The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

General out-of-character discussion among players of Cantr II.

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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby alecto » Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:36 am

(Does anyone read these forums anymore??)

I am:
    ...sailing the seas to find precious gems!
    ...building an amazing house, I'm already halfway there.
    ...making weird art. And then inflicting it on people. in peace with my ghosts.
    ...trying to wake up and smell the roses.
    ...putting my forging talents to good use.
    ...helping wherever I can. This land is so strange to me.
    ...POUTING. Are you watching me?? Good. Pay attention.
    ...waxing lyrical to a captive audience.
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby Shedevil » Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:17 am

I am….

…unsure of life since he died
…getting tired of losing people
…wondering if I just sent the bird to its death
…scared of everything
…giving everyone gifts
…feeling quite stupid
…ready to get off this island again
…dying and perfectly fine with it
Oh look, another glorious morning… makes me SICK!
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby Shedevil » Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:48 am

I am.. unsure of where I fit into this world anymore
I am.. sleeping because they are sleeping..
I am.. alone.. They're all dead.. It's just me now..
I am.. wondering what to do next
I am.. working
I am.. working quietly
I am.. feeling better
I am.. awake
I am.. in a strange town on a strange island and all I want to do is go back to the wilds of home
I am.. part of the living dead and they still keep feeding me for some reason
I am.. thinking of being a thief..
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby Alladinsane » Fri Nov 11, 2022 8:20 pm

searching once again.
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby miirkaelisaar » Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:17 pm

I am... awake again but still bored. I almost want to sail again, but not alone, and I can't leave my friends to work away here but I don't think they would join me.
I am... awake again and home again, and it finally feels like home again, just different people now.
I am... awake again and so angry at the coward who woke me an axe to the skull; yet it's also brought me a new and better life somehow - but I will not forgive, or forget.
I am... awake again but still quiet, nothing has changed in a hundred years, I'm sure.
I am... awake again but so sad, everyone I love is sleeping or left me, I'll try for the young ones but I wish they would come back.
I am... awake again and bored as usual, I don't know what to do with my life but I don't really want to die, so I just exist now.
I am... awake again and madly in love, it's been decades since I've felt this young and happy, I hope this isn't another bright flame that burns out young and breaks my heart again.
I am... awake again and quietly working, this forest could use some life, I hate seeing it like this.
I am... awake again, asleep again, awake again, asleep again, awake again, asleep again...
I am... awake again and bored, I kinda want to sail again, but I don't want to leave these people to fend for themselves when they need all the help they can get here.
I am... awake again and trying to look cute for the new guy, but he doesn't notice, he must be ingo ladies *siiiigh*
I am... awake again and takin' care of things, maybe I should take my sweetie out on a trip, I know he gets bored and sleepy here just working all the time.
I am... awake again and planning, organizing, collaborating, promising, and only slightly panicking.
I am... awake again and exploring a crazy, wild new place with all my friends, it's scary but they'll protect me.
I am... awake again and head over heels in love! Or heels over head... if yaknow what I mean ;)
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby Finch » Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:16 am

I am...

... Lost, confused, hurt. Where am I supposed to go now?
... Excited to travel, but not excited to leave. Will the timing ever line up?
... Making hay while the sun shines. A lot of hay.
... Trying to find my niche, but damn is it hard here! If only I had a crowbar...
... Bursting at the seams with ideas, and excited for the future. How lucky am I?
... A bit pissed, actually. Wake up, god damn it.
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby miirkaelisaar » Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:44 pm

I am... kinda sad that I can't open up to people, I like him and he can't even tell, I should go back to sleep, this is dumb.
I am... ruining the mood with my f***ing trauma, again, yay. Why can't you ever shut up? This was always your damn problem. Quick, change the subject.
I am... suffering, it actually does hurt a lot, but I don't want to make a big deal, they think I'm healing but I think it's getting worse and I think I know what needs to be done, I just am not ready for it, or sure how to ask them for such a thing.
I am... so nervous and kind of guilty, is this a good idea? She sounds upset. If it goes badly this is all my fault.
I am... about to lose it, will you waaaaaaaake uuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppp?! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!
I am... in so much pain, I hate people, I hate life. I never wanted to live, you know? I never asked to spawn, in this stupid body, in this world, and then suffer for two centuries. It's not fair, I can't die but I can't live, I don't even feel human.
I am... kinda stressing about the drama, but if I ignore it, maybe it will calm down, I'm seriously JUST trying to be happy right now, please guys, please, this is so petty, we were fine a minute ago.
I am... nostalgic and lonely, I'm not sure what to do. I mean, I'll do things, but what is the point?
I am... honestly not sure if I can make it, he's been asleep so long, my heart hurts without him, I have nothing to live for, I should just fall asleep in his arms and not wake up again, we can just go together, both of us...
I am... really doing it, I'm preparing to sail again in a few years, oh jeez, I'm scared, I don't wanna get shot or stabbed again, but I don't wanna die here doing nothing the rest of my life, I need action, even if it means I die for it, at least I'll die fighting and not gathering barley on the beach half asleep.
I am... so lonely ugh, just stay awake.. maybe that new guy will notice me, he's dirty but cute, I could clean him up...
I am... startin' to think of things, the younguns remind me of my youth, an' he's awake, an' I'm awake...
I am... dreaming, right? I'm dreaming, this is one of my silly little daydream fantasies, right? It feels so real this time, but, he's not actually talking to me, touching me, smi..smiling at.. me... oh gods I'm not dreaming, this is really happening.
I am... confused and sad, I wish she would let me be alone with him for more than a few minutes, it doesn't feel fair how she hovers over us, she's insatiable at all times and he's sleepy at all times but I think I'm in love with him, I'm so stressed out and I can't even express it like normal people can, that's the worst part.
I am... so happy and in looooove! So this is what all the fuss is about! Life is beautiful! I've never been so happy!

I am... alive and confused, and kinda scared, but everyone is nice here, some are kinda handsome, too. But gosh, it's so quiet, no one really talks about stuff. Is this all there is in life? It's so hard not to just go to sleep like all the ghosts, what is the point of all this?
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby masterekat » Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:31 pm

I my best life with my new job, my new friends, my newfound creativity, and...I think I might like him. :oops: Life is grand!
I am...working on that railroad. It's been quiet and boring, but things are starting to happen now and we're coming up with fun ideas. Exciting!
I am...homesick. I miss all of them so badly, and maybe they were right about her. I don't know if I'm cut out for this position.
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Re: The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Postby Vega » Mon May 20, 2024 6:20 pm

Long time no see...
Let me see, how did this work... :P

I am... annoyed that those are gone and those are asleep... But keeping myself busy.

I am... traveling, finally. I like this town. And these people...

I am... happy with my new dress and waiting for them to come back.

I am... happy gathering food. My way. I don't need to be more efficient, thank you.

I am... asleep. Hungry. Should I even wake up to get food?

I am... brand new. I think I'm gonna like it here!
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