Last words? [DUPLICATE]

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Last words? [DUPLICATE]

Postby SekoETC » Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:09 pm

Ergh, usually people are offline when their character dies, whatever the reason. So I'm thinking maybe there could be a message that the player can write in advance, and it would automatically get posted on the moment the character dies. There are some problems like that you can never know beforehand what's going to kill you, but you can guess and change the message by the situation as long as you're still alive. For example if you are chased you're most likely going to be killed by another character than starvation or animal attack (though those are possible too, I'm not claiming they're not), or when you are starving in middle of nowhere it's highly unlikely that someone walks in and punches you when you're down to 1% health... Something like
Thief says (as he dies): "*Grabs his stomach, blood bursting from the wound and sinks down on his knees.* See you in hell... *Coughs blood and eyes turn over.*"
would surely to be something to remember you by, more than
You see a man in his fourties kill Thief using a sabre.
Sure the reason for death would also be present, but along with a possible descriptive text determined by the player.
Also if you know that you're going to delete your account then posting a memorable death message with all fifteen characters would take time even if you wrote them separately and surely some smartass would have time to reply "Hey, he ain't dead yet, that's just faking it!". (I'm not going to quit but I have toyed with the idea of doing it with style if I did.) That would also give at least some kind of a message for deaths caused by deletion, since now people just drop dead without any message.

And there could also be some kind of a suicide button for deleting single characters, but make it so that they must have lived some years so that people wouldn't just kill off their newspawns if they don't like the location. Currently there is no fast way to get rid of a character other than deleting your account and that would mean losing them all.

I would just like to see some way to control the moment of death...

Edit: It's funny rejecting my own suggestion but since it's a duplicate of this one: ... last+words
Last edited by SekoETC on Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ephiroll » Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:36 pm

Something like this was suggested some months ago, and for the record I will say again that I don't like the idea. Taking care of things in advance or leaving a note on a char that will drop to the ground is my preferred way of dealing with things like this. Way I see it, if a char is killed without any last words (and there have been plenty of times I would like to have had a last word myself) then that's the breaks, shoulda thought more ahead.

It's possible for a char to attack him/her self so technically we already have a suicide button, but if that isn't an option it's just as easy to email programming and requist that a char(s) be removed from your account.
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Postby The Industriallist » Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:37 pm

I don't think people cut down with sabres usually get dramatic hollywood style death scenes. If you want to say something before you die, say it before you die. If you want to RP bleeding to's kind of disturbing, and its implied anyway.
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Postby Pirog » Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:24 pm

I'm also against last words, at least under the current structure.

If Cantr evolved so that wounds would have to be treated or the person would eventually bleed to death it would leave a more natural opening for last words...but as it is now, a person should die when getting killed. (Logical, huh? :lol:)

And there are openings for last words as it is now...when you are cut down to a few percent of health and have nowhere to run you have an excellent opening for some inspiring last words.
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Postby SekoETC » Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:51 pm

The only charrie I lost had about 50 percent health after being attacked and I though I could talk her out of trouble. So I made it a nonviolent approach, she had been handed a sword to fight back but she did not use it. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. While I was sleeping they ended up in new location where she was instantly executed by a couple of people, never given a chance to explain herself. I'll never forget that. :-|
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Postby Pirog » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:33 pm

Yeah, it sucks when that happens...I lost one of my favourite characters that way...poor Frederick Wilkinson.
That is the only character I have lost that I have truly missed. Stuff happened in his life that made him really complex, although few or no others knew it.

But a lot of killings IRL goes quick and few are left a chance to make a dramatic last speach.

I had one situation like that, where my character got the chance to crawl around on the floor begging them to spare her life. The killers made a good RP effort, having them laugh cruelly at her and having some final words for her before finishing her off.
Although I liked that character she had a great death and therefore I didn't miss her as much :lol:
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Postby Nick » Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:17 pm

ephiroll wrote:It's possible for a char to attack him/her self so technically we already have a suicide button, but if that isn't an option it's just as easy to email programming and requist that a char(s) be removed from your account.

Eventually you will be too weak to harm yourself. Only character I have ever heard of succesfully suiciding on demand is Mason.

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