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Dire Wolves

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:11 am
by Shedevil
Okay, not sure who to actually contact about this, so figured I would post here. In one town of my characters, the dire wolves literally are lethal. They always get through the shields and attack more than once a day. Today alone they hit 3 different people, and on one occasion it was within seconds of someone attacking them. We try to cull them and it seems to only make things worse. I've never seen them anywhere else be this.violent or always get through a shield. Is it a glitch, or are we just that unlucky? It's to the point now, where none of us can sleep outside, or we can wake up and find our characters are dead.

Re: Dire Wolves

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:30 am
by SekoETC
Dire wolves have an attack chance of 21% and attack power of 41. When you hunt, you always hit the same one in the pack, the one that was already wounded. If the wolf is wounded, it does less damage, but if you're weak enough or your shield is bad enough, it will still bypass the shield. Once you kill the wounded dire wolf, the next one in line will be at full health and will again do max damage. Animal attacks can happen up to 8 times a day, and always at a set time, although it might take some time to go through the cycle of processing all the attacks. One of my characters used to have a problem with regular wolves, even though they attack less frequently and for less damage. Even though my character is much stronger than average and has a kite shield, wolves still get through his shield every time. Not by much but it still happens. The solution was to hunt them every time they attack, even if it meant sending them to extinction in the location. If you're looking to preserving dire wolves, you need to stock up on healing food or see about going inside when the attack tick happens, if you're awake, and preferably sleep indoors.

Re: Dire Wolves

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:55 pm
by EchoMan
Most places I know of, that are inhabited, always have to cull the packs, or make extinct the really dangerous animals. It's part of Cantr life I guess. There is nothing in the game code that would allow for some locations or characters to be hit more often than others, it's just based on chance/risk and the number of possible targets animal attacks are distributed on.

Re: Dire Wolves

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:46 pm
by Snickie
Solution: Get a pack of people who are skillful or expert hunters with good weapons and hire them as "animal control" to cull the population of the dangerous animals. ;)

Re: Dire Wolves

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:25 pm
by miirkaelisaar
Yeah but the wolves in my character's town are eating people alive and they can't kill them because a beloved town member insists he'll find a new home if they do so, despite the surrounding area being plenty overrun by other dire wolves, they'd be back within a day, and I'll swear up and down that when my character spawned in that mountain there were no dire wolves for a long time so they don't even belong there really... how do you convince these softies to let you kill the vicious monsters eating your sleeping friends, and you? It's not easy leading a town when you're all mangled... I can repair that shield all day and hunt them and they still get ridiculously close to killing my character sometimes, despite doing everything right.. it's frustrating and the actual attack rate ckmpared to shield strength doesn't seem to add up... it's more like a 90% attack chance. They literally attack every day or multiple times a day, and they get through the shields every single time, even strong characters with fully repaired shields and no tiredness or damage or hunger, it never used to be like this the first couple years I played, something must have changed. The animals are culling the people, and when we do kill the last one, one arrives the next day and immediately is on someone, there's no chance.

Re: Dire Wolves

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:37 pm
by Cdls
Animals can have a chance at attacking eight times a day. Sometimes they can attack all eight, other times maybe not at all, and then everything in between as well.

As mentioned previously in this thread, a wounded animal does less damage than a healthy one, so instead of killing it, attack it a few times so that it is wounded and then leave it alone. Don't let anyone else hunt it...and see how that works for you. If someone decides to be unhelpful and kill it off, then just do the same for the next healthy wolf in line, hunt it until it is wounded and then leave it be.

Re: Dire Wolves

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:39 pm
by computaertist
I don't think the level of rot/repair has anything to do with damage done.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong; it would be interesting if it did.