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Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:50 am
by wejdas
Come on, guys use quoting, because you are jumping from one topic to another and the conversation is getting hard to follow.

Re: What the hell?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:58 am
by shapukas
Voltenion wrote:...its just I had a char massacrated, the char tried to live by begging for his life but I'm starting to think ( praticly know) that the player didn't understand my inglsih emotes :( and that sucks...

Ok, ok. Sorry. Did that char who begged for his life, had some weapon like bone spear or maby better?

I believ that all lithuanian players understand english. Maby not all can understand the emotes and not all can write emotes in english.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:38 am
by Trapaças
This is propably the forum with most foreigners participating! :)

The best way to comunicate is with emotions and actions. Maybe Voltenion's char was acting in a way that was considered really strange to the other char, yet that is no reason to kill him, unless Voltenion's char was someone really anoying :roll:

As you can probaly tell by my nick, i'm also portuguese, until now my chars have met many kind and helpful lithuanians. I have still not testimony a murder without reason, but i am still new in Cantr, so i can't really tell how far does this problem goes...

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:40 pm
by Voltenion
Thats what upsets me more about this, its that he only had a shield and never did anything = / and since when bone spears are difficult to produce? lol...And are you saying that most of your kills are because of other peoples weapons? :?

Trapaças wrote: Maybe Voltenion's char was acting in a way that was considered really strange to the other char, yet that is no reason to kill him

he got attacked before doing anything...wich is very strange...unless they were 3 hating portuguese chars( and I had to be very unlucky to find 3 of them with 99% of damage) there was no reason to attack the char...he was just walking by with a shield going to where a friend told him to go...then a unknow char starts attacking him out of nowhere... :(

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:50 am
by shapukas
Spears are difiult to make if there is no wood. So, whith such a weapon char coud be a threat. But since he didnt have it, maby they were after his shield? Maby they just didnt bother to explane their act. That is a bad RPing.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:05 am
by wejdas
Oh, this leads to nowhere. We could think of plenty of reasons, starting with bad RPing and player trigger-happiness to xenophoby and plain robbery. We will never know. For example, my Lithuanian char was nearly killed once, when he tried to stand for a helpless unarmed Portugese against two merciless Lithuanians with heavy weaponry trying to finish him off. Oh well.. I was heavily wounded and had to run for my life.

I know it is hard to part with a char that you foster for years, but we have to get used to the fact that they die in the end - of old age or a weapon of a stupid newbie role-player. Let's just hope for more cases of the first type and educate players to improve the overall quality of the game.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:20 am
by Encaitaron
Yeah...You r rigth, but you must also admit that this is getting completelly out of hand... Just a few examples:

- I had 2 chars, living on lithuan cities... One of them was even being helped by them, very nice.... In other place of this world, some portugueses were some problems to some lithuan communities (in an rp way)... 2 ou 3 days after that, my chars were killed...with no f***** reason...

- A portuguese borns, speaks... Its killed...

- A certain lithuan speaks with a char of mine...since I was not online, I was not able to answer, so...he atacks me with his axe...

- Some lithuans were very nice with some chars of mine...a few days later, they start to atack and steal other portuguese people that appear, and that they never seen before...

- Some portuguese people born, they are talking to each other... A certain lithuan starts to atack all the portuguese...

- Probably the better one: Some lithuans appear on a portuguese city, they start to steal, not kill (very impressive)... and they were all talking to each other (normal), but with emotes on their mother language...
...As I've said many times in ooc, the actions are things that we can see, If a lithuan, french, alien, falls, runs, jumps, I CAN SEE IT... I dont run in a portuguese way, I dont jump in a french way...I just jump, run, smile...etc....

Some of you guys were "sensible" to my point, and started to put their emotes in english... but some, just started to atack my char... And that ooc note was the only action I took with him in a lot of weeks...


I'm not blaming any of you... but you must admit that its very odd...As i've said before, we all have good and evil chars, but its inbelivebly amazing that most of the portuguese people (maybe 70%) just find those evil lithuans...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:35 am
by shapukas
Well, there is one country, kingdom if you like, where no foreigners are alowd. At lesat i think so. Maby its their job? Afcourse, there is some players, that just dont like ooc: in game. I think its stupid. Sometimes you jus have to use ooc: like mentioned befor, to ask write emotions in english. We try to educate other players, but sometimes becouse of that our own chars dies.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:19 am
by zalias
You are right. In that kingdom foreigners will be never allowed. Doesnt metter they speak portuguese or some other language. They can stop in this kingdom just for quick busines. That is one of the rools of the kingdom and all kingdom´´s xars know that. They not trying to comunicate - they are killing . That is life.That is rools of the kingdom.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:49 am
by Encaitaron

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:39 pm
by Trapaças
zalias wrote:You are right. In that kingdom foreigners will be never allowed. Doesnt metter they speak portuguese or some other language. They can stop in this kingdom just for quick busines. That is one of the rools of the kingdom and all kingdom´´s xars know that. They not trying to comunicate - they are killing . That is life.That is rools of the kingdom.


That kind of remains me of something... :roll:

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:21 pm
by wejdas
Trapaças wrote:That kind of remains me of something... :roll:

Nationalism and racism have been extensively discussed in the main Cantr forum, please refere there. It is just a game, a fantasy game of social simulation. I believe everything - including the aforementioned xenophobic attitudes - is acceptable there as long as it stays within character-to-character relationship and RPing.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:40 pm
by Encaitaron

The only thing I think its wierd is that all the bad rp actions, all the strange actions, etc, came from only one place.... Thats not very beliveble...


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:49 pm
by Voltenion
well they are its normal they have more bad rpiers...but its sad that there are so many... And i don't mind( i do but...) if a lithuan char kill my char, i mind and get pissed when he doesn't answer my emotes in inglish...or when he isn't human...Or when they attack me without knowing me!!! ( ok THAT really pisses me off!!!)

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:59 am
by Trapaças
Voltenion wrote:well they are its normal they have more bad rpiers...but its sad that there are so many... And i don't mind( i do but...) if a lithuan char kill my char, i mind and get pissed when he doesn't answer my emotes in inglish...or when he isn't human...Or when they attack me without knowing me!!! ( ok THAT really pisses me off!!!)

This is repetitive... Ok Voltenion, we now that you are pissed off, but you could at least forgive the lithuanian char that killed your char. It's the least you can do, since you can't do nothing more... :roll: