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Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 4:07 pm
by west
When did Pok become a lawless, violent town of people mooning over each other and stabbing each other on the side?

What happened there?

Not that it isn't interesting, mind you, but...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 4:15 pm
by Solfius
asking the wrong person ;) Last I knew was that Pok was the bastion of law and order over on the more violent of the islands. Has the blood lust finally got into the hearts of the Pokians? have they gone the way of Krif, and Blojt (wait, there was never any viovlent upheaval in the end in the commonwealth, was there? I'm a bit out of touch with events in those areas)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 4:34 pm
by ephiroll
Damn, Pok has went to the barbarians? They cursed themselves when they spilled Larry's blood :twisted:

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 5:00 pm
by west
speaking of, whatever happened to King Ox?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 5:29 pm
by Missy

*Feels proud* hehehehehehehehehehehheh!!!!! I love having an arrogant male char. *Hugs her charries*

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 5:35 pm
by Genevieve
Pok isn't exactly orderless but since Theodore and Blythe left, certain people feel they can constantly tell the rest of the world their business (god, can you please learn to talk privately?!) and the more the powers that be try to promote order, the worse it seems to get. I don't know why it's happening, but it is. My character got back late in the game but I've heard from a few people that it was like that before he ever got back. lol. Bummer!

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 6:06 pm
by Cosmo Harrigan
Maybe they should spend some time in the Residence of Ganymede and Poisedon, or at least find themselves a private room in the Pok Inn.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:04 am
by west
have you HEARD what they've been up to? It's like an orgy with sabres

gah. :x

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:06 am
by Meh

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:11 am
by jeslange

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:23 am
by Yo_Yo
579-3: a woman in her twenties says: "*her foot stops* Oh I was just playing around dominic. I wasnt really going to hit IT. *shakes her head and shakes a finger back at him* Again mister arrogence...Again you are dreaming. *laughs* I am afraid that you are wrong. It is you that would like to see me. *laughs* But it is alright, maybe it is you with the weak emotions. *smiles pecking him on the head*"

579-3: a man in his twenties says: "Oh you just didn`t!!! *Grabs her foot after linking his arm under her knee* Don`t dare do that....! Or you`ll wish you hadn`t.....Fair warning Miss Shenda...You can laugh all you like...but you aint seen it. just keep quiet! *Shakes a finger* If you really want to find out Kendol...I can take you over to the weeds and show you."

579-3: a woman in her twenties says: "No I do not want your ....thang. *Lifting her eyebrows,moving her foot trying a bit hard to hit his so called cock* If I did. It might not be big enough to do the work I need it too *laughs hard*"

579-3: a man in his twenties says: "*Shifts his back muscles trying to turn and look at her with one raised brow and a stern eye* Noone told me...but you said I wasn`t stupid...I believe it. *Smirking still* You don`t want my cock?"

579-3: a woman in her twenties says: "*Knowing exactly what she was going to do, her mouth dropped open, her leggs squeesing his belly harder, she extends a hand hitting Dominic, tousling his hair, in a playful slap* Dominic! Who gave you such a arrogent attitude. Who ever said that I wanted you. God you are dreaming hun."

579-3: a man in his twenties says: "Hah...haha. *Smirks* It would be a lot better if you were in front you know? So you could just have what you wanted and get it over with...*Leans his head foward waiting to get smacked*"

Read it from the bottom up. I don't have the time to make it so you can read it top to bottom. Anywho, this is being said by dominic and some kendol chick on the way to the north pok outpost. Don't you think they are pushing this a tad far?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:49 am
by Missy
Oh wonderful here we go. I feel the wrath of the prudes coming on.
That was spoken on a path
The player of Kendol Shenda is well over 18
As am I! although I'm not sure of the players that were also "obviously" on that path with a character....

Nothing as forward and blunt as that has been said in the middle of the town like was on the path.

Im sorry for those that heard it on the path, but refuse to tone anything he's said in town down. He's never spoken of sexual intercourse or bodily parts out in the open in town.

Someone mentioned "disney" ---------Indeed that is followed in my opinion so far inside of pok. As for "amorous" and will I please make them speak privately....? No.
He's an arrogant guy, and thinks he can have anyone he wants. Despite that he believes OEnone loves him just for no reason.
Dominic is no differant than Gaston in the movie beuaty and the beast ---at least to those that didn't see what he did on the path.
Last time I checked "love" was aloud to be expressed and said publicly, but sex was not. I don't recall Dominic smothering someone out in the middle of the town forcing his "thang" in someone. I remember him pulling OEnone into an embrace, and him holding Kendol because she was scared. Thus far he doesn't want kendol in that way he has other plans which I don't wish to disclose. IT's a friendship --a big man wanting to help out a girl---who doesn't hide exactly who he is with her, despite what yo_yo just so kindly showed you all he has no intentions of ever being with her. And I deffinately do not intend to ever speak of his MEMBER or any other characters or sex for that matter out in the open.

Now that all of you who are supposed to be grown ups here on this board, just went back to kindergarden and started giggling about a smooch here or there and fidning it gross and appauling can I please go back to playing my character?
Ah and if you're saying this because you just don't like all the drama it has caused? Well get over it. Some players have to accept that Lad is such a crappy place to be---well some players are just going to have to accept that there are players in this game who LIKE the sort of rp that Kendol OEnone and Dominic are having. 3 differant players there, but i have characters in the other parts of the world who have relatively close to the same interactions....if not worse but privately and tactful just as I think most of dominics actions have been (Aside of what i had him say on the path)
And FYI ---I'm genrally careful how my characters speak in public ever since my first account and learning that there were younger players playing. I'm a mom and completely understand. Thus why I always ask and find out who the player is if they should be invovled in such a situation like the one on the path that got sputtered carelessly on my behalf!
Maybe you all are just upset because for once there isn't a guy running around smothering a girl in kisses and nice gestures like you so often see in game--but thats not my problem. I like my character and think he is deffinately a well portrayed MAN-not a common every day gentleman. BUT a MAN! Not everyone that lives in a town is expected to have the same personality and actions as the rest of his/her fellow denizens. I believe myself and dominic have brought variety to Pok. And I Still remain proud!

CAN someone create an IGNORE button?!?!?!?!?

Yup---Jos has stated he'd like to see people speak more privately due to the fact that not all players can stand to search through scroll. And Yes there were some pretty long bouts of jibber in Pok. But there was also a great deal of private whisper talking. It all plays into my characters personality.
And if you'll all please refer to the post made about talking privately. I'm not the only one that finds places with no talk hard to role play in. Even for characters that don't talk but have lots of action----------the characters I have in which just walk around or sit down or look around barely speaking a word....just becaues they do those things don't make them "talkative" It makes them have personality and be livingand active. Not just some mute person who digs potatoes then later claims he was intended to be a crazy character. Real interesting :wink:

I like the way my characters are played even if the lot of you don't. And I refuse to stop playing them my way....because i've done did done that and were bored to death by it before. IMO even the most silent and drab shy characters should have some sort of description and rp unless they are lazy. THey do get up and walk around--not technically....But in real life do not shy people still walk around? Do not shy people still smile? Do not shy people still enjoy daylight, sleep, going for walks? Do they not laugh even though shy when someone says something funny? AYE they do. And there are ways to portray your character as a shy one. Just as I am going to continue to portray dominic as an arrogant wanna be hearthrob!

Im tired of those of us who do like to spend ample amounts of time on making our characters description and personality actually fit one we intend to portray---getting the watchful eye and told to quiet down. We don't tell you how to play your characters, or tell you how incredibly boring some of them can be. But you like to come up here on the boards and tell everyone how much you dislike ours? :wink:

PS yo yo..certainly that was a bit intense for you to see. I'll be more careful next time, Sorry for that which happpened on the path-and that ALONE!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:42 pm
by JJ
no Pok has gone to hell, basicly its all the drama crap from friends, all my children, and all those other crapy gay drama stuff. lol, its boring cause all you see if people running about saying oh i love you blah blah blah! as for violent no pok isnt violent just some of the towns guards people are asleep alot more lol.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:38 am
by Susie
Actually I think the rp makes it a HELL of a LOT better now. I think all towns should have SOME sort of rp. Instead of talking privatly and passing notes....going in and out of buildings, talking about government shit. BLAH BLAH BLAH! If it didn't have rp like missy and others that I shall not name then cantr would be boreing as fuck. So sorry about that jos. Also as missy has stated it before I would not be playing it either if it was just that way. So whoever is complaining , shut your eyes, scroll over it or leave the town *smiles*

Have a nice day! :wink:


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:55 am
by Yo_Yo
Well Susie, it's great that you decided to jump in. I mean, we all needed a little drama in the forums as well.

Missy, I couldn't care if Dominic were to bang every girl he talks to. I just don't want to hear something that you wouldn't normally say infront of People. We all know you are a mom. Would you as a female walk down the street and say to your husband infront of people "hey, don't you want my P*ssy"? It's great that you want to role play. It's great that you want to try and score. But I only ask for you to be reasonable. This is the first time I am complaining about a char, and I hope it's my last. And if you do say something like that, hows about tonning down the lingo. Instead of cock, hows bout something else. I am sure little kids play this game too. And not only was my char on the road, but so is Gandolf. My char kinda said something right infront of you. You must have missed it.