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Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:28 pm
by viktor
not so much for speed or high capacity but more for rp value
the capacity should allow you to have yourself plus 15000 grams, or maybe as much as 20000?
special features, this vehicle should have the ability to go in buildings and vehicles if possible to program.
should also be dragable
travels on paved road or better
the speed should be maybe same as walking? that or.....
base speed: 0.10?
weight effect: 50000?

100 grams rubber
100 iron
300 aluminum
300 steel
just needed for final construction with above parts
600 cloth

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:30 pm
by Bmot
I like this, especially if it can be in the way you described, able to go into buildings and things like that, weight carrying seems good like this, too. How heavy would this be?

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:37 pm
by viktor
the wheelchair itself? 1400 grams

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:39 pm
by Bmot
Hmm... You of course should make it so, that you can't park a wheelchair on, say, a bike, or a skateboard. :P Would be a bit weird, right?

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:42 pm
by EchoMan
It is not possible to "drive" any vehicles into buildings as things are today. I am not familiar enough with that part of the code to be able to give an estimate how much programming would be involved in making that change for certain types of vehicles (wheelchair, bicycle, skateboard, ...).

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:52 pm
by the_antisocial_hermit
If you could pick it up, you could RP rolling it inside, or folding it and putting it in a vehicle. I think the only vehicle you ought to be able to "roll into" (were that even possible) would be a van. But I don't know what kind of programming would be required for being able to pick up a vehicle.

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:54 pm
by viktor
hmm cannot drive through doors as of yet but... if it was draggable would that be like a bypass to be able to get it in and out of a building?
or do they just hafta settle for walking sticks when going indoors for the time being?

ah good point, if we were able to place wheelchairs, skateboards, bikes... onto any vehicles it would hafta be larger ones like all vans and trucks, bus, the 4 large ships

a little tangential but.... if we implimented the ability to place a vehicle on a vehicle... realistically, the pickup would be able to carry a motorbike

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:46 pm
by Nalaris
If a wheelchair increases carrying capacity but doesn't limit mobility at all, everyone's going to use them just to haul stuff around. That'd be weird.

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:52 pm
by Kelna
Perhaps wheelchairs will only be allowed into buildings with a new addition, "wheelchair accessible door." You would have to build it inside the room you want access to, but with a vague name like that, it could be for a ramp, or making the door wider to allow easier entrance. Perhaps there could be a notice outside, like we have now with windows? (Come to think of it, allowing wheelchairs might eventually make way for hospital gurneys.)

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:28 am
by viktor
Nalaris wrote:If a wheelchair increases carrying capacity but doesn't limit mobility at all, everyone's going to use them just to haul stuff around. That'd be weird.

i was suggesting for capacity to remain the same or at most 5k more

also, the rickshaw surpasses it in speed, capacity and, is cheaper&simpler to make

i did think of another.. question, would someone in a wheelchair be allowed to hunt?

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:37 am
by Nalaris
Yeah, and 5k is too much because then people will want wheelchairs for the increased carrying capacity, since wheelchairs won't actually stop you from going anywhere (unlike rickshaws, which you have to leave outside). Besides, carting extra stuff around in a rickshaw makes sense, carting extra stuff around in a wheelchair is bizarre, and not in an interesting way. The symbol of a wealthy and developed town should not be 80% of its citizens being wheelchair-bound for the extra 5k weight it allows you to carry.

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:57 am
by freiana
If it would be unable to carry extra loads, maybe it would be better not to make it a vehicle but an RP item (or clothing, maybe?) which is visible in what someone is carrying? It wouldn't really improve speed much either way, and it won't stop people from going in somewhere that way. (It also leaves open the option of someone chasing animals with an axe, in a wheelchair xD)

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:07 am
by Felixis
In my opinion, wheelchair would have more RP value if it could be moved around one location (like with portable container). I dont like idea of wheelchair vechicle - noone will use it, or maybe we will have 2-3 people and then it become borring.
Also wheelchair as a storage for alive person... nah. It would be easy to mess up stuff, and again, easy to exploit.

That are my ideas:

1.Wheelchair as a furniture which can be moved around.
For me, the best one, but probably hardest to do. It should be a furniture (one person at once can sit on it and rest), but also you could move it between buildings, rooms etc. I think we should not allow moving with person on it - if you push wheelchair, person just stay at location where she/he started resting project, so it wont be exploit. Wheelchair could be pushed around, but not picked up. Great for roleplay.

2. Wheelchair, as a only roleplay item
Roleplay item, visible in inventory. People would just roleplay sitting on it. We could add button for roleplay moving around.

3. Wheelchair - as a barrow
Tool item. Visible in inventory, heavy (2-3kg?), and adding a some kind of buff to drag someone (alive person), and to drag stuff (but with worse % than barrow). Could be exploit, so it's not the best solution, but if we pick reasonable ammount of kilos, maybe there is a way.

My favourite is 1.

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:43 pm
by sanchez
This is a good idea. Moving to Accepted. Let's work out the details in RD.

Re: Wheelchair

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 7:52 pm
by Bmot
Implemented :mrgreen: