pm

*Wiro wrote:Tea was overpowered and allowed people to work around the slow design of Cantr. I would rather not give powergames their power back and instead have these items as roleplaying drinks.

That was before stomach capacity. The most you can drink is 8000g, so limiting it's effect is simple - just make the maximum desirable effect cost 8000g. If it takes 8 kilos of tea to restore 15 points of tiredness, I think that's a fair trade-off. That 8 kilos is also 8 kilos less of healing food you can carry.

Even if you vomit, that's 50 points of tiredness. So eating another 8 kilos would just bring you to 35% tiredness, and then you'd have to vomit again. Not very exploitable at all.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby *Wiro » Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:17 pm

I'm not really up to date with the new system yet, but it used to be people would drag off entire towns with a small group through the use of tea, all within a single tick. I don't want to vote for making the items entirely useless but I do want them to be balanced.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Doug R. » Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:24 pm

The items are already entirely useless, so the only way to vote for that is to not have an opinion one way or the other. What I'm saying is, if you want, say, tea to be drinkable again, don't give them low healing or nutrition effects, give them back some of their energizing effect, but at a low level. Clearly, we don't want caffeine/PCP fueled slaughters of the past, but if we're going to make useless things drinkable, give them back some semblance of what they were intended for. 1-2% tiredness can have a big effect: It can make your projects last another hour, etc. A nice cup of tea could fix that.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Yang » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:52 pm

To make it more balanced make 8000 grams of coffe restore 50% of tiredness, and tea 25%. This way 160 grams of coffe and 320 grams of tea would restore 1%. Also you could get extra only 50% max, but then no place for healing food. Or you could vomit heal yourself, and be to tired to do anything else then runing away. But still there will be a problem with possibility to kill others instantly, but this possibility is all time a problem, and limiting atacks is not liked by players who are too active = people who vote on forum.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Oasis » Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:18 pm

I like that! The small advantage it would give is negated by the inability to use healing foods if you drink a full stomach of coffee or tea. So brew up all you want, pirates, it will give the other 90% of charries a reason to drink tea and coffee, increase the trade of coffee hopefully to the rest of the world because it will have some value.
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Re: Water, milk, coffee, tea... and lemons

Postby Doug R. » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:36 pm

Making 8 kilos restore 50% tiredness give a person three free attacks, which, imo, is far too many. Maybe this isn't the answer after all. Maybe we need to have a trade-off - have energy restoratives cause proportional damage. But no, that doesn't work either, since you can just heal and vomit, and repeat.
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