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A Question...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:18 pm
by dingo13and7
Okay, so first, allow me to apologise to anyone who's charries are in the same place as mine. I know my RP has been suffering, because my outside-of-Cantr life is hectic as crap. Don't worry, this is nothing bad, I promise. Anywho, the reason for the chaos is that I'm buying a ring and proposing to the love of my life. Now, the aforementioned question...

For those of you who are married/engaged/anything like that, could you impart an ounce (or a pound, if you wish) of wisdom on me? Actually, even those of you who aren't married/engaged/whatever, what advice have you got?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. - Before anyone asks, yes, she knows that I play Cantr, and she's cool with it. :D

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:33 pm
by SekoETC
Um, what exactly is the question?

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:49 pm
by Henkie
dingo13and7 wrote:For those of you who are married/engaged/anything like that, could you impart an ounce (or a pound, if you wish) of wisdom on me? Actually, even those of you who aren't married/engaged/whatever, what advice have you got?

What I would do, is find something that is deeply special to her, everyone has something that means so much to them. A memory, an event, a small thing... Emotional value, in any case. Make an effort, make it a special night, and make her remember the most touching experience she's ever had.

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:51 pm
by dingo13and7
SekoETC wrote:Um, what exactly is the question?

dingo13and7 wrote:For those of you who are married/engaged/anything like that, could you impart an ounce (or a pound, if you wish) of wisdom on me? Actually, even those of you who aren't married/engaged/whatever, what advice have you got?

Basically, what advice can you offer me? As Henkie so wonderfully put, I really want to make this special for her. I'm toying with a few different ideas, and I can't seem to make up my mind. So I was curious as to how other folks think on this topic.

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:01 pm
by SekoETC
Oh, for some reason my eyes totally skipped the sentence about buying a ring, even though I read your post several times. So this is about getting engaged? I don't think I would be very good to give advice since we got engaged in such a nerdy way, being in a long distance relationship and all. We were discussing wedding dresses before we got engaged and when it turned out that doesn't count as a proposal, it was necessary to get it out of the way, to finally say that we're actually going to do it. The ring was mailed as a Christmas present. It was an unusual design/ stone selection but I'm glad to have it because I'm also an unusual person, so we match.

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:38 pm
by dingo13and7
That's actually really cute :D I mean, you're right, that won't really work as well for me since my "long-distance" relationship is only an hour and a half away. But still, I like the story :D

And no worries about skipping parts of a post, my eyes do that me all the time. Especially in game, almost always when someone is introducing him- or herself. :-P

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:55 pm
by Doug R.
I put the ring inside a rose on the anniversary of the day we started dating (or at least the day we selected as such).

Re: A Question...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:30 pm
by dingo13and7
Doug R. wrote:I put the ring inside a rose on the anniversary of the day we started dating (or at least the day we selected as such).

Hmmm...I'm getting some nice ideas now. The first date we had (which seems to be the recurring trend in all suggestions :D), I brought her a dozen roses, so I may have to find a way to utilise something similar. Thanks, Doug!

Re: A Question...

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:15 am
by NostalgicMelody7
Well, I'm not exactly married or anything, but my last relationship lasted for a year and a half xD Well, she was really into video games, especially pokemon (I'm talking borderline fanatic here xD). She would always have a fit when I got her like a pokemon plush or something :)
ANYWAYS, this one day I saw this picture on facebook about this guy that made a pokemon team on the original red version, and he made the names of the pokemon spell out "[Person] will you please marry me?" or something, AND IT WAS THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER :DDDD

Re: A Question...

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:54 pm
by dingo13and7
Hahaha, I love it! That's the kind of fun and original thing I'm aiming for. Though my girlfriend isn't really a pokemon fan. Hmmmmm... *The sounds of wheels turning in a head begin to sound*

Re: A Question...

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:37 pm
by Vega
When I left my now-ex-boyfriend (me at him, first time) he told me he was going to ask me to marry him soon, and he has yet a plan (yes... he did that... -.- He can be sooo nice...) and he showed it to me.

It was some sort of route following hints, through his house/street to return to his house again and find him and all that. I can't remember a lot of details, sorry. It's one of the things I tried to forget...

Re: A Question...

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:07 pm
by NancyLee
Since I've been proposed twice and I've never got engaged, guess I know more about "things you shouldn't do when proposing" </sarcasm>

In my opinion, the only thing you need to make it awesome is knowing well your partner, as it's been said before: find that silly little detail that will melt her, a souvenir from when you met, some special place you've been to together, recreate a past intense moment, a story scene... whatever you feel is important to her and that show her you not only love her but know her and took the effort in making special that moment.

Oh, and then tell us! :D

Re: A Question...

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:11 pm
by Henkie
Tell us the two stories accompanying them Nancy!!!

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:47 am
by NancyLee
Wrong person, wrong timing.

My best friend got somewhat crazy in a crazy road trip and decided he was in love with me. The proposal itself was very cute: a costumes birthday party, he was dressed as Sesame Street's Count von Count -Count Draco here- (his parents had a video about the two of us in the kindergarten where I was saying that I'll marry the count when I grew up), the ring was inside of a pair of satin ballet shoes.

My former boyfriend proposed in a concert, still on stage (I'm shy, public big displays of feelings made me wanna hide) two days after I told him we should take things slow. Not the best choice.

Re: A Question...

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:21 pm
by dingo13and7
Sorry to hear that, Nancy. :/

And thank you everyone for the advice. The plans are moving along quickly now. I'm picking up the ring tonight and hopefully I'll get a chance to ask her parents blessing this weekend. If not, sometime next week. And I'm starting to get what I feel will be a meaningful proposal together. Thank you all! :D