Puzzle Pirates

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Puzzle Pirates

Postby SekoETC » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:29 pm

Does anyone here play it? It's my new addiction since about a week ago. I think it's cool.

For people who aren't familiar with it, it allows starting to play without registering, so there is a low threshold to trying it out. The only thing that might have made me not want to try it out was the long loading time, but you can download the program to your computer and then it starts almost instantly. It has a lot of different puzzles, some can be played alone or with NPCs, but probably the best part is pillaging together with other players' characters. The game appears newbie-friendly and it's possible to learn things fast, so you could discover a talent that'll be helpful to a crew or something that'll help you earn pieces of eight fast. The game has nice graphics. It's possible to customize your pirate's appearance a bit and there are several clothing options to buy, in many different colors. Apparently there are at least 33 different colors in the game. The economy also seems pretty interesting, there are lots of player-owned shops and others can work for them and get paid automatically according to the quality of their performance. The shops use resources that are foraged or produced in the game.

Downsides: Recently the game has been logging people out at random, which can happen several times a day. It's rather lame when it happens in the middle of a battle or just when one is about to start. But it doesn't happen all the time. Another thing, the game is very addictive. I don't tlak to people much when I'm puzzling. Then one more thing that's a bit annoying is that they have a lot of stuff that cost dubloons, which are bought with real life money. Fortunately it's also possible to buy them from people with in-game money, and the exchange system is very handy because if you offer to pay more than the cheapest offer is to sell, you'll get refunded the difference. But dubloons cost about 1.9k PoE each at the moment, so it takes a while to earn enough money for buying stuff. Pillaging seems to be the fastest way to make money, but there's a chance that you lose more fights than you win and end up with less than on a good trip.

My character is on Sage ocean and I'm not planning to make any more characters, so if people want to play with me, come to Sage ocean.
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby gejyspa » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:36 pm

Been playing about 5 years, Seko. Had been the captain of my own crew for a long time (which position I essentially got by consensual mutinty when the original captain hadn't logged in for months and months), but merged my crew into another after I became unable to devote as long a time to it as I had previously (having switched from being a telecommuter to having a real commute). I didn't really like their subsequent mergers (which ended up with me being only a fleet officer), and am now a senior offiicer in my RL son's breakaway crew, along with my other two sons.

(BTW, when I first started playing doubloons went for about 400 POE, so inflation has been radical. It actually tends to go down after Xmas, when a lot of people apparently gift their kids (SOs?) with PP gift cards.)

I'm on Sage, also. My character name is Lincro, and I'm part of the crew Core Competents.

(There's been continuous changes since I've started. Like, foraging, weaving, and blacksmithing didn't used to be games. And pillages didn't pay you ANYTHING until after the booty was distributed, so you could wind up with nothing. Now they give you a little something after each battle).
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby SekoETC » Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:39 pm

My username is Okarrdess if you wanna add me. I'm in a crew but I've only pillaged with them a few times, I go with who ever happens to be going and at a difficulty setting I can handle.

KoL had this same thing that the prices of donation items tend to fluxuate.
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby muidoido » Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:22 am

Muidoido aboard sire!
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby SekoETC » Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:49 am

I quit PP after inactivity, but I did it with style. :)

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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby gejyspa » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:34 pm

Aw, that's too bad. I've finally completed memorizing 90+% of every dot in Sage ocean, and as soon as I get enough PoE for a new portrait, I shall be able to include a globe in it.
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby gejyspa » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:03 pm

Grrrr.. stayed up all night playing. WANTED to go to bed, but just then, randomly got some rubies from a swordfight, so I HAD to get them to Wissahockin or they would disappear, so spent a few hours doing that (unsuccessfully). Yarrr! :x
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby Armulus Satchula » Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:35 am

It's on steam now.
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby gejyspa » Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:26 am

I'm sorry, I do not understand that cryptic comment?
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby Armulus Satchula » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:36 pm

Just because you don't understand, doesn't make it cryptic. Steam is a game distribution platform. You can think of it as iTunes for games. http://store.steampowered.com/
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Re: Puzzle Pirates

Postby gejyspa » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:26 pm

Armulus Satchula wrote:Just because you don't understand, doesn't make it cryptic. Steam is a game distribution platform. You can think of it as iTunes for games. http://store.steampowered.com/

I beg to differ. By definiton, it does:
Cryptic: 2a : having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning : mysterious <cryptic messages> b : marked by an often perplexing brevity <cryptic marginal notes>
(source http://www.m-w.com)

Thanks for the explanation.

I thought you were talking about some new steam-powered vessels, or soemthing.

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