Just Following Orders!

Threads moved from the Suggestions forum after rejection

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Postby UloDeTero » Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:09 am

Well, at least there's some support for this idea.

Again, and to further clarify things:

This would be totally voluntary. Any coercion to use this by force would be a CRB. (That is, since this is an OOC feature, knowledge of it by characters would be CRB). Characters could of course try to force each other to do things - just as they can now - but noone would be able to force the unquestioning loyalty that this feature would provide.

This is a feature that should and would only be used to follow the orders of a highly trusted individual. Hence the examples of military or religious leaders and married or 'deeply in love' couples. In these kinds of situations (including disciplined obedience, propaganda, impaired judgement, obsession, etc) people/characters may choose to give up their will to others. It's amazing the things people will do on the orders of higher-ups/trusted others that they wouldn't necessarily do otherwise.

Plus, there'd always be the option to stop whatever you've been ordered to do (but only after it's started) allowing for an "oh-my-god-what-am-i-doing" reaction.

As a final thought, maybe it could be done so that only some actions can be ordered this way. For example, you might want to automatically follow the same paths as another character but not hit people on his say-so.

Oh, and one final final thought: This would be just as useful for defenders against pirate attacks as it would for pirates themselves.
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Postby marginoferror » Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:56 am

I could not be more strongly against this proposal. The potential for abuse of all sorts is too high, and the last thing we want to do is *reduce* the amount of player interaction necessary to play a character.

Lack of warfare in Cantr does have something to do with coordination issues but it has much more to do with the combat system and simple incentives. Let's try another tack.
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Postby DELGRAD » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:59 am

Rejected as is. Let's set that aside.

Now let's say this was impemented.

A character 'a' wanted to take some territory over. That territory is protected by characters 'b'.
'A' has an even dozen and 'b' has 5.
All off a's group attacks, but wait, all of b's characters know who is giving the orders and after 'a' attacks all of 'b' auto attacks the "leader".
Even those killed in the initial attack, they use there last breath thrusting thier sword into those that killed them, the leader of the attackers, and as the dead die they see the blood from the wounds of the enemy run free.
Science teacher: "good morning class"
students groan
Science teacher: "Today we will be learning about intelligent design"
Little Billy: "OH GOD"

First quoted in the NationStates forum on 10/14/05.

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Postby ShadowWolf » Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:30 am

Since I am bored enough to read this I think I will point out their is no problem with cantr's warfare. Don't try to tell me that you can't ambush a group, or attempt to take over towns. You want to say their is no open battlefields...but that's not true. Their is a way to have two groups standing in the same town fight off each other and it happens often enough. It does not require days worth of action to fight a war, an entire town can be destroyed in a matter of minutes, or it can be locked up. The combat in cantr is not one sided for an attacker or a defender, it all comes down to who's awake. Docking a ship and hiding on it does you no good if your all sleeping and a town is awake. You can have a battle on the sea, fighting across the ship until one group can break the lock to the other and board them, and you can have battles in a town, if their is an alert group defending the town then often enough they move the sleeping people inside a locked building for protection. Auto attacking people would do nothing but cause more death. I think Adam brinks is more than capable of killing enough people as is...as well as others like him. You want to give an option that all of his crew can now strike with him without the players being awake. I can already take out a town in minutes with a couple of people awake and you want to allow me to do that alone! That WOULD unbalance the game. You can claim its balanced because the defenders can do it as well..but who is to say the defenders "general" would be the one awake to strike back. If you really want a well thought out plan then sit down and think one up. Confuse your enemy, install fear in them so they are too afraid to strike until its too late. If you want to take over a town, plan it out, find out the best time for your group to be awake at the same time, if others wont be awake until later on have them arrive a little later. If you want to complain it takes too long to plan an attack then your not that interested in the attack. It can take days to wait for the right people to be awake to make your move but it worth it. If you want to make the mistake of attacking a town of 30 when only one of your 5 people is awake that's your mistake. Don't blame cantr for not allowing you to control another. Because I know I've been able to do it without the need of some auto attack.
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Postby joff » Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:41 pm

Goes against everything that is great about Cantr.
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Postby Piscator » Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:46 pm

That's why it's in "Rejected Suggestions".
Pretty in pink.

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