go peoples! its yer birthdays!

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Re: go peoples! its yer birthdays!

Postby Alladinsane » Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:04 pm

April 1 is my official' spawnday.... close enough for cantr and wryly ironic.

I found out around that day (app a week ago) that I have cancer...its probably early stages and probably can be defeated.
I don't tell that because I want sympathy... I want action!
everyone has cancer cells in their body...everyone. They their immunity cells will fight and destroy the cancer cells in "reasonable numbers (I have never counted them but its probably in the millions...Its cells we are talking about!) and these carcinogenic cells feed and reproduce on sugar; the most common providers of sugars are starches; breads and flour products. Now I was the first in the past to say "Man, I can't give up my toast".
My only caution is that we are sensible about our consumption of sweets and starches...your very life could depend on it.

I know now that I am going to die, you are too. We can extend our years through proper diet and diligence... If you want to; you will die anyway, but the quality of the life that remains is merely a matter of choices... If you fear death you do have options and choices. I will not yell or shame anyone from living the "good life( I did!), I am just warning you...heed as you will. There are some very healthy and satisfying diets out there (paleo and meditteranian (sp?) give them a try... just a week is probably enough to know if you can or can't do it...your choice, but you may be playing with dynamite.

If anyone wants to chat about it, I am at bmf6311@gmail.com ...(PD...edit if you must) heck there are several people on this forum whom I love dearly.. This is not goodbye... I still plan to annoy you for many years, God may have different plans and he ultimately calls the shots. I love rp and the chance to affect that life with your words. Hopefully these few are timeless and everyone here will get to spend their time with people they love and remain surrounded by those that care about them. I for one, consider myself very lucky!

Be as well as you can for as long as you can.
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Sunni Daez
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Re: go peoples! its yer birthdays!

Postby Sunni Daez » Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:09 pm

I have fought cancer 3 times. After the third round... it hasn't returned. It is controllable. I have cheated death through other things as well. I wish you all the best and a happy birthday. Celebrate all of them! Each one is a milestone.

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Re: go peoples! its yer birthdays!

Postby Alladinsane » Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:57 am

Thanks Sunny! I don't remember where, but I did know about your situation. Even though I couldn't really relate at the time, I can now.

Knowing it, you were always an inspiration to me... you are even more so now. I''m going to beat this, but if I don't I know that I am at peace with whatever happens and just hope it won't get too painful. I have a pretty high tolerance, but pain is just annoying'!

I am sorry I took this road in what should be a happy thread; I may have to whine in the non-cantr subforum.
My apologies to any birthdays I may have turned us away from.
A famous wise man once said absolutely nothing!

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