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Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:08 pm
by FiziKx
Hi there, everyone.

I'm currently working on a new PBBRPG that is similar to Cantr and FTO. It is currently in a pre-alpha stage, but the development version has quite a few basic features implemented already. In other words, the bare bones are already there, and I am continuing to fill it with more things every day.

Here is a list of features I've managed to implement:
-User and Character Creation
-Random Spawning
-Unique Locations
-Resource Gathering
-Basic Hunting
-Resource Depletion
-Journal and Note-making
-Items and Inventory
-Buildings and Locks
-Basic Hunger/Eating

The game isn't open to be played by the public yet, though I have had a few people try it out so far and they can see that it has promise. I'll be needing some more testers throughout the development process, and some staff members in general to help me build the game in various ways. Eventually, I'll need to ask for donations in order to get the full game up and running, but that won't be until development is mostly complete--so it is awhile away.

Anyway, if you are interested in following this project more, please head on over to my brand new forum at, where you can learn more about the game details, offer your time as a volunteer, discuss the future of the game, or etc. I hope to see you there!

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 3:42 pm
by SekoETC
Is there going to be children?

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:26 pm
by FiziKx
I actually haven't decided that yet. I'm thinking that I might spawn characters as children (around 5 years old, perhaps) and keep babies and pregnancy out of the equation. I like the idea of having vulnerable young people who need to learn about the world/be cared for/nurtured into society, but I don't want to deal with a birth queue or force players to only be able to do certain things because they are an infant. This will probably be discussed a lot more as things begin shaping up. Feel free to drop any suggestions that you have here or in my forum, which I'd love to get active.

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:27 pm
by pulkownikarnold
FiziKx wrote:Hi there, everyone.

I'm currently working on a new PBBRPG that is similar to Cantr and FTO. It is currently in a pre-alpha stage, but the development version has quite a few basic features implemented already. In other words, the bare bones are already there, and I am continuing to fill it with more things every day.

Here is a list of features I've managed to implement:
-User and Character Creation
-Random Spawning
-Unique Locations
-Resource Gathering
-Basic Hunting
-Resource Depletion
-Journal and Note-making
-Items and Inventory
-Buildings and Locks
-Basic Hunger/Eating

Is that really implemented? Can you show us how does it look? Can you tell us how does the travel and resources work? I don't really see a reason to talk about the game when there's literally nothing to show. (I'm looking at you, chase).

FiziKx wrote:Anyway, if you are interested in following this project more, please head on over to my brand new forum at,

Ehh... Sorry but I'll pass for now. Your forum is set up on a free hosting so you don't even have the domain. It may end like Marosia, and other projects. I wish I'm wrong, tho.

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:42 pm
by FiziKx
There are few people from this community who have seen and played what is up already. The forum is on that site because I am developing the game without my own server and domain using something called Bubble and do not, at the moment, have money to throw away on much of anything, including a site for a forum that could just as easily be put online for free.

I suppose I COULD put the forum on my own personal website though, if that would make you feel better. Trust me, it exists. :P

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:33 pm
by Alladinsane
Best of luck with it Fiz.

I wish you the greatest of success.

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:57 pm
by pulkownikarnold
FiziKx wrote:I suppose I COULD put the forum on my own personal website though, if that would make you feel better. Trust me, it exists. :P

Okay, I understand. anyway, Can you tell us how does the travel and resources work? I'm interested to know how your game is going to work. Is it similiar to cantr where we have locations and predefined paths, or more like FTO? or something completely different?

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:15 pm
by FiziKx
Sure, no problem. In many ways, the game is like FTO... but with some things changed so that everything is smaller. As of right now, every location (a single-tile each) is roughly equivalent to around the size of 3 square yards IRL, and walking between tiles takes no time at all. Vehicles, I suspect, will automate travel or allow you to move multiple tiles at a time on roads (we'll see what I come up with once I put them in the game). Every tile will only have one resource to gather, and when the resource in these tiles are gone, they're gone (some renewable resources may regenerate, in time). When a building is constructed on a tile, the entire tile becomes a room. To create larger structures, players will need to build rooms on neighboring tiles, which will link them together into one building.

As you can see, things are a bit more direct but still in the same vein as Cantr and FTO.

(Also, thanks, Alladinsane!)

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:39 pm
by MattWithoos
So is it automatic or does each action require approval from you? I think that was essentially what pulkownikarnold was asking - are these features actually there, or is it more of "I've figured the rules out for each of these features and thus how to apply them"?

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:14 am
by FiziKx
It is automatic, in an actual programmed game. The features that I mentioned as being in the game so far are -truly-, 100%, already programmed into the real thing. There is a functional pre-alpha/maybe alpha build of this game that actually works--containing all of the features that I've said it contains.

(Edit--Also, I'll post some screenshots of the bare bones that I have completed so far in a bit. Keep in mind that I have no art team, so everything is super plain and kind of ugly. If there are any artists among you that would like to lend your time to help me make everything look nice, I'd love to have you on board.)

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:17 am
by MattWithoos
That's pretty cool! So you used the forum as the base for all the functionality? Or is the forum just for discussion?

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:18 am
by FiziKx
Nope, the forum is just for discussion. The actual game is a completely separate thing. I'll show screenshots in a little while, like I said! :P

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:00 am
by Wolfsong
What language are you programming in?

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:50 pm
by FiziKx
I'm using a visual programming language called Bubble. It's a very interesting experience!

Re: Epoch - PBBRPG in Development

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:31 pm
by Chemosh
Will death from old age be a concern eventually? You mentioned a technology focus (reading the forums), so will it be possible for different technological ages depending on where you spawn? Finally, if there is magic in the game (You said you may plan to sneak it in) do you plan to make it learnable for everyone but difficult (Either from it being time consuming, requiring travel to certain nearly impossible to reach place) or hereditary but difficult to learn?

I would be interested in helping to test.