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Help in Olipifirovash please

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 3:30 am
by Hagan
There is what I am assuming to be a new player in Olipifirovash that needs help understanding how the game works. I Have tried to help him out alittle but it didnt seem to get through could someone else speak with him please.

I know this will be long but here is what has happened. read it as you would on your cantr event screen.

1855-4.08: You enter Olipifirovash, where you see 24 people, leaving Olipifirovash Prison.

1855-4.08: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "whats a role playing i dont know what you are talking about because you are talking gibberish right now talk to me when your not drunk."

1855-4.07: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) entering Olipifirovash Prison, coming from Cell Block A.

1855-4.07: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) leaving Olipifirovash Prison, entering Cell Block A.

1855-4.07: You say to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger): "( Out of Character if I may ask how long have you been playing Cantr and hold old are you. It really is a great game I hope you can enjoy but it is against the rules to Role Play the way you are.. have you read throught the Wiki and the everything that you were suppose to read when you created your account or did you just skim over it "

1855-4.07: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "(i wonder if we can trade positions cause it seems your the insane one) i hope you didnt hear that then."

1855-4.06: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "okay then."

1855-4.06: You say: "I dont know what TV is Leo.. "

1855-4.06: You say: "NO I am sorry Leo that I can not do her body was left here on purpose for those to see that find themselfs locked up in here so they will see this is no game. we do not lock people up for the fun of it"

1855-4.06: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "no!!!!!! im not my name is leo i imitate the tv carahcter because i think he is cool and evryone should no him"

1855-4.06: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "hey as long as your here can you bury that women's body out side because i tried to bury her but it says she can only be buried outside i dont no her but she needs a good burial and getting eaten by rats is not a very nobal thing to do to a body."

1855-4.05: You say: "I take it your insane then"

1855-4.05: You say: "ahhh O K "

1855-4.05: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "im leo"

1855-4.05: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "Scince your in charge ill tell any ways ok then, fred fred burger is a an elephant monster person that first appeared on the grim adventures of billy and mandy he appeared when billy a 9 to 11 year old boy sues mandy a 9 to 11 year old girl to see to who gets the grim reaper fred fred burger ended up as a jury person. fred fred burger like to eat nachos and frozen yogurt. he can fit 2 of his fingers in his belly button and he likes to spell his name. he hates when someone kills his frozen yogurt gets killed or dropped to sort of speak..."

1855-4.04: You say: "are you Fred or Leo"

1855-4.04: You say: "I am sorry I thought you said your name was Fred Burger.. Is it not. .."

1855-4.02: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "ooohhh you mean fred as in fred fred burger, no im just saying that because i watch a tv show but i dont want to talk about it because its to long."

1855-4.02: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says to you: "fred im not fred im leo"

1855-4.01: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "You disrespeted a dead man by stealing his items that he owned?? "

1855-3.02: You say to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger): "(OOC and a side note to you as a player,, I am assuming by the way your playing you are new to this game. a few tips for you.. 1 dont us short cuts in typing to speak such as w8 and do not emote what you are thinking.. only emote what can be seen..... *raises his hand* *takes a deep breath* *Sighs* *picks up the hammer hitting himself in the head* NOT * thinks about what he has done* * wanders what behind the locked door* if you could see it in Real Life you can emote it if you cant then you cant."

1855-3.01: You say: "just a reminder why the two of you are in here"

1855-3.01: You say: "Fletcher is in here for disrespecting the dead and stealing clothes from a dead body as soon as he spawned. and he was told to appologies which he has done in word only with no sign of real remorse for his actions"

1855-3.01: You say: "I am sorry I ment Fred not Fletcher"

1855-3.01: You say: "I got your notes Fletcher although I am not the one who drug you in here I would of if I would of been awake when you had your break down.. you seemed to of lost your mind and went nuts out there.. "

1855-3.01: You say: "Hello Fletcher and Fred"

1855-3.01: You enter Olipifirovash Prison, where you see 2 people, leaving the central area of Olipifirovash.

1854-5.06: Maveri Loste. says: "*she lowers her hands from her ears, frowning* .....I....I wonder what brought that on.... *she bites her lip*"

1854-5.01: (C) Giordan says: "Thank you, Yan. He was getting very annoying."

1854-5.01: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) being dragged by (C) Giordan, a man in his twenties from the central area of Olipifirovash to Olipifirovash Prison.

1854-5.01: (C) Giordan says: "Can someone please help me for a moment?"

1854-4.28: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) novicely hurt Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) using a bone club.

1854-4.27: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *looks around and then dosent care about anything*"

1854-4.27: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) take some carrots.

1854-4.27: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "(singing)yall mess wit my cliuqe yo yall cant mess wit my cliuqe yo i dont like them boyz i dont like them trick"

1854-4.04: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!evrybody yes!!"

1854-4.04: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a horse using bone club.

1854-4.04: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a mountain goat using bone club.

1854-4.04: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a sheep using bone club.

1854-4.04: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a hawk using bone club.

1854-4.04: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a deer using bone knife.

1854-4.04: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a racoon using bone club.

1854-4.04: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "(thinking in head) *is evryone logged out? yes!!*"

1854-4.03: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "(thinking in head)*i like nachos but it makes my tummy hurt but if i didnt finished it i couldnt know that i could finish it all. yes!!*"

1854-4.02: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "(thinking in his head)*fred fred burger ,fred fred burger i can spell my name realy good realy good yes F-R-E-D-F-R-E-D-B-U-R-G-E-R fred fred burger yes!!"

1853-1.09: Maveri Loste. says: "*she opens her eyes and looks behind her, staring in shock at the loudness* .....oh my..."

1853-1.08: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "*says in his head Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then stops thinking*"

1853-1.07: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "*he sings in his head singing im a tumor im a tumor im a tumor im a tumor ohohoh im a tumor"

1853-1.06: Maveri Loste. says: "*she nods her head quietly before walking over by the water and sitting down on a rock along the shoreline, resting her hands on her lap* "

1853-1.06: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1853-1.06: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a horse using bone knife.

1853-1.06: You see Maveri Loste. talking to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger).

1853-1.05: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1853-1.05: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) drop some stone.

1853-1.05: Maveri Loste. says: "*she sighs*"

1853-1.05: You see Maveri Loste. talking to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger).

1853-1.04: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1853-1.04: Maveri Loste. says: "*she looks over to Leo, before sighing softly* A good idea is not to take things from the ground that aren't yours.. unless it was a project you worked on, Leo. "

1853-1.03: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) take some stone.

1853-1.03: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "............"

1852-3.24: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) use some large bones on Manufacturing a bone club.

1852-3.24: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) entering Olipifirovash, coming from the house of the dead.

1852-3.23: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) leaving the central area of Olipifirovash, entering the house of the dead.

1852-3.23: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1852-3.23: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1852-3.22: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1852-3.21: Maveri Loste. says: "Here."

1852-3.21: You see Maveri Loste. give note to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger).

1852-3.21: You see Maveri Loste. take a copy of a note.

1852-3.21: Maveri Loste. says: "Or..."

1852-3.21: Maveri Loste. says: "*she giggles again* You don't have to whisper.... as for findinig them, look on the ground. There are a few here."

1852-3.21: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1852-3.21: Maveri Loste. says: "Please be sure to read the laws and you should be fine."

1852-3.21: You see Maveri Loste. talking to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger).
1852-3.20: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1852-3.20: You see Maveri Loste. talking to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger).

1852-3.20: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1852-3.20: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a hawk using bone knife.

1852-3.20: You see Maveri Loste. talking to Leo ( Fre Fred Burger).

1852-3.20: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a deer using bone knife.

1852-3.19: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently hurt a racoon using bone knife.

1852-3.19: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) talking to Maveri Loste..

1852-3.19: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) efficiently kill a mountain goat using a bone knife.

1852-3.19: Maveri Loste. says: "*she looks toward the young man* what do you need help with sir?"

1852-3.19: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) take a brand new bone knife.

1852-3.19: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "can someone help me??!!!"

1852-3.19: Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) says: "can someone help me??!!!"

1850-4.08: You see Leo ( Fre Fred Burger) arriving in Olipifirovash, coming from expressway to Olipifirovash (north).

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:36 pm
by Doug R.
I think you've been a saint so far, honestly. Most people would have sabered him straight off.