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Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 5:52 pm
by Neva
Rax wrote:Maybe it's easy to forget the humanity of these players when all we see is text on screen, but it's no excuse. We need to show empathy and respect when out of character. Give players benefit of the doubt, and realizing we're all here to play characters and have collaborative storytelling.

If a player isn't a good storyteller and his or her character is just violent, because he or she wants to play it violently, without a nice background story, especially when the characters carry OOC cooperation banners in their hands; that player's roleplay just torments the opponent player (not the character) he or she plays with. Forcing a "real person (not a character)" to make a decision between playing along with a dull (OOCly orchestrated) story or just stopping RP in the very game he or she likes (or at least used to like for years) probably a lot; is bullying.

So a player decided to stop roleplay and because he finds it pointless to play it without roleplaying, he did quit. He posted a very nice goodbye note.

Disregarding the character's player in your roleplay, forgetting that there's a person playing that character (a person with feelings and a real life); is nothing but sick. It's sick to force a player (a person, a human being, a fellow player who plays the game you enjoy) to make a decision between suffering a slow mind's unelaborated story and simply stopping RP (in a roleplay game).

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:10 pm
by cutecuddlydirewolf
Neva wrote:
Rax wrote:Maybe it's easy to forget the humanity of these players when all we see is text on screen, but it's no excuse. We need to show empathy and respect when out of character. Give players benefit of the doubt, and realizing we're all here to play characters and have collaborative storytelling.

If a player isn't a good storyteller and his or her character is just violent, because he or she wants to play it violently, without a nice background story, especially when the characters carry OOC cooperation banners in their hands; that player's roleplay just torments the opponent player (not the character) he or she plays with. Forcing a "real person (not a character)" to make a decision between playing along with a dull (OOCly orchestrated) story or just stopping RP in the very game he or she likes (or at least used to like for years) probably a lot; is bullying.

So a player decided to stop roleplay and because he finds it pointless to play it without roleplaying, he did quit. He posted a very nice goodbye note.

Disregarding the character's player in your roleplay, forgetting that there's a person playing that character (a person with feelings and a real life); is nothing but sick. It's sick to force a player (a person, a human being, a fellow player who plays the game you enjoy) to make a decision between suffering a slow mind's unelaborated story and simply stopping RP (in a roleplay game).

That's the thing. No one forced Shaudawn to quit. No pne is forcing violent roleplay on anyone else- and if they are, they should absolutely be punished by the PD.

Forrcing a "real person (not a character)" to make a decision between playing along with a dull (OOCly orchestrated) story or just stopping RP in the very game he or she likes (or at least used to like for years) probably a lot; is bullying."

Those are not the only options. Not by a long shot. Firstly, assuming that all violent roleplay is OOCly organized is simply untrue. Secondly, if a character doesn't want to be killed/robbed, they have options. Live in a large town. Hide inside all the time.

It almost sounds like you're saying that ANY violence is somehow "imposing" on another player. As a player who has had multiple characters murdered: no. It's part of the roleplay. I don't know what to say to you if you expect complete pacifism in a game with combat mechanics.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:42 pm
by Neva
cutecuddlydirewolf wrote:
Firstly, assuming that all violent roleplay is OOCly organized is simply untrue.

No one assumes it, the player who started the topic clearly mentioned that he had characters which died in violent attacks during the time he was playing the game and he was okay with it. I also had violent characters and non-violent ones I lost in violent roleplay.

That's not the case, we all know it. Not all the violent roleplay is OOCly organized, but some are. It leaks (not leaks floods) into the game, so it's hard not to see it. It's so distasteful.

cutecuddlydirewolf wrote:
Secondly, if a character doesn't want to be killed/robbed, they have options. Live in a large town. Hide inside all the time.

Assuming that all the characters who don't live in large towns or hide inside all the time are suicidal is wrong. That's another form of effort to have control over a person (not a character).

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:14 pm
by cutecuddlydirewolf
Neva wrote:Assuming that all the characters who don't live in large towns or hide inside all the time are suicidal is wrong. That's another form of effort to have control over a person (not a character).

Oh, I never said they're suicidal. I meant that if a player is truly paranoid about having their character killed, they have options.

Tell me, then. What wouldn't "control another player"? Asking before committing any kind of violent act against their character? No one would agree to that.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:33 pm
by Neva
I'd expect violent characters to be (at least a little) creative and have a nice background story for violence to make a character's loss enjoyable and worthy to RP. Again, in my opinion, not just only the violent characters, but the others as well, should not breach the capital rule as long as it's still there.

Personally, I don't hate people who are enthusiastic about text roleplay and storytelling, I'm one of them. I actually quite like them because of this shared rare interest and definitely respect them because they're all human beings like myself and they have things in real life they have to deal with. I would never like to see them suffering from my personal "hysteria".

If there's no creative way to be violent for that character (believe me there are infinite ways to turn a character into a villain and still stick to the story) without any OOC cooperation, (or if the player has no time to elaborate a good story, if he or she isn't a good story teller, if the player is a non-native speaker of that language and struggles to stick to the story) maybe it's better to accept the fact and play just that character as a non-violent one.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:59 pm
by cutecuddlydirewolf
I 100% agree on the capital rule. Ironically, playing a violent character, I see other players of non-violent characters breaking it much, much, much more often than I do.

I need to ask, though. What would you define as "creative"? Characters don't necessarily need a traumatizing past to be violent, just like people in real life. Some characters are merely violent for the sake of being violent. In the world of Cantr where 99% of characters are pacifists, I'd say anything outside of the norm could be considered creative.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:09 pm
by Neva
cutecuddlydirewolf wrote:What would you define as "creative"? Characters don't necessarily need a traumatizing past to be violent.

They don't, they just need to stick to an ongoing story.

cutecuddlydirewolf wrote:I'd say anything outside of the norm could be considered creative.

I wouldn't say that.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:27 pm
by cutecuddlydirewolf
...hence why I asked how you would define what makes a character "creative".

And a lot of violent characters, past and present, are sticking to their respective stories. It's kind of impossible not to.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:53 pm
by PaintedbyRoses
Can we clarify something for me (and maybe for other players), please? What are the official rules about the kinds of activity I'm listing below? I might start playing again and I'd like to understand them more clearly. I'd like to hear from the staff members in charge of this area.

And I would like to make the point that, just as we are reminded that minors do play the game (because of sexual role play) it is also important to take into consideration that minors might also be involved when it comes to graphically role-played violence.

Can these be the rules? From things people are writing, it sounds like it.

1) Sexual role play (nonviolent): OK as long as it is mutual and in a private (locked?) room. Can go by continuing mutual role play to assume consent?

2) Violent or painful sexual role play: OK as long as it is mutual and in a private (locked?) room. Players must give in game OOC consent to each other?

3) "Regular" violent attacks/hits (without graphic descriptions of internal thoughts of attacker, torture or injuries): OK

4) Violent attacks which include graphic descriptions of a sexual nature (rape or other sexual violence) or torture or internal thoughts of attacker. Players must give in game OOC consent to each other? Are role played nonconsensual rape and/or sexual torture OK as long as consent is given by both (or all) players?

I'm not even completely sure that any sexual stuff is allowed. We had that poll but I never saw any results or feedback from staff.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:59 am
by Shaudawn
Biin Hejj:
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain (you're so vain)
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you?"

Me: Biin?
Biin: "Don't you?"
Me: Biin!
Biin: "Don't you?"
  Me: BIIN!!!

*sound of record scratch* #SSSRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE#

Biin: What?

Me: Please stop singing "You're So Vain" by Carly Simon, courtesy of Elektra Records, 1972.

Biin: Why?

Me: Because we don't have time to give credit to every song you rip off. This thread is for you to perform your songs. Plus, I think we owe Carly some money now. Nice background singers, though.

Biin: Thanks! Amazing what you can do once you break through that fourth wall. And you're right for once! Don't want to take time away from me too much.

Me: *deadpan* Gosh. Thanks.

Biin: Don't you have something else you wanted to say before we got to my songs?

Me: Just this. I wanted to say that I realize I'm being pretty hard on the Players Department. I figure they must get a lot of grief. It's not easy doing what they have to do, and I'm sure a lot of people mouth off to them. My criticism isn't about their individuals or their character. They have a very hard job to do. Those I have talked to have shown a degree of fairness and objectivity in what they do, even if I questioned a particular impetus. There have been accusations regarding favoritism or subjectivity and a lack of transparency. My issue isn't that. As far as my experience, the volunteers at the PD have acted as fairly as they can. But they are operating using limited tools at hand on a single rule that is extremely limited and has nothing to do, really, with my reasons for leaving...denouementing...Whatever. Cantr is failed. The Capital Rule stated as the "only rule" (plus a few that are tacked on that may or may not be rules) helps to make a failed game/simulation and a potential haven for roleplaying any kind of behavior. And that the ratio of players who wish to play sadistic evil monsters has gotten too high for me, so I'm moving on. There is nothing the Players Department can do because this is not anything the Players Department can enforce. The only thing I see is that consent is required for "explicit" roleplay (vague & subjective), and that any mention of violence is only under the context of sexual roleplay—BDSM or other stuff. Whatever.

Biin: *He tugs on my sleeve with great urgency* Great, fine. Now can we get back to why we're really here? To satisfy my ego?

Me: Alright. There are too many posts at the moment for me to address each one, and most of them have nothing to do with anything. But I'd like to say one more thing through a quote.

Biin: *He lets out an exasperated groan accompanied by an eye-roll so dramatic that it makes his typical arm flourishes look tame by comparison* If you must. But Biin gotta bogey, so make it brief.

Me: To quote the late, great John Trudell, who makes more sense than any moniyaw every has: "Well, uh…I’ll try to be coherent. And I don’t know exactly where we’re going, but wherever it is, we’ll be okay. But, if I say anything that you don’t agree with, that’s really what it is, Right? [chuckles] Because I really am crazy, right? [laughter, chuckles] Really." John Trudell, March 2001 in San Francisco.

Biin: Woot, woot! You and me both, my good man. But, you know, the only way to stay sane sometimes in this world is to get a bit crazy. Know who said that? Me! Now, stop this serious crap. Me fingers doth itch for some tasty tunes! It's time for my origin story as a singer!

Me: Alright, so these are my love/hate letter/songs to Cantr. More love, really. To laugh at ourselves and our absurdity. Remember, Biin performed most of these many Cantrian years ago, which is earlier than March 2016 in the real world.


((NOTES: Alright, this guy comes into town, that town being Zuzi. Twenty years old, you know? He starts going on and on about depressing things like how he was in Zuzi Hills and saw dead people and came to the conclusion--out loud--that he was the opposite of life or the incarnation of shadow or something like that. He was going to go around and dismantle everything, including radios. I think he was given the name Darkness or Darkboy. Just said it all out loud, like a fool instead of keeping it at least a bit more subtle. I think someone eventually went after him and either imprisoned or killed him.

Anyway, Biin was in a bit of a decline. At that time, someone got on the radio and started sobbing some whiney codependant histrionic emo crap. Biin was in the factory and hadn't said much for a couple of years after getting back from the eastern Cantr Island forests, so he got fed up. I had made up my mind to kill Biin off--heart attack or starve--but then, as he seems to do, he jumped up, grabbed a guitar, got on the radio and sang a short song. That did it. In the course of a couple days, Biin made me write no less than fourteen songs. FOURTEEN!))

((NOTES: I should note that Biin is this kind of psychic phenomenon, in the psychological meaning of the term, within my semi-consciousness. To put it in Freudian terms, he's a kind of id that likes to flip off the superego, but also has this streak of kindness to him that favors people that don't fit in. He's a goofy clown, extraverted, often impulsive. He is a fool, but he knows he is. He has an ego the size of an island, but is also self-depricating. The Olip-Shau in me wants to frown and shake his head at the idiot jumping around like an overly caffeinated stork. Biin ignores Olip-Shau and just does it anyway. Oh, FYI, I envision Biin Hejj physically as a young, extremely skinny Christopher Eccleston with a nearly shaved head.))

((NOTES: I should also point out how hard it is to convey a song in a purely text-based medium. So I kind of had to do as best I could. And using the Cantr radio limits you even further than notes. I'm also limited by my musical experience: I was a drummer, not a guitar or piano player. So, I used commas to denote pauses or metre with semi-colons as line breaks. Later, when I saw Olives do a wrap and use a slash (/) I thought, "Crap, I should've used that. It's easier to see." But I was already using semi-colons like for poetry, so I think a slash now will just be confusing. Anyway, here it remains semi-colons for historical reasons and because text here is a little easier to format. I'm leaving it as a *.txt file, though because too much formatting wasn't a radio option, so why alter it? I've made my choices.))

((NOTES: the melody is a kind of generic bluegrass, like you might run across on a 1930's recording of some Appalachian singer picking on an old guitar.))


#bouncy, somewhat bluesy/bluegrass tune#

My baby has left me;
And I sure don't know why;
She took all my onions;
Left with some other guy; ---

Oh why did she leave me;
Her reasons were not told;
He must've been eighty;
But looked like a twenty-year-old;

#chorus chord change#
Jealousy, oh, jealousy;
Oh why do you come over me?
Yeah, jealousy, sweet jealousy;
Why won't you let me go?

#verse chord#
I gave my baby ev'rything;
From diamonds to pearls;
Picked silkworms for two years;
Made a fur coat outta squirrels; ---

Oh we were so happy;
'Til he came to our town;
A wink, a word, a flirty phrase;
Turned my world upside-down;

#chorus chord change#
Jealousy, oh, jealousy;
Oh why do you come over me?
Yeah, jealousy, that jealousy;
Why won't you let me go?

#verse chord#
It's not that I was sleepy;
Was more awake than she;
I kept her fed and sheltered;
And happy as can be; ---

But a couple whispers later;
They slipped behind locked doors;
And I was left just standing there;
To do the farming chores;

#chorus chord change#
Jealousy, oh, jealousy;
Oh why must you come over me?
Oh, jealousy, bitter jealousy;
You will not let me go!

#verse chord#
They slipped away into the night;
I have not seen them since;
But I hear him on the radio;
His voice will make me wince; ---

Can't stop thinking about them;
I cannot let her go;
I think I'll go right after them;
When I finish my cross-bow;

#chorus chord change#
Jealousy, oh, jealousy;
I think you'll be the death of me.
Oh, jealousy, that jealousy;
You will not let me go!


Biin: Alright! That was fun! Man, it's good to be alive!

Me: *facepalm* You realize you're a fictional character, right?

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:35 pm
by Rmak
It has backing ;)

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:06 am
by Rax
Rmak wrote:It has backing ;)

Oh, it does? Then please enlighten me. Do you have written statements from players, where they claim they are as violent and sadistic as their characters? Psychological reports from trained experts? Survey data? Anything like that - and remember, you'd need more than one, isolated incidents shouldn't count as proof.

I'm happy to change my tune the moment you have actual backing. Serious accusations like that require serious evidence. They require tact and relevancy. Show me your backing.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:55 am
by PaintedbyRoses
Rax wrote:
Rmak wrote:It has backing ;)

Oh, it does? Then please enlighten me. Do you have written statements from players, where they claim they are as violent and sadistic as their characters? Psychological reports from trained experts? Survey data? Anything like that - and remember, you'd need more than one, isolated incidents shouldn't count as proof.

I'm happy to change my tune the moment you have actual backing. Serious accusations like that require serious evidence. They require tact and relevancy. Show me your backing.
Asking for proof that is obviously not obtainable is a weak and pointless argument. What Shaudawn said could be considered an opinion rather than an accusation. Just like it is my opinion that Shaudawn is in the midst of a breakdown and should get some professional help. If he says something insulting, just separate yourself from it. Like how some people think every player should be able to be emotionally separate from their characters.

I have only had one character subjected to violence that made me, as a person, feel creeped-out by the other player's character and by the player behind the character. My character stole some food and some minor tools soon after spawning and ran away. Eventually, a heavily armed farmer from the small town followed her onto the road. He started off talking about how he was just a simple man who had never hurt anyone and didn't want to live with the guilt of hurting her so she should turn around and go back to the town.

She tried (and failed) to sweet talk him but she wouldn't turn around so he hit her causing extensive damage. Hoping to outrun him, she kept going - with him always in sight. The next day he hit her again but she reached an empty town ahead of him, dropped the things she had stolen and hoped he would not find her on the new road she took. But he did find her, hit her again and continued to follow. All the while, he was speaking in a different way than he did at the beginning. No matter how she tried to reason with him or gain his pity, he just repeated over and over again in an almost robotic way, how she deserved to die for what she did. He had become a cold, killing machine with no hint of his former role played personality. He was like the Terminator.

Granted, I'm overly sensitive but I, personally, found this so frightening not just for my character's welfare but because I felt that I could sense the intense hatred and anger in the player and how it was affecting his role play. I was scared of that player and, even though s/he didn't violate any rules, my character and I both experienced a lot of fear and stress. Being trapped on the road is similar to being trapped in a room and tortured. I was tempted to just stop my character and have her tell him to kill her just to end the tension but I didn't. Eventually she lost him but was never sure if he returned to his town or was still stalking her. I guess I'm just not able to separate myself from my characters enough.

I still haven't gotten any clarification about the rules surrounding violence and sexual violence. Whatever they are, I feel like every player should be required to read them and sign off on them.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:18 am
by Shaudawn
Me: Hi, Biin!

Biin Hejj: A very good evening to you, my logorrheatic looney.

Me: Got any songs for us tonight?

Biin: Boy, do I! But don't you wish to open your hate mail first?

Me: Not really. I've been thinking about it today, and there's really not much of a point. I may enlist you later to help me out with a sketch or two, but some of these moniyaw are climbing up the Ladder of Inference faster than the speed of light and focusing on what bothers their egos instead of listening to what I really have to say.

Biin: Well, since I've the noggin of a noodle-nosed nightingale, dost thou mind enlightening yours truly? *He grins goofily and bats his eyes for added effect, which really isn't helping because anyone looking a Biin two inches from your face batting his eyelids doesn't really induce any extra incentive.*

Me: For you, Biin, since you asked so nicely. You see, I...

Biin: ah-HEM.

Me: ...I mean, we are not quitting because of a single incident. It was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back...albeit a substantial straw indeed. We are quitting because we are fed up and lost tolerance of Cantr allowing extremely violent roleplay. Because I believe there is no mechanism set up to deal with it, and any real mechanism of this sort would fundamentally alter the game. At least one player has promised to continue to play multiple characters of this nature, and he has several clones online forming a fan club that are promising to do the same and this is no longer a fictional world in which I wish to engage. There have been actual unlawful acts by players against other players in the past before. There could very well be again. It's a no-win for anyone, not even for those who are disagreeing and apparently really, really angry about something they are inferring.

Biin: Aw, you're being too hard on these people. I mean, don't you want to never live long enough to be able to attain any of your goals and be constantly captured, imprisoned, enslaved, tortured, eaten, branded, raped, gutted, eviscerated, murdered, brought back to life, murdered again, ambushed, chewed, swallowed, shat upon the ground, and then made into a nice meat pie?

Me: Not really. No.

Biin: Well, you could join them. Do the shatting.

Me: Definitely not.

Biin: Well, then there's always that life of luxury hiding like a little gopher deep inside three layers of building far, far inland where you only sneak out at night and harvest a few raw potatoes while looking over your shoulder and wearing nothing but a loin cloth. I mean, just smell the freedom in that!

Me: I'll pass.

Biin: But the writing opportunities in that. The writing, man! "Dear diary: Today I cut off a body part and made a taco out of it. It was the best day ever!"

Me: No thanks. Again, I'll pass. Too boring.

Biin: "Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hillfolk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever!"

Me: *rolls eyes* Biin, what did I tell you about copyright infringement?

Biin: *He beams his best grin and rocks on the heels of his quasi-cyberpunk shoes* Don't get caught!

Me: *facepalms*

Biin: Well, your clarification won't stop your fan mail.

Me: Probably not. Or maybe they'll get bored of this thread. After all, we're not here for them. We're here to entertain, leave behind a few more beautiful corpses, and maybe even pass on a few observations and words of wisdom for Them That's Left Behind.

Biin: *He giggles and claps his hands daintily* ooOOOOoooh! Now who's infringing?

Me: So, how about a song for us before we go to more important and fun things with a truly supportive and creative community of world builders?

Biin: OH! So glad you asked, my good sir. This one should be right up your alley, if your critics of such supreme wit and uncanny but utterly wrong logical modelling are right. Any introduction here?

Me: I guess it's just to say that I was still trying to figure out how to convey music and stuff through the radio, let alone on a text-based-only medium with that darn Capital Rule that I thought was arbitrarily enforced. I was a bit concerned that the last line might get me into trouble, but it didn't. And, frankly, it wasn't anywhere near the language that was rampant on the radios back then. As time went on...I leaned harder on that fourth wall, but only with your character because the Biin within is a bit crazy and taking advantage in a little loophole. Anyway, to try to get some feeling of a blues guitar wailing away, I had to use some very creativ...I mean, different "sounds". got worse.


((NOTES: Directly influenced by all the radio whiners in general pining after some guy or girl who left them. There was one time nearly every broadcast was some girl crying that she needed a doctor because her leg had turned black or some guy begging someone to come back and work things out. It was getting so melodramatic, I just kept thinking, 'Darwin has a present for you'. And the radio trolls were just as bad or worse. It was so depressing I almost hit the 'Unsub X' button.))


#stereotypical blues walk#
Well I...wooooke up this mornin';
She said I ain't said nothin' all day...;
Yeah, baby I...wooooke up this mornin';
Said, "You ain't said nothin' to me all day...";
It's only been two hours;
"But I...neeeed attention in a serious way...";

#repeated blues walk#
Well the, moment I spawned baby;
You gave me all yer love;
Yeah, well the...moooo-ment I spawned baby;
You gave me all yer love;
But I'm a-....beginnin' to see, ain't no lonesome dove...;

#bridge chords# ~dun-NAA-Dun-dun~
I was spawned in a mountain town;
Got a pile-a-rocks-for-a-bed;
The last man I seen walk through there;
Showed up ON the road long dead;
Now you gone and wore nuthin' but a loincloth, in the middle of a snow storm;
I told ya ta get your ass in here, where it was sheltered and so warm;
I got the BLUUUUUUES So bad... Kinda wish I were dead;
Cuz yer fingers and toes have turned all black, and there's a strange growth now on yer head.
~dun-daaaaah~ Oh, BABY!

###What follows is a long guitar solo done in the traditional blues style, full of soul and rhythm but not too much in the way of tune. In fact, to call the guitar 'in-tune' would be more than generous as this might just be the third-worst blues song you've heard over the radio in your life. You fidget as the solo goes on, perhaps involuntary muscle movements cause you to actually reach over and flip the switch off. Or perhaps you go running out the door of whatever factory or automobile or even ship for that matter, screaming and tearing out your hair, crying with genuine emotion to whatever god you think has control over your fate to please make it stop. Or, maybe, used to the noise, you just sit there and think, "Well, now. That's the third-worst blues song I've ever heard in my life," and then roll over and go back to sleep a little wiser.###

#same old blues walk#
Well, you...say you need a doctor now, baby;
I jus' don't know what to say;
Said you...neeeeeed a doctor badly;
Babe I jus' don't know what to say;
Said you...gotta have that doctor, or your leg might fall off any day;

#bridge chords# ~dun-NAA-Dun-dun~
Well you got on the radio;
Got no idea where you are;
You sobbed an' told 'em I beat you;
Now they're sending out a car!;
Now the trolls all think I'm a douche-bag;
They'll prob'ly take my life;
But when they kill me I'll smile;
Better that than YOUUU as my wife...
I got the BLUUUUUUES So bad, baby... pretty sure won't be livin' no more;
But you know I...I won't complain about it none, baby;
Cuz I ain't noooo....
...Yeah, I just ain't noooo-hooo-oooo...
...Baby, I just ain't no. Self-mutilatin' Attention Whore....

Thank you all. I'll be here all week. Please tip your waitresses. Don't drink and drive.


Biin: The opinions expressed in these posts may or may not be for non sequitur humorous entertainment purposes only. They should not be considered useful for redecorating purposes, logical arguments, examples of how one should behave in a court of law, the basis for pretending to be a president of an extremely large country, operating heavy machinery, financial advice, repeating yourself, random acts of senseless beauty, repeating yourself, or driving your grandmother to church. Any attempts at making sense of this drivel shall be done at the reader's own risk. Neither the Writer nor that goofy, birdlike guy with the guitar are to be held responsible if anyone is committed or incarcerated. Don't do drugs. Stay in school. Peace out, man.

Re: Can't take it anymore; thus reacheth thy denouement

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:47 am
by Genie
* First of all if Shaudawn is wrong with some of his comments it doesn't erase the right things he said. Even though I don't know the player and his chars so well I didn't get an impression like he's talking with OOC grudge he holds against some players because of the ingame events. I enjoyed reading the way he writes about his character and I assume writing all wasn't easy, he preferred to express some feelings that way. His intention wasn't insulting, more like trying to point at a problem's origin which he wanted to give a sense. We may agree with him or not, everyone is entitled with his/her own opinion.

* I never thought all characters must act like they're smurfs or members of a drugged community with no strong senses and always smiling, they all have different feelings and ideas and that's necessary for the variety. I killed my own characters when their stories ended or when I felt like I can't rp them anymore. When I killed other chars it was never like - Be our slave or die, I hate newspawns, I hate old people, you speak another language, I'm cool and I enjoy killing so I don't need a reason for killing, your ship was passing by ours, you don't let me beat and insult others as I want, you docked to my town and hunted a rabbit, you got on my ship or car as a passenger, you stole our bone knife and ate our potatoes. Many times my characters tried to help and save suicidal characters- many times other characters tried to help my suicidal characters, many characters still miss and remember their old friends like it was just today. Their deaths, sweeping of the several small towns didn't make the game more interesting or thrilling for the remaining, just killed the opportunity of growing different cultures and created more crowd in the big cities which needs more strict rules. I see a healthy agression useful to keep up the game active, some provoking and spicing of the generic norms. Cantr has seen several tribes and gangs working through a certain reputation, some players had to leave because of their excessive rp habits. I remember one even had his blog about his violent Cantr experiences, one was always seeking the different possibilities of being a victim of an agression. Cantr community always tried to keep being coexist, the ones not believing its possibility left the game.

I don't like the idea of being obliged to make a choice between a natural death and murder, just like seeing the death of inspiring, different characters for some people decided their rp is unworthy or they're a handicap on their plans for winning a game. People can't have their chars sitting on the needles and pins forever , that would lead to a boring game and unsubbing at the end. Unlike some players not every player replaces a dead character with an actual copy of it, there can be just similarities between them due to puppet master's style and that's all so they're keen to their ongoing stories. Cantr isn't a killing game, Cantr is a game with sex and violence and it has always been so. "One-True-Wayism" isn't possible in this realm. Seems Cantr became an utterly sensitive community and quite fragile, we need to work in the roots of this problem if we want to keep its existence.

Everyone has own cup of tea about the good rp, just like the food. Some like it sweet, some like spicy, some like it bitter. There are many platforms for rping different types of it and if we don't like how is it in Cantr forcing it to change direction brings more damage than the advantage. There might be a victory at the end with great efforts of to bring every disagreeing player to the point of unsubbing or an exchange of the power that turns them to the mindless simmers. Though that means a Pyrrhic victory, a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has also taken a heavy toll that negates any true sense of achievement.

Current situation reminds me of a quote from George Orwell's Animal Farm:
No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?