Projects by Criminals

Public discussion channel to report possible breaches of the capital rule and for the public investigation of suspected cases. Note that in many cases it might be preferred to report such cases in private to instead of on this forum.

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Postby N-Aldwitch » Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:31 am


I just had a brilliant idea..

What !! what if you could have a certain room/building type that cannot have projects started inside it!

This stops criminals from using the time to build that screwdriver they never had time to do, or repairing that longbow they used to kill some guy.

Or perhaps just repairs are okay but nothing else.

That way some idiot can't use a few grams of hide to make hundreds of clothing or build a big fat anvil in the middle of the prison for no reason at all.
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Postby Phalynx » Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:34 pm

Or Shackles, as has been previously suggested, that simply prevent a character from doing any work!
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Postby SekoETC » Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:59 pm

N-Alwich, that sounds physically impossible. The only way this "room" could stop people from doing things is either that it was so cramped that the prisoner couldn't move (in other words a cage), or that their limbs were sticking out through the walls, making it impossible to touch things with both of your hands or pretty much impossible to reach anything at all.

Yeah, shackles would do the trick but a normal person wouldn't see them as a room, even if they game-technically might be.
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Postby Nakranoth » Sun Dec 24, 2006 7:25 am

Or, by making them effectively a vehicle that's built indoors... you couldn't build anything major in them...
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