Note bomber + Knocker

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Note bomber + Knocker

Postby Rappy » Tue May 23, 2006 5:56 pm

Im sure there is a sticky thread somewhere where i should put this but i cant find it.
Anyway, in Blaman Mountains (south) there is a man locked up who has dropped a lot of notes and knocked on the door like 15 times
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Postby Marian » Tue May 23, 2006 7:37 pm

A note bomber is somebody who drops like a billion notes after they die, so if he's droping the notes manually then I don't know if he can technically be one. It's possible to RP being annoying too, and you don't have a whole lot of options once you're locked up.

And was it 15 times in a row? Because he might be genuinely tryign to get somebody's attention. (personally I wouldn't knock more than three times a day unless I was really, really frustrated, but then being locked up by the Barons might easily get somebody that way...)
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Postby deadboy » Tue May 23, 2006 7:47 pm

No, a note bomber can be one that drops notes and then passes like a hundred through a door. I would know, back in my old, one week of playing days I was one once. He actually lived which was quite a suprise, he's still alive now in fact :)
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Postby nateflory » Tue May 23, 2006 7:58 pm

I'm curious as well. How many notes? And 15 knockings in a short or long period of time? What do the notes say?

Could be just a frustrated prisoner trying to get a message to the outside world. And I will ditto deadboy. I've had similar happen, and did a similar note-frenzy and knocking (25 notes total, days of knocking) before someone came in to finally hear my "confession and regret" which led that character free to become an active helper of his community.
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Postby SekoETC » Tue May 23, 2006 8:47 pm

Hah, now you know how it feels! :P (Off the point but yeah, couldn't waste the chance.)
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Postby Rappy » Wed May 24, 2006 12:41 pm

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.35: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.33: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.33: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-0.33: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

exactly 15...he dropped a load of notes but picked them up, im sure they will be there when he is dead tomorrow though.
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Postby Rappy » Wed May 24, 2006 12:46 pm

1540-7.15: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.15: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.15: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.15: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.15: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.15: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.15: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.14: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

1540-7.14: You hear someone knocking on the door to Paradise Foods.

some more times just now
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Postby N-Aldwitch » Wed May 24, 2006 12:59 pm

I guess that just about sums it up!! :P

Hey, if you have a key, go in there and ask what he wants! He'll probably hit you, but then you have a great reason to kill his character!!
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Postby Marian » Wed May 24, 2006 2:49 pm

Has anyone actually told him to stop? And like N-Aldwitch said, if he refuses that's a good excuse to kill him. (Not like you guys ever need much of an excuse anyway, unless there's been some major changes there since my char left...)
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Postby Rappy » Wed May 24, 2006 5:49 pm

Well, about killing him, that is already in progress, the thing in, its just annoying
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Postby Oasis » Wed May 24, 2006 6:24 pm

Knockers are annoying, however, I don't find 15 excessive, compared to some we've seen. That kind of thing needs to be handled in game. When it becomes far more excessive, say upwards of 30 or more a day, that's when the PD can step in, as they have gone beyond wanting to annoy the characters to actually disrupting the game.
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Postby N-Aldwitch » Thu May 25, 2006 8:05 am

Hmm, second suggestion for future (which is working AWEFULLY well on my jailed character, *sigh* *tear*), make a Cell 1, Cell 2, etc rooms inside the jail- then you can't hear him!! :P
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Postby viktor » Thu May 25, 2006 11:43 pm

N-Aldwitch wrote:Hmm, second suggestion for future (which is working AWEFULLY well on my jailed character, *sigh* *tear*), make a Cell 1, Cell 2, etc rooms inside the jail- then you can't hear him!! :P

:lol: you must be an intellectual cuz ur absolutly right. knocking is a realistic activity of a pissed off prisoner, anyone ever seen those western movies where someone bangs on thier jail bars with a metal cup? lol. and if someone wants to waste thier cantr minutes beating down a door so be it. if it's really that annoying, build cells and have peace of mind lock them beyond audible range, and of course if you're char likes blood, then spill it! lol
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Postby Rappy » Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:06 pm

N-Aldwitch wrote:
Hmm, second suggestion for future (which is working AWEFULLY well on my jailed character, *sigh* *tear*), make a Cell 1, Cell 2, etc rooms inside the jail- then you can't hear him!!

good idea, but this was in a town i had only recently come to, so there wasnt much chance of building a new jail cell..
i doesnt matter however because i killed him a while ago now
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Postby tiddy ogg » Sat Jun 03, 2006 9:21 pm

But if someone was slowly killing you, wouldn't you kick up as much fuss as possible? Knocking, however annoying, is a natural thing, not like setting up 100 projects to make bikinis with 1g hide supplied for each (Long-standing projects in Kwor prison.)

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