MORE Inappropriate notes in Pok Southern Mountains (west)

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MORE Inappropriate notes in Pok Southern Mountains (west)

Postby Hagan » Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:26 am

The same note is being Dropped again. This time I have been able to isolate them to one person named Chandler Ping.

I know I may have a different point of view than some on this, But I find it quite offensive. I have a 10 Year old that likes to sit and watch me play. I DO NOT want him seeing this, and I should not have to make him go away everytime I want to check this character.

Thank you for taking care of it the first time could you please do it again, and this time give then player some advice if possible.
Who wants to be normal...... Normal means you are with the majority.. and I dont want to be with them......
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Postby rconley » Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:29 am

Taking care of it. Thanks...

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