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Father Brian
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Father Brian » Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:35 pm

sherman wrote:
Father Brian wrote:BRB going to rename my pirate ship TARDIS and get myself a suit.

Are you also getting to be an alien who can regenerate 12 times? :P

Dynamic naming and changing the char description finally reaches its logical conclusion!
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Chroma Key » Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:51 pm

SekoETC wrote:Another character was really clueless as a newspawn and there was only one younger woman in his town, so he got interested in her and he awkwardly asked her is it normal if one's penis gets hard when looking at a woman. He thought there was something wrong with him. They ended up having sex and it was very awkward. She was like WTF when he ejaculated. She went traveling and he randomly ended up in the same location. At first it seemed they might end up in a relationship again but then she said she had lost her will to live, so he helped her commit suicide.

Well, that's one enigma solved. :D

Only two of my characters had great love stories, both couples once very well known in the Cantr world. The younger couple are both dead; my char's fiancee died of a broken heart and whilst my char went on for a long time after his passing, in the end her soul only wished to be reunited with his to continue their absolutely quirky conversations in death. What brought them together was him showing her how to do a very simple thing. I do miss them both, a lot.

The husband of the older char died quite a few in game years ago, after I decided not to rp intimacy anymore and informed the other player. He wished me a farewell and the char fell silent, and not too long after that, he had a heart attack. It was quite a shock because their story was rich in a way that was well beyond their intimacy and so I felt rather disappointed when it was cut short for that reason.

My other chars had relationships too, but they usually took their time getting to know the other person - things built up slowly and over time. The rare, quick hook ups never seemed to work out. And these days, I have very little time for the game and whilst my eldest char does love someone, the guy sleeps a lot and that works perfectly for both her and me. Number two just sleeps except when circumstances demand her attention, and number three is the above mentioned surviving wife, who doesn't have the slightest interest in anyone and hardly ever wakes up these days. As per his promise, she's still waiting for him, even though she knows it will never happen.

PS: Talking of ships, I did see one named B-612 sailing past Fu years ago, and it always makes me smile to remember that.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby destinysWalrus » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:30 am

Most of my characters aren't in romantic relationships. A couple of them have had crushes on other characters but I'm not sure what led up to it in most cases.

Current #2 has been in a couple relationships - one she fell in love with, I don't really know what happened, their personalities just seemed to go well together. Farthest that went was cuddling, though. Her second relationship she was... somewhere between tricked and manipulated into but she thought it was a good idea at the time. She ditched him, and now she's pretty wary of any relationships.

Current #3 had a crush on someone she ended up traveling with, and settling in a town with. I think it's because he was the first one to take her particular eccentricity completely in stride, and pretty much believes in her. Unfortunately for her it's a one-sided crush as he likes someone else (and thought she didn't care about romance). She's pretty much abandoned the idea of romance for now, through relative (but not complete) lack of interest.

Current #4 was probably the strangest relationship-start, as best I recall the "courtship" mostly consisted of sparring. The two characters had roughly equal strength and skill, both were very good, and they got along well. She and Boyfriend haven't been intimate, but she cares very much for him.

Current #7 has exactly no interest in romance and it will be extremely unlikely for her to become romantically involved with anyone.

Most of my characters don't tend to think about romance much, because I don't. I'm not really very good at it, I think. (To be fair, #2 was going to be a trainwreck anyway)
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:19 am

SekoETC wrote:Later they got married and it went downhill from there. Eventually he stopped feeding her and she died.

That made me laugh. Sometimes I fucking love Cantr.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby hyrle » Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:36 pm

I'll admit that I'm one of the players who ends up having a lot of characters in Cantr relationships. I don't necessarily seek it out in all cases, but it seems to happen a lot for my characters anyways. I find relationships add some interesting elements to the game - if RPed well. I gotta admit, I kind of enjoy RPing stuff that would socially be taboo in real life, since it's fun to challenge cultural norms in a game without real consequences.

Some of my dead characters:
* Dead character Mykola had five lovers (most at different times, though a few triangles), all of whom died. Never got over any of them. Eventually died himself.
* Dead character Milo had a girl that he crushed on but she wouldn't be with him. He kidnapped someone that he cared about but she was really sleepy so it was hard to RP that one out. He had a brief fling of intimacy that was not meant to last.
* Dead character Sherri was in a triangular relationship but kept wanting to expand. Her lovers did /not/ approve. The ensuing drama led to her eventual suicide.

Living characters:
* One is a widowed lesbian that can't seem to connect with anyone else after her first lover died.
* One is a widowed man who now has a new weird master/slave thing going on.
* Three are in binary hetero relationships - good ol' normal stuff for the most part.
* One is a widowed bisexual who can't seem to connect with anyone else after her first lover died.
* One is a widowed bisexual who had been in a triangular relationship, followed by a binary when one died, followed by another triangle when another was added, and then a binary when the girl who had been in both triangles died, and now is alone when her last lover died. She can't seem to find a new connection and seems closed off to it for fear of losing more loves.
* One is in a pentagonal amorous family (five lovers), but in the past had been in a couple of triangles and a couple of binaries. Has lost a lot of lovers to death. Contrary to a lot of my other multi-widows, this one believes more lovers is better. He seems perpetually positive and doesn't dwell all that much on loss.
* One is in a binary relationship but also has a special friendship that's been around longer than his lover, and that sometimes involves kissing and hugging. He cares for both very much.
* Another bisexual is in a current triangle. However, this one feels like it's coming apart.
* One has never had a lover and may never. He's just weird.
* One was in a relationship but felt ignored and left to be on his own in his sorrow.
* One was in a brief whirlwind of drama, now eschews relationships and most people in general.
* Last one is too young to have experienced anything like that, and may have a hard time grasping the concept.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Vega » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:05 pm

Okay, I remember there was a thread about characters and their sex, gender, sexual preferences and stuff like that, and I've been looking for it to rant a bit about one of my chars... (and that's why I've been checking all those old threads, the whole afternoon...) and I couldn't find it... As this is the closest I found, there it goes...

I'm playing 9 characters at the moment. I made another two in the last 8-10 cantr years, but they were a couple of failspawns (one didn't even last two weeks before being killed by wild animals.) And they are more or less like this:

*First on the list, is asexual, doesn't even like (at all) to be touched.
*Second used to be a bit the same, but somehow ended up in two relationships. It was really hard at the beggining, with both of them. Right now, my character doesn't want to know anything about relationships anymore and went back to the way she used to be.
*Third is heterosexual and thinks that sex is fun, and wouldn't doubt to be with anyone, even without being in a full relationship (even more, better that way) if could find someone for it. If that wouldn't lead into trouble, that's it.
*Forth is absolutely asexual. Likes human contact a lot, but only in a not-sexual way.
*Fifth is a bit indecise about it. Doesn't like anyone enough, and doesn't like to be touched, either, so...
*Sixth is asexual. And asocial.
*Eight is heterosexual. And she was in two relationships. However, she was sex-involved with women, also. Right now, she doesn't care or think about sex or love, she feels a bit old for all that.
*Ninth has been alone for most of her live, so she didn't have a way to discover her sexuality at all.

I know there is a char missing, but it's because my rant is about Seventh. I was used to them, and all... and suddenly, Seventh arrived, not just bisexual, but inheriting the libido of all the others. And we are having some trouble controlling it... :?
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Snickie » Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:59 pm

Could've sworn I'd posted in here before. Oh well.

I currently have six living characters:

Three is aromantic asexual. Don't touch her. She's not available.
Four is heteroromantic demisexual. She tends to keep her distance, though, for her own reasons.
Nine is demiromantic asexual. Also distant.
Ten is heterosexual and the only of my current living characters that has ever had sex.
Fourteen is probably aromantic pansexual, but has never had sex, probably due to the whole aromantic thing. If she were to stumble upon an orgy and invited to participate, she might say yes.
Seventeen is a newspawn who hasn't yet had time to develop a personality.

Dead ones:
One had a girlfriend and they were going to get married, but his insecurities got the best of him. They split up. She died. He died much later, alone.
Two had a passionate fling with a man which would've led to marriage and sex had I been 18 at the time. He died. She was never with someone ever again.
Five had a handful of crushes but none of them ever panned out due to insecurities. Was the first of the Wizalette Rojo five to die.
Six had a girlfriend for most of their lives. He loved her then, but later she suffered some kind of trauma (I don't know the details except that she was attacked by someone) that caused her to regress into a more naive, childlike state. He still loved her, and vowed to himself to protect her always. They never had sex, out of his respect for her. He was torn to pieces when she died. He loved her forever, refusing to cheat on her even when an attractive newspawn woman started making a move on him. He eventually slept to death.
Seven had her first crush years and years and decades into her existence. He was quickly killed. She never bothered with romance again.
Eight was aromantic, but was once sexually stimulated by a feral human, not quite with his will. Which is fine by me, because how on earth was I going to play that kind of character having sex. Forget that I wasn't 18 yet.
Eleven once stole a pair of dungarees that I'm pretty sure had been defiled. :lol: She didn't care, she just needed clothes. She was wigged out by anything sexual.
Twelve didn't live long enough to have a personality or sexual preference.
Thirteen loved a man and wanted to be with him but he was with another girl who eventually cheated on him. They never got together. He died. She died, hating her life, suicidal.
Fifteen was aromantic asexual.
Sixteen was introduced to sex at the ripe old age of 20y 2d. She was a pansexual with the biggest libido of anything I've ever seen. Her sexual appetite was enormous, while she never cared much for romance but was apparently able to fake it well enough.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Vega » Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:08 pm

You probably posted at the thread I couldn't find.
Snickie wrote:Three is aromantic asexual.

First time I read aromatic... xDDDD
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Snickie » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:49 am

Vega wrote:
Snickie wrote:Three is aromantic asexual.

First time I read aromatic... xDDDD

I had to go back and reread several times as I was typing it to make sure that every time I said "aromantic" and not "aromatic". xDDDD
I've been noticing a recent tendency in myself to read something and intake something somewhat different that I have to go back and correct right away by reading it more closely. Soft eyes isn't everything.

I find it interesting that, in real life, I'm somewhere between aromantic and demiromantic. As in, I don't actively seek romance, but the one time I briefly gave it a chance, my parents say I was very happy, and was very very upset when it broke off and didn't work out. And most of my characters at this point, even if they once cared about having a relationship, are aromantic.

I was.... conflicted when Two (my original) was in a relationship, and I admit I ugly-cried when they broke up the first time. I was better at distancing myself when my other characters were in relationships. But for the most part, I don't really get any satisfaction by roleplaying romance in-game. By extension, I don't enjoy roleplaying sex either. (Sorry, Ally, I'm not as innocent as you'd like to believe. ....Just don't go and ruin that image with Mom, okay? :shock:) It's probably a combination of religious views (the whole "no sex without marriage" thing and the fact that not one of my characters has ever actually married drives a stake of shame/guilt into the relationship on my end as a player, one that I try to bury in the name of roleplay and immersion) and the lack of personal experience with relationships and intimacy (being clueless, I had no idea how fast or slow we were supposed to move and things like that).
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:53 am

One of my previous characters self-identified as a fish.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby MonkeyPants4736 » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:30 pm

I did not RP relationships at all with my last account. I think relationships were much more discrete back then. You might rarely hear that someone was in a relationship, but I don't recall seeing a single display of affection between any characters.

This time around, references to relationships and public evidence of them seemed to be everywhere. My first reaction was, "Eww...who would RP those things online?" :lol: Then I had a char in a situation where the RP was clearly inviting/advertising such a situation. It seemed to make sense for my character and the other character, so I went with it. Even though the RP made sense for those two characters at the time, I did not feel that my character actually developed from it. So, I assumed that was the end of a type of RP that seemed rather pointless to me.

At around the same time, another of my characters was majorly crushing on another character. In this case, a relationship seemed the obvious choice well before anything increased to the next level. There was already close friendship, mental stimulation for both parties involved, complementary life goals, opportunities for political intrigue, all sorts of things. An enhanced relationship between them seemed to likely open a whole world of opportunities for character development.

My character also happened to be the one that I wanted to do a sort of Great Gatsby thing with. I wanted the char to associate his/her wealth with a measure of how "worthy" he/she was of the attention of the other character. I also planned to combine legitimate business with something illegal to sort of represent Gatsby's bootlegging endeavors. Finally, I wanted some sort of transition from being uncouth to being socially proper, both in terms of actual learning and in terms of looking the part. My character was supposed to struggle with yearning for years and then maybe would get what he/she wanted if everything was played right.

The other character "ruined" my plans by wanting things to start things sooner rather than later. This really threw me for a curve, and I really had to put in some effort to interpret what the new situation would mean for the development of my character. I used it to let my character swing from moments of cockiness to feelings of insecurity or inferiority, problems expressing emotions in a healthy way, etc. It actually made for a much more complex character, I think, and made the relationship richer and more rewarding. It also worked out nicely that my char felt awkward, since I as a player still felt very new to that sort of RP and felt awkward, too. :)

In an interesting turn of events, it happened that a different character liked the one that my character entered a relationship with. That other character did almost exactly what I'd originally planned to do, and failed in the sense that they waited too long and were dying by the time they told the other character their feelings. This provided an opportunity for my character to see what might have happened if he/she had followed that same "wrong" path long ago. I don't think such a living example often occurs in Cantr.

I honestly can't imagine how some of you are handling multiple characters in relationships. Even though I'm very active in Cantr, it seems impossible to find the time/effort necessary for more than one quality/complex relationship. But, that might just be because I'm sort of a noob at it.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby destinysWalrus » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:16 am

I'm down to 8 characters right now... of them, 3 are just sleeping for now (unless and until I have a good idea for them and revive them)

#1 had a crush once, but he first (apparently) fell in love with someone else, then died. She doesn't really interact with anyone enough to develop a meaningful relationship now, with the exception of the one other person remaining in her current hometown. He's just a friend though.
#2 is the same one as in my last post. Since then, she has not been in any way romantic with anyone, and also is vaguely wary of friendship.
#3 may have been #7 in my last post. Since then, she had a mild crush on a guy who already was married, and what sparked it was basically him sassing her for her attitude. She let him know she had a crush on him, that she didn't plan to try to wreck the relationship he was already in, and then left soon after. I'm fairly certain that she's developing another crush, this time on a girl. I'm... very interested to see where that goes, since she's in a situation where she's especially determined to put up a proud front.
#4-6 are the sleepy ones.
#7 is one I have trouble seeing in any serious relationship for long. She probably would want to try dating someone, or being physically intimate with someone, but more for the sake of experiment and adventure than for the sake of having a relationship.
#8 is still young, and hasn't left her home yet. She's yet to meet anyone that she would want to be romantic or specially close with, but there's possibility.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Ahrta » Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:36 pm

So far my experience has been mixed.....

Three of my characters had possible romances blooming but the moment that I said I was not comfortable with RPing sex....poof....their characters were suddenly not interested in mine....Sad really

On the other hand I have one character who delights in continual banter and inuendo with one of her friends... and that is as far as the character will ever be interested in going...she just likes the quick witted remarks not at all interested in a relationship.

And then I have my sociopath.....if she ever does get interested in someone....its going to be interesting......

The rest of my characters just really haven't had a chance for romance yet....I really don't go looking for relationship though....if it happens I go with it....
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Re: Relationships?

Postby viktor » Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:34 am

12 years playing.. only 2 of my characters ever got laid, one of them was actually trying to lol
I've had 2 other characters get married but neither ever had sex.
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Re: Relationships?

Postby Silurien » Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:36 am

None of my characters have been involved in a romantic relationship yet, but one did have a bit of a crush on a guy he met a few days after spawning. He was blushing at him for some reason, so my character asked the guy why his cheeks were so red—he responded that it was some skin condition, then they both had a laugh over that (or awkward chuckle?) and he called my character's eyes pretty. Gosh, they were really awkward and gay, but in a nice way that made you smile and get all giddy. My character learned he was going to be departing soon, on a trip to another island—and, despite just meeting the guy, he decided it was worth it to tag along and try to get to know him better. Sadly, a couple of days following their arrival, his player un-subbed and he died. In addition to my boy I'm pretty heartbroken myself.

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