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Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:04 am
by Revanael
Yup, we've one brand-spanking-new forum here, for you people. What's it for, you ask?

Forumgoers: "No we don't!"

Oh? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. Since the CD, for practicality reasons, can't necessarily check every thread every time they check the forums, and since even when we do that we might still miss something, we would like to have you, the regular forumgoer's, help in finding anything that needs dealing with.

I'm undecided as yet to exactly how we'll lay things out in here... so, for the moment, we'll have it so you post a single post in a sticky'd thread what you think needs doing. Please do NOT discuss moderation requests in those threads - create a new topic if you feel you need to discuss a moderation request.

Things we're looking to deal with include, but are not necessarily limited to, excessive bad language, offensive or overly aggressive behaviour towards other forum users, topics that are probably in the wrong forum, topics and subjects that are obscene or offensive, and topics that have gone so far off track that they deserve splitting.

When making a request, be sure to link to the topic in your request, and preferably the correct page. State clearly what you feel the problem is. And make sure it's in the right sticky!

The sticky'd threads will be set by CD members to notify us when someone posts. That's the entire reason for using sticky'd threads - you should get a quicker response. Also, the more information you give us, the quicker we can deal with the problem.

Spamming, flaming, and similar behaviour in this forum is not acceptable and will likely be deleted. If you feel a moderation should not have gone through which did, or you fell that one that we felt was unnecessary shuld in fact have had action taken, feel free to discuss it, but try not to be too aggressive or offensive - that's the best way, in life, to get people to disagree with you more...

If, for any reason, you do not want to make a request openly, then you can PM a CD member or email If you do the latter, please tell us your forum name. We'll make the request post for you anonymously, but would still like your name.

Active CD members can be distinguished by the little text under their forum name.