Allowing limited colors for note titles

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Allowing limited colors for note titles

Postby SekoETC » Fri May 14, 2010 4:39 pm

In the past people could put HTML in note titles and it resulted in all sorts of monstrosities and forgotten closing tags that screwed up display for the rest of the page, but what if instead of allowing people to type in HTML tags, there was a predefined palette only containing colors tested not to look awful on a green background and people could pick the title color from there? It would be very useful if you could color code your important notes to make them stand out in your inventory. Having a hard-coded system would prevent visual torture by people who don't know HTML or have no eye for colors. Also if it was hard-coded, it might be possible to have some sort of a text that tells colorblind and blind users what the color is.
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Re: Allowing limited colors for note titles

Postby EchoMan » Fri May 14, 2010 5:37 pm

Considering there are plans (however remote) to allow for various skins or styles for Cantr, these colors could be defined with classes, like STRONG, EXTRA STRONG, WEAK and so on. Then for a green background, STRONG could be defined as yellow, but for a white background it would be red or something like that. So, I agree with this suggestion and adding it should be semi-hard coded, and possible to be configurable with a style-sheet.
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Doug R.
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Re: Allowing limited colors for note titles

Postby Doug R. » Fri May 14, 2010 11:41 pm

I agree.
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Armulus Satchula
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Re: Allowing limited colors for note titles

Postby Armulus Satchula » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:36 pm

There are some simple bbcode classes out there that i've found before. Something as simple as that would do the job and not require much work at all.

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