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Gabrielle Giffords

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:15 pm
by phoenixannwn
So if you're in America, you probably already know this, but Gabrielle Gifford was shot in the head today by a guy with a semi-automatic weapon. It is alll over the news.
What I think is funny is that nobody can figure out if she's actually died, and EVERYONE is obsessed with finding out. Maybe I'm just jaded, or naive, but why don't we leave it alone?
I mean, Wikipedia's already reported that she's dead, and they're arguing about it on the talk page.
But just leave the woman alone.
I'm officially deciding that Gabrielle Giffords is undead. So leave her alone. Gah.

Re: Gabrielle Giffords

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:50 pm
by Joshuamonkey
I've never heard of her and I don't pay attention to the news, but now I know. :|
I find it interesting that wikipedia's talk page for her has at least 14 categories about her shooting. You'd think people would just comment on an earlier one.

Wikipedia doesn't currently say that she's dead, just in critical condition and in surgery.

Re: Gabrielle Giffords

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:10 pm
by phoenixannwn
It did last time I checked, but then just released an official news conference thingy stating she's alive. Shot in the head. Through-and-through. Ouch.
I really think they just need to leave her alone. Poor lady. She's got to recover from a traumatic brain injury and be a politician at the same time. :(

Re: Gabrielle Giffords

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:31 pm
by Arenti
Well as far as the news is here she had surgery and the doctors are positive about her recovery but several others were killed.

Re: Gabrielle Giffords

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:19 am
by phoenixannwn
Oh, and now they're saying she may have been targeted because of Sarah Palin's "Don't Retreat, Reload" thingie. And it won't stay off the news. You know, really, they don't need to cover it so much. I understand it's a tragedy and all, but we not need to know every little thing about every little thing in this shooting.
And that poor little girl that got killed. :cry: