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Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 2:41 pm
by The Hunter
Wll, Gasswalker...

I'm also quite a n00b. But my char's are doing allright. They either work for someone else or for themselve's. Progress is slow, but do you want them to be rulers right away? Wouldnt that be nice. Some of my char's even left those places and started travelling. There's lots of places where you can start a new "life". And what's wrong with some char's becoming thugs? Quite interesting chars.

No, I dont have a problem with already "advanced and civilized" areas. You can alway's talk yourself into the ruling ranks, get promoted...

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 3:02 pm
by Thomas Pickert
I forgot about the established areas. Every now and then, whole new islands are being introduced. Just recently, a new island has been added, including a new spawning location. No senior player has ever set foot on that island, nor do they know they locations.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 3:17 pm
by Meh
I wasn't sure if we could mention that.
It's great by the way. *referring to that new place*

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 3:40 pm
by Thomas Pickert
The credit goes to Jos. He's spending a lot of time on creating new locations, and I am happy to leave that to him. A lot of work is involved in creating new islands, defining the coastlines, the locations, the connections, the resources, the names, the types of areas, and other things I forgot now.

Thank you, Jos.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 3:53 pm
by The Hunter
Thomas Pickert wrote:Thank you, Jos.

We just can't say it enough. Indeed, thank you Jos.

Trouble is... I have only one more Char. to create. Can't be sure if he will spawn there :cry:

Oh, something to say to GLasswalker: Starting in an undeveloped area takes a lot more time to get started. Everything needs to be built from scratch. By the time you can make steel.... Your char.s would have all grown beards so to say. Takes a lot more patience.

Farm lots of food.
Discover resources.
Back to farm more food.
Collect resources.
Dig for stone.
build farming tool of iron.
farm for more food.
manufacture trowel.
build building.
Build smelter

Now you can make your first steel tools and weapons.

But... you might need "Cantr months" before you discover iron.
same for collecting enough
more to farm for the food needed for travelling.
To build your building
to build your tools.
etc. etc. etc.

Trust me, getting started in a developed area is much easier.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 3:59 pm
by g1asswa1ker
Yes your probably right on a lot of that but reason for unscribing is not a fact for you or me just speculation. My wife did in fact like the game the time limit and the pace she did how ever not like it that she couldn't play without being smacked down the latter once that I recall just for farming. With out premission. But regardless I have a few imprisoned for littler things I have met your total and then some on both death and imprisonment. Yes some gov't are like that and Yes there are new places untouched by the older players. Also I NEVER said anything about starting in power just some breathing room. I am making request to my local MWR computer facility to post fliers tomorrow in there computer center. For other sailors to check your guys site out. I won't knock the game. The game is great I just don't think it to great that it 2 weeks just to get one good RPG Charactor. I got more to say but I need to get it straight in how I want to put it. :)

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 4:15 pm
by The Hunter
I think you just had a lot of bad luck, spawning in oppressive places like that. Like i said, My char's are doing quite well. None of them got killed, some are quite well armed already.

By the way, what is a MWR computer center? And what have sailors to do with them???

Oh, something else... Can't one of your char's in one of those opressive places try to organize a revolt? Hell probably die in the process and the revolt will probably fail, but you will at least die for a cause and the next char. might spawn in a better place.( No, I dont mean Heaven). And some good RP in that, a revolt. (I know.... I know... :twisted: ).

I believe someone else proposed that revolt idea in the past already.. Cant remember who, nor where.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 4:20 pm
by Thomas Pickert
With sailors, I believe, he was referring to members of the US Navy. :)

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 4:29 pm
by The Hunter
Thomas Pickert wrote:With sailors, I believe, he was referring to members of the US Navy. :)

Their not sailors.. their.... Navy.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:25 pm
by west
Thomas Pickert wrote:I forgot about the established areas. Every now and then, whole new islands are being introduced. Just recently, a new island has been added, including a new spawning location. No senior player has ever set foot on that island, nor do they know they locations.

what's a senior player? I've been a player since turn 230ish; that's over half the gametime, and i've got 2 new characters on the new island.

course, i had to spawn all-new characters because of the whole involuntary unsubscribe thingy...

the new island is pretty sweet, though, i will say that.
one of my chars just killed a freakin' deer w/ my bare fist.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:31 pm
by The Hunter
=west= wrote:one of my chars just killed a freakin' deer w/ my bare fist.

Damn... How many turns did it take? And the deer didnt attack you in the meantime?

Well, i have 1 char left to crate... hmm, should i... yeah, lets go!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:36 pm
by west
all right, you caught me.
I did kill it, but the residents of Kwor have been beating up on the deer and horses (with their bare fists) for as long as the island's been there (so roughly a week and a half) I was just lucky enough to smack the deer when it was down. Dang did it feel good tho :-D

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:41 pm
by The Hunter
I know what u mean, west. One of my char's killed a cow using a sickle. The residents passed it on, my char. was lucky enough to deliver the final blow.

One char used a war bow though...

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:13 pm
by Missy
MWR----Military Welfare and Recreation! :)

Group that makes places/things/stuff to do for military on base. Like the computer rooms---game rooms ---recreation halls--? :)

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:26 pm
by The Hunter
Like the WZZ on dutch bases, or the kpm. a christian organization.

But posting there... Nice idea!