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Postby Revanael » Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:44 am

Swymir, you'll vote against Mei? Good, we've an agreement then. And about time, it's getting late!

I make that four votes against Mei.
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:02 am

Swymir, no! Don't be fooled now in the end...don't trust their foul lies! will doom us all. This is the only chance we have...tomorrow it will be too late. Think about through the last pages again...see how they manipulated everyone. They have run the show from day one, swinging the villagers against each other...and no warewolves have been found. It is the perfect disguise...the warewolf posing as the seer.

Rev, your words about us being a pair is just ridiculous...I have not sided with is you, Ree and Seko that has forced us together. It is you who have voted the same, killing the innocent villagers before you both during the days by manipulating the rest of us and during the nights when the rest of us sleep. through it carefully...I just did. It really gets quite clear.

Seko, Ree and Rev are just acting a bit too perfect. Early on they all put a lot of effort into blaming or questioning each other, just to appear more innocent...but they lead us villagers all along towards our death.

I feel certain that Ree is one of the warewolves, since I very much doubt that the warewolves could manipulate her into starting the actual finger pointening...and that leaves us with a good chance of defeating them in the morning. When whoever is innocent out of Seko and Rev sees that Ree is the warewolf they are sure to come to their senses and speak up...and then we can root out the last one and survive. But if you let Mei hang today we won't even get that chance... :cry:
Last edited by Pirog on Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:03 am

*to the moderator: I hope you will leave some time for argument before taking the votes in...I'm sure I can make Swymir see the truth of this and turn back again*
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:29 am

I can say publically that if Mei is a warewolf I am of course her partner.

That is how sure I am about her innocence. It doesn't even matter much to me, since the rest of the manipulated villagers won't even have time to hang me before the warewolves kill us all...seeing that they will be two left and evening the score during the night.

I understand how hard the choice is...the fact that they are three makes them believable. They could have been four all along...I nearly joined them. They talked so reassuringly about how they were certain of my innocence and gave me the alternatives for how to vote...Mei or Swymir.

Now that I no longer agree with them they talk about me like I'm suddenly an obvious suspect again...why? You said you were absolutely certain about my innocence back when I followed your recommendations.

I'm very impressed by the manipulation skills the players of the warewolves have...and then I'm not even the one that have been duped the worst. Whoever is the innocent in their trio must get totally paranoid against people when this is over :lol:
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Postby swymir » Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:02 am

This I have noticed as well Pirog, I have recalled past claims upon your advice and your logic makes sence. I have my suspicions about both Ree and Mei but you are right if we take down Ree we may still have a chance. A better chance then if we lynch Mei so I must once again change my vote and this time I feel there will be no changing my mind. I have always felt that Pirog was innocent as have most people throughout the week until this day it seems, but I will not turn my back so easily. Once again we have a tie for the votes. Seko I do not want to see you sacrifice yourself in Ree's place. That is stupid and solves nothing. There wouldn't be a lynching if we didn't think it was Ree who was the wearwolf.
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Postby InsaneIrony » Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:46 am

I know I can trust in the innocence of Seko and Revanael... But Swymir, Pirog, you two confuse me... Pirog, I trusted you, I figured you must be innocent as well... A leap of faith... So I figured the werewolves were Mei and Swymir... But then Pirog started to defend Mei, which only made me wonder...
I was sure that today the village could act as a whole, united in ridding the community of these beasts... But when Pirog turned around and sided with Mei, I knew there would be a tie like this... I thought still, that his vote would be the one that could turn for the better... And yet things happen... He offered to join our side if we chose to lynch Swymir instead of Mei. I do not understand this... We know there are two werewolves... Mei is definitely one of them. I have trouble seeing Pirog as a werewolf, yet the evidence stands...

I thought I'd die at the claws of werewolves tonight... But not accused as one. *sighs* And if I die by the hands of my fellow villagers, then that means still another innocent will die tonight as well... And probably one of my friends. Can't you see what's going on here? Pirog's innocent face... a decieving trap... I... This morning, I saw Pirog as a friend, but now...
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:26 am

Thank the great heavenly baker!

I was sure that our village was doomed there for a while, but you have proven to be a man of reason, Swymir, indeed you have. I admit that I have had my doubts about you, as I have had with pretty much everyone, but it is now very calming to have at least two people I can trust.

Now I want to turn to the fourth innocent villager, the sheep in wolves clothing as you may be called. If you side with us now all will be forgotten and no grudge will be held, none at all. We have all nearly been fooled by the slick tongues of the warewolves, so we will show full sympathy that you have been duped by them, indeed we will.

I know how reassuring it seemed when they whispered about you being trusted and cared for, but those things have been whispered to us all...I'm sure even to poor innocent Garalou, may his spirit rest in the fluffy doe up in heaven.

Please, join us and save the village.
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:39 am


Be still with your treacherous words, vile warewolf!
With Swymir on my side, proving his innocence, I'm more certain than ever that I have chosen the right side, indeed I am.

No matter how sweet the words of your silver tongue is I now sense the fangs in your mouth!

When you hang today your evil alliance will shatter and all the innocent villagers will finally see the truth...and if your friend takes revenge on me tonight for exposing you I hope he/she chokes to death on my crusts!
Last edited by Pirog on Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:43 am

If only the fourth innocent villager would step forward...then we would know the names of both wolves and the game would be won.
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Postby Revanael » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:09 am

I can promise you, Pirog, I'm no werewolf. And I don't believe that Seko is. She's told me only today that she thinks Ree is innocent.

Seko's spoken up, revealing that she's the seer. She came to me early the first day and spoke to me then. If Seko and Ree are the fiends killing our friends, then who's the seer? And who've I been trusting?

No. I cannot believe Seko is a wolf, and I trust what she's told me. So Ree is innocent as well.

That means that two of you three are the wolves. Mei most likely. Pirog, you continuing to side with her suggests you are the second wolf, unless Swymir is playing a clever game with us, pretending to agree with us for a time to lull us...

I don't think any of you will be able to convince me that Seko and Ree are the wolves. You're welcoe to try, but...
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:40 pm

I'm certain that Seko isn't the seer. Publically, but even more via PM's she has been the one out of you three who have shown the most doubts about who is talking the truth or not. She even told me that she didn't know who of Mei or Swymir that was the guilty one, just that she had been told that it was one of them. Why would she fake not knowing while trying to convince me to vote like she does? That doesn't make any sense.

I have for quite some time now suspected you Rev for posing as the seer and making Seko, who would in that case be innocent, cover for you...but if it is like you say and she has claimed to you that she is indeed the seer then we have found our second warewolf.

Both Ree and Seko have publically gone out and "sacrificed themselves for the team", and that is certainly suspicious considering that two out of your trio are warewolves...and it would be a very sneaky way of trying to prove their devotion for the "team" and gain credibility without having to take any real risks if they are the warewolves.

But I have still not made up my mind about who of you that is innocent.

Only you have that power, and you can prove your innocence very easily by changing sides...that is something that the remaining warewolf won't do. Otherwise I'm afraid this tie will be solved by some kind of lottery...and that would give the warewolves a big chance of winning after all. That would be very sad, considering how close they have allready been to winning when Swymir was undecided.
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Postby Revanael » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:01 pm

If neither Ree or Seko are the seer, Priog, who is? Whoever the seer is, they either KNOW two people they can trust, or they KNOW who at least one of the wolves is.

You sem certain that Ree is the wolf, and Mei is innocent, so it could be you... Swymir doesn't seem sure about anyone, so it almost certainly isn;t him who's the seer. Mei can't be - all she seemed certain of was that Ree is guilty, she doesn't know who she can trust. Seko says she can trust me or Ree. I'm not the seer. Ree claimed to be, and she trusts me and Seko.

Looking at it that way... I'm sticking with my vote. Mei is the one I trust the least.
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:25 pm

It is not certain that the people "uncovered" by the seer are still alive, Rev. That is all I want to say right now about who the seer might be.

But I can admit that I'm not the seer. At this point I don't need to be the seer though...just using reason is enough for me to know what side to trust.
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Postby SekoETC » Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:22 pm

Two nights there has been. Two visions. Thus only the true identity of two people can be known. And if one selects wrong, finding only innocent ones, no werewolves will be found. Only when there's a single one left untested, if the others are proved innocent then this one is known to be the werewolf.

Swymir, I trust Ree maybe more than she could trust me. I trust her enough to die for her. Even if Pirog says he doesn't believe I'm the seer, how could I know if he's telling the truth? If he's a werewolf, which seems likely now, he cannot let me live. And if you're the second werewolf, it'll be all the same.

If Mei and Ree are lynched, I'll probably be killed at night. In the morning you'll see the mark on me and will have a hard time convincing Rev of your innocence. If I take Ree's place now it can be either her or Rev surviving... *sigh* But just one... There will be no happy future for anyone of us.

Why don't we just leave this village? If we run far enough the werewolves will starve and turn against each other... Or so I hope. Why do we just wait for death?
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Postby Pirog » Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:37 pm

Why don't we just leave this village? If we run far enough the werewolves will starve and turn against each other... Or so I hope. Why do we just wait for death? this your last desperate way to save your life? I think you are taking a bit too much liberties with the game :wink:

By events here and discussions during private PM's I'm now confident that Rev is the fourth innocent villager.

He was quite disturbed to find out that you have whispered words of confidence to more people than him. As you said yourself...the seer have only had two visions. How come you have whispered to Rev that you are certain of his innocence, whispered to me that you are certain of my innocence and to Mei that you was sure of hers...and still you claim that you are certain of Ree's innocence as well as you now know for sure that Mei is the warewolf...that is stretching your two visions a lot isn't it, warewolf?

Who knows to what other people you have whispered your reassuring words. Swymir? Perhaps even poor Garalou, who suddenly was so sure of your innocence, just before you ordered his death.

There is no longer a need for a is clear that you and Ree are the warewolves.

All Rev needs is time to think...then he will look through you.
As for me, Mei and Swymir I am very confident that none of us will be fooled by either you or Ree ever again.
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