Pets and carrier pigeons. (taming animals) [DUPLICATE]

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Judock Harald
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Pets and carrier pigeons. (taming animals) [DUPLICATE]

Postby Judock Harald » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:01 pm

Idea: Have tame animals.

When you make a cage, and put some food in it, it is possible to catch an annimal. depending on the food and the size of the cage, you can catch different kinds of animals.
When it is young enough (random luck), you have the option to tame it. Taming an annimal is a project, a pet is an object.
Non-tameable animals can only be killed or released.

Pets have variour options:
(the coolest: )- You can train homing pigeons. If you gave them away to your friend, and your friend release it with a message, you have 90% chance, that it flies back to you!
- Dogs let you "see" people faster.
- Dogs can find someone who was here before, by folowing the trail.
- Dogs can find buried items.
- Dogs can help you hunt
- Dogs can pull your sled. (sled dogs)
- Dogs can be equipped with some alcohol, and find and save really wounded people.
- Dogs, for guarding your buildings.
- Horses are for riding, and pulling cars, even like donkeys and elephants and camels.
- horses can travel you fast over barren terain, but it depends on the terrain. in the desert, camels are much better. in the jungle others.
- Elepants are special. the reconize people which in the past, act good or bad to you. Your elephant "tell" you if someone ever atacked you or give you some stuff.
- You can learn talking to parrots :-) Give them away, and the still talk the same words.
- Apes can take objects and bring them to you. they can enter a building by themselves, so your stealing stay unnoticed.
- truffel hog.
- All other animals are just for fun.
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Postby Piscator » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:10 pm

That has been suggested before, has been accepted years ago and is in the slow process of implementation (although not necessarily in this form). I'll move this to rejected as duplicate if you don't mind.
Pretty in pink.
Judock Harald
Posts: 28
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Postby Judock Harald » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:17 pm

oops. sorry.
Judock Harald
Posts: 28
Joined: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:10 pm

Postby Judock Harald » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:18 pm

Judock Harald wrote:oops. sorry.

anyway, i hope my ideas will also added sometime.

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