Flexible input projects - Duplicate of accepted

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Flexible input projects - Duplicate of accepted

Postby Sicofonte » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:37 pm


This suggestion is intended to soft the way in which the projects are defined and to bring some flexibility to the characters actions.
It is not supposed to be a riddle to upset the players reading this suggestion.
If you are not feeling like to read "complex" implementations issues, please, DON'T READ THIS. Probably, yuo won't understand it and automatically you will state "naaaaa, this is too complex! I don't want cantr more complex!"
I swear that the outcome of this suggestion, if it becomes implemented, would be a EASY WAY to do the things in Cantr. The complexity would be just for the ProgD (xD)

Well... let's begin:

We can find several kind of fixed receipts in Cantr, like this one:

Stewing meat and vegetables (from the wiki)

Output per day of labour
* 400 grams of stew
Maximum output
* 14000 grams
Required resources
* 200 grams of meat
* 120 grams of potatoes
* 80 grams of carrots
* 25 grams of wood
Required tools
* none <- WOW! a stew made without a pot, it is great achievement in cooking technology!

So, if you have 40 g carrots, 300 g potatoes, 200 g meat, you can at most produce 200 g stew, and you won't be able to cook the remaining 180 g potatoes and 100 g raw meat.
It is unrealistic, not funny to play, not simple to understand...
Ok, Cantr is like Cantr is, but Cantr changes continuously.

Other people has suggested the posibility to have projects accepting flexible ratios of input resources. But the implementations seems to be difficult, so the suggestion is not going on.

But now I'm here ;)

Let's define a concept, the "feeding coeficient" of each food.

Potatoes feed 1 day each 200 grams. Then...

Potatoes: 1/200 = 0.50% feeding coeficient.
Carrots: 1/117 = 0.85% feeding coeficient.

Tomatoes, since it isn't a nourishing food, it has no feeding coeficient when raw, but it can be estimated from its gathering ratio (or it can be just defined)

Tomatoes (estimated): 1.50% feeding coeficient.

Raw meat (estimated): 3.00% feeding coeficient.

Stew... I dunno (never found it IG, and it is not in the wiki), so...

Stew (guessing): 1/40 = 2.5% feeding coeficient.

Ok, next step, now talking about a flexible receipt:

Let's suppose that we introduce 1 kg potatoes, 1/2 kg tomatoes, 300 g carrots and 100 g raw meat into the oven (I would prefer to say in the pot).

How much stew would come from it?

Taking in account the above calculated coeficientes, we have:

1000 potatoes should feed 5 days
100 raw meat should feed 3 days
300 carrots should feed 2.5 days
500 tomatoes should feed 7.5 days
Total, 18 days of feeding.

So the production should be 720 grams of stew (given that the stew feeds 1 day each 40 grams, 720 grams of stew feed 18 days).

The wood needed to cook this could be 45 (if 25 g wood works for 400 g stew, 720x25/400=45).

We could put into the stew any combination of raw meat and vegetables, and the interface would calculate the needed amount of wood and the final output of stew.

- this needs programming a new interface for this kind of flexible input projects.
- the different kind of foods should be categorized as vegetable, fruits, etc. so the flexible projects can accept categories instead of concret resources.
- the feeding coeficiend should be calculated or defined for any kind of food (even not nourishing ones)

Something else?
Tyche es una malparida. Espero que Ramnus y Pluto intervengan... o no :P
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Chris Johnson
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Postby Chris Johnson » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:45 pm

This is essentially an extension of an already accepted suggestion, and your particluar ideas have been discussed a lot before

I've moved your post to rejected suggestions as it's a duplication

I suggest you add your ideas to the following thread in accepted suggestions : 'Vegetable' and 'Fruit' Categories for resources
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Postby Sicofonte » Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:10 pm

Thanks, Chris.

I'll do.
Tyche es una malparida. Espero que Ramnus y Pluto intervengan... o no :P

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