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Things you really want to see in "Cantr Statististics

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:15 pm
by Hellzon
...and by Cantr Statistics, I mean the articles in the webzine (that didn't fit in the topic). I'm sure Nick has lots of own ideas, but I'd like to throw out an idea for a future issue. And if this just turns into "Hellzon's rant", then so what? ;)

Alright, I'm kind of curious as to how many charachters players have, sorted in a graph that shows how many have 1 char, how many have two, and so on. Do most have 15, with another peak at 1 for those who register, realize they don't like the game and let that char rot, or is there another distribution.

/Hellzon - curiousity killed the cat...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:37 pm
by SekoETC
Hey, this is a cool idea. I'd like to see the most active characters by... the average amount of messages posted in a day, and then by the average of all the events they've caused (entering buildings, picking up things etc). For the first, I wouldn't be surprised to see Holly Brown in the top of the list, exept that she's sleeping, and that Scarab fellow... And as for the second, town leaders who got loads of buildings to arrange.

And maybe, if possible, search for *'s to find out our most active rp-flooders. This would unfortunately rule out the ones who use :: and () but since those may be included in normal text too, they might be harder to spot.

And also maybe, the most addicted players - who has used the most minutes in the last month or week. Though we can't know if they just leave the browser open... But it might be worth a shot.

Now the problem with these is the process that went with the well known characters, you would have to ask the permission for putting a character name in the Webzine.

Talking of statistics, I was really disappointed with the last issue. The idea is to make things visual with graphs and stuff, but instead we got blocks of hard to read text, very boring. :( Try to put more effort into it the last time.

Also, it might be cool to see the amounts of different clothing articles made since they don't deteriorate. Would be nice to find out how many embroided bracers are out there, or has anyone managed to make dress loafers yet.

Ooh, and the combined amounts of iron and steel in buildings, inventories and lying on the ground!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:02 pm
by formerly known as hf
Thanks :)

I've kinda run out of ideas. I had a great plan for locating the most travelled routes by vehicle, but having realised the amount of time that would take, it's kinda now abandoned.

The last issue was done in a rush, I know fancy graphs are great, but I didn't have the time...
The next will be a rush too if I don't start it soon...

Getting player permission to publish a character name is time consuming, and a bit of hassle for the PD (many thanks to Genevieve :)). I'd only bother with it again if the results were worth it...

There are still some ideas from before that I'd like to do. I kinda covered the population-by-area type (with no pretty graph...) but I'd really like to get a closer look at population densities, by avaiable resources, coasts and so on. The problem is, being a geographer, I can't think of any better way to display population densities over an area than by using a map - which I can't do for Cantr... Any suggestions?

Members of the (ever helpful) ProgD have said they have some ideas, so I'll probably rinse those too...

There are also some time-series graphs that have been runnning for a while now, which I might use (thanks Jos :))

Also, let me know if you'd like an update on anything that done in previous issues.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:16 pm
by Hellzon
Well, since you asked, I'm kind of psyched at this:
Issue 4 wrote:Next issue, I will try and get a lookie at some hunting stats and compare that with my animals stats. I'll also try to have another gander at the causes of death, and see if that has developed into anything more interesting.

And another thing. Regional stats! While I don't deny the Polish the glee at having cities on the top ten, I'd love to see the top ten locations with Swedes in them (and other languages too, of course).

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:43 pm
by Surly
Just for a personal reason but... the number of accounts with 60+ year olds. Seeing as mine will join that list in 2 weeks time... :wink:

How about the number of weapons in Cantr? Sabres, bagh-nakhs, bows... that kinda thing? Or has that already been done? I forget...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:47 pm
by Talapus
Perhaps ownership of iron shields correlated with age (percentage wise)?
A pie graph with buildings (and rooms) sorted by type?
The distribution of hunting/fighting skills by skill level?
Compare amounts of recent deaths (starving vs heart attack vs being killed)?

Anyway, these are just a few stats that I think would be interesting. I will see if I can think of any more.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 6:49 am
by Agar
Everytime I see the "Meat!" thread getting necroed I think of this:

Locations and quantities of Meat.

Top five piles of Raw meat, then cooked, salted, smoked, dried, or what not.

At least the raw, because I have a pretty good idea that a metric ton of meat it gonna be on top. :twisted:

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:36 pm
by SekoETC
Talapus wrote:Perhaps ownership of iron shields correlated with age (percentage wise)?

Now that's a good one.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:33 pm
by SZK
How about the oldest note, or the most residential buildings?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:39 pm
by Crosshair
Oldest unfinished project... That would be interesting.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:50 pm
by SekoETC
Yeah, those are good ones too, but one problem is that when a room is full, it is full, no squeezing in more people. If there was some way of checking how many different people have visited buildings and find the most popular places.

Oh, how about the stats on how wounded Cantrians are? The not wounded at all group would probably be huge but many people are carrying old scars, and it would be nice to see how many out there are hanging on the brink of death (over 90% wounded), how many half dead (those are rather common) and some categories in the middle, maybe with the step of 10 or 20 %.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:05 pm
by WojD
Maybe sailing stats?

Ships by kind / docked /at sea / in diferent lang zones
Crews # / alone sailors
Longest cruises without docking (if this is possible to check)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:08 pm
by SekoETC
It sure would be cool to see how many ghost ships are floating out there... Oh, sorry, me commenting every suggestion but not bringing any new ones. XD But you're just making so good suggestions!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:17 am
by Okud
Hunting and fighting skill averages on each landmass

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:28 pm
by Hellzon
Okud wrote:Hunting and fighting skill averages on each landmass

Heck, _all_ skill averages. Manufacturing (lower on newly settled islands?), Burying (high in the Polish region? :twisted: ), Cooking...

/Hellzon - skill extravaganza...