fishing while sailing?

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Postby David » Wed Dec 17, 2003 10:11 pm

What about Sushi? Perhaps it would have less nutritional value than cooked fish, but you could still eat it raw. You would need a blade to clean the fish first, though.
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Postby kroner » Wed Dec 17, 2003 11:43 pm

you don't think people cook on boats? Maybe not on a longboat, but a fire pit should be possible on some of the more elaborate crafts. (I actually have no idea whether this is already possible in game or not.)
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Postby creepyguyinblack » Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:19 am

Perhaps salting meat could be used as well now that salt is in the game.
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Postby Meh » Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:38 am

"A cooking pot and a lamp were found inside the boat, but it isn't clear if these were simply washed into it from another source. Cohen said the boat was probably used for fishing, but could also have transported cargo and passengers, with a crew of five rowers and a captain. Based on what we know of such boats, it moved under a single square sail and accommodated up to 15 people."

Now is could be it was a cooking accident....
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Postby sammigurl61190 » Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:43 am

Maybe....sushi could fix that problem. :D
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Postby The Hunter » Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:36 am

Ehm... wooden ship have had open fire on board for a long time. Nothing special to it. Hey, how else to cook up a meal for the crew?
Also bare in mind that ships and even boats were built from thick timber, mailnly oak or other strong woodtypes. They won't catch fire quickly. I'm not saying that a lot of ships were not lost due to fire tho, but fires on board started more often from reclesness with lamps then cooking in the ships galley.
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Postby Spectrus_Wolfus » Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:59 pm

during the 17th-18th century sailing day's fire was one of the most feared things onboard sailing ship's .that's why fire ship attack's where so effective because they sent the crew's into absolute mayhem. plus with all the ropes on board usually being coated in tar they burned effectively well.and even though the ship's where sitting in water the timber get extremely dry due to being i the sun for so much of the tropical area's it was common practice to fill the ship's rowing boats full of water so as to stop their seals from poppig because the timbers dried so much that they warped. fire was very dangerous but a fire place on board a ship for cooking makes a lot of sence especially if o a very long journey
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Postby rklenseth » Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:43 pm

That and the salty air dried out the ship's wood so it was like very dry timber slick with tar on top of the water. I believe cooks back then were restricted to how much of a fire if any they could have. That is why most meals on a ship were raw or undercooked back in those days.
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Postby David » Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:18 am

And the answer is: yes I think people cook on boats, but I don't think a rowboat should have a fire on it. Perhaps a longboat.

Which made me think of something else: In lakes, maybe smaller fish, such as perch and fresh water bass should be present, whereas the larger fish should not be. Maybe your should have to have fresh water tackle v. salt water tackle. The ocean should contain bigger fish, and different kinds. Possibly with increased risks, such a having a skate snap your line, or have mildly harmful creatures get pulled on board when you fish.
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Postby Spectrus_Wolfus » Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:55 am

bring in whales and who;e lot and i'll have a char make a long boat and go off chasing moby dick :lol:
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Postby rklenseth » Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:26 am

Can't put in whales until a grid like system is created as the sea and lakes work sort of like a grid system but I think you can only place animals on location areas. I think that is also the current problem with being able to fish off a boat because we can't place resources in the same way. So it would require programming in order for such things to happen and quite frankly I think it could wait for a well developed grid system in 2.0.
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Postby David » Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:41 am

I don't think having them as resources is neccesary in the traditional Cantr sense. Just have code that checks for if you are on a lake or ocean, and if you have a net or rod. Then have a randomized chance of what and how much you catch depending on which kind of water you are in. Not anything that actually is attached to the "geography" of Cantr.
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Postby rklenseth » Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:45 am

But that would still require programming to do though. :wink:
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Postby David » Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:47 am

In other words you think it should be low on the priority list regardless. ok, you may be right, there are more important things to attend to.
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Postby rklenseth » Fri Dec 19, 2003 6:00 am

I'm not saying as to where it would be on the priority list but it wouldn't be something major as there aren't all that many ships yet or sea travel and most people don't get fish because you have to cook it even though in real life it can be eaten without cooking and unlike meat you would most likely not suffer from some sort of sickness from doing so. It does taste better when cooked to most people's opinions.

Plus, with the grid system that is planned for 2.0, it would be easier to define then it currently is and not so much programming involved, I think. But I'm not a programmer so I'm not the one to ask.

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