Rise against the Industry, it is time for change!

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Re: Rise against the Industry, it is time for change!

Postby Addicted » Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:14 am

Piscator wrote: Exactly, who knows what the British Empire might have achieved if it hadn't had to spend so many resources on fighting those anarchists in their colonies.

Anarchy in the colonies? *Looks around eagerly* Where? :o

I love pirate day, almost as much as I love pirates. Any excuse to 'Arr me hearties' is good enough for me. My last big birthday bash was a 'Pirates and Princess's' theme and much to my delight, my guests did dress up ( :oops: And looked really hot and spoke in character for most of the night).
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Re: Rise against the Industry, it is time for change!

Postby gejyspa » Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:53 am

Lest you think you are a lone voice in the wilderness, Doug R., I agree wholeheartedly with your POV here.
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Re: Rise against the Industry, it is time for change!

Postby Alladinsane » Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:09 pm

I also agree with Doug for the most part. This body of work is just that, a body of work. Its how these musicians feed their families and they don't like, just like any of us, to work for free. I used to think that the life of a professional musician was a dream job until I met one (actually several) and saw the tedium and thanklessness that they often experience on their way up and knowing that they were likely never going to make a living at it. The ones who say that they 'paid their dues'; man you have no idea. I thought I ate alot of Ramen noodles when I was a teen and in my 20's...they were lucky some days to get that.

Music has always meant alot to me and now it means even more I guess. I remember saying that a few of my favorite bands had 'sold out' when I heard their music in commercials or they released a record that I didn't like. Well of course they did, 'sold out' is a measure of success, most of these people can only dream of the opportunity to 'sell out'. I was never a big fan of Metallica, but I did like what their bass player once said when he was accused of 'selling out'. He said (I don't have the direct quote, so this is paraphrase) "of course we sell out...we sell out every stadium, every venue, we sell lots of albums, and we sell our work." I can't imagine many of us who would honestly say that they would go to wherever their job is and work a few days for free; "umm...you won't get paid for next weeks work"...would you show up?

Even thinking that the evil corporations are the only ones hurt may be a bit inaccurate. Directly its true, but if allowing musicians to record becomes unprofitable to them, then the only music you will get is down at the corner tavern. They will invest elsewhere. Very few musicians have enough ramen noodles to give themselves a recording contract and cover the expenses...heck, even for a myspace page in some cases. The corps make it possible for us to hear Nirvana in places other than the 'Dew Drop Inn" in greater Seattle. Most of us would never have heard of them. The contracts that the musicians sign are often exploitative I agree, but thats how they get the groups started and a contract is only something signed by two willing persons free to decline at any moment up to the signing and usually with a 2-3 day period of option to decline. Still they sign it. Same with Movie ideas or any other form of entertainment medium.

Comedy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlVDGmjz7eM

Sadly its pretty true. I have written enough for one post, but I salute the writers, actors and other entertainers who bring us their art. Not only do I salute them, but I support them when I can...key word being support. Doug...you go girl!

Let the controversy begin.

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Re: Rise against the Industry, it is time for change!

Postby BrentW » Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:42 pm

The copyright problem is getting out of hand. I watch game walkthroughs on youtube so I know if I want to cough up 60 bucks for a game or not. They guy I am watching almost got shut down for a copyright complaint with Fallout New Vegas only the first vid because the opening part because it had a song. He turns off all music because of it. And it's free advertising for the game but they tagged anyways.

It's so getting out of hand and the corporations can not win. You can not control the internet even if you try it cant be done they should learn from china. Also I see that musicians are pissed. But again you can not stop people now it's the internet not so long ago it was a tape recorder and a radio come times just a concert. It's the way it's been and always has been. The money they are losing is so small but it's the principal of the thing they dont like.

And most everything in our living we no longer control so why try to mess with the internet. If I want to watch a vid with some song in it I will with out without some Corporation being happy about it. It seems like they can put whatever they want up but god forbid any one else does and people like it more.

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