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The Arena, Roleplay

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:11 pm
by theguy
Well before I started a roleplay on some other board about making forum sigs but now those boards are fairly dead but the Arena roleplay went really well.

Basically it was about this place in the future were everybody was bored because machines did everything and no one every got any excitement so arena battles became the new best thing were contenders fought it out to the death. (but they came back at the end due to regenerators)

So the rp itself was based around a bar and the arena. It went really well we had one battle which was amazing and it showed real potential. Unfortunately it died along with the forum for unknown reasons but im really interested in starting it up again.

Anybody offer any advice about what to do? I was thinking dedicated website so I had full control or is there anywhere good that I could base it?

I'll post the intro to it if anybody is interested, its quite big and long winded so I was leaving it out this post so people read the important bits first


Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:47 pm
by Dudel

Tell them Dudel sent ya. ;)

I'm "more known" among the Advance Section and a small group in the Casual but that might be a good place to try your thing.

They've even got a section JUST FOR Arena type stuff.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:06 pm
by theguy
Ok I signed up, im going to have a look around make a few posts. I might join some other rp's before I restart my own and I also need to decide if I have a Casual or Advanced role play.

Basically I copy and pasted the whole intro thing which is mega long winded so dont read all of it if you dont want to but could Dudel or another member of roleplayers guild try to judge if this is casual or advanced

Explanation of what a Roleplay is

Essentially a roleplay is a story which is written by the players as they go along.
All the players can influence the story and help to tell it
Each Player makes a fictional character which enters into the scenario of the RolePlay
There characters then interact to make a story which is as interesting as possible
So if you want to get involved with “Arena” role-play, read the back-story below and though the instructions to play then think up of a character and make a post telling other players about what your character is like and what they use. Then go to Arena Roleplay Part One and write an intro along the lines of

“very brief description of you character walks into the bar, (and then if your stuck for anything more creative) says “Hello my name is CHARACTERS NAME I came for the free beer” (change the intro to suit your character which you have made.)

The Arena.....

Somewhere far away from here, on a distant moon of a distant planet is a thriving city. It’s a perfect place to live. There is no crime and nobody has to do much work, robots do it all. There is plenty of stuff for everybody so nobody needs to fight

So most people just go on with there life’s, lazing about the place not caring much. But some people get bored, they wanted a place to go, a few people decided they didn’t like how boring it got and wanted something to do, people started making bars where people could hang out, one of these bars had a idea to liven things up a bit.

Start a fighting arena! there was an old warehouse which they rented out for a little bit. They bought a few benches to go around the side of the warehouse and in the middle they put a cage. There first idea for a battle was to have two people going in with any weapons just beat the hell out of each other and see where is went from there. Of course the goverment wouldn't appove of death matches so "Regenerating life supports" were also put in the arena so nobody could die but pain would still be felt. At the end everybody could go back to their bar and relax, most of the people who were around at the start lived in the rooms at the top of the bar which were free for everybody who wanted them.


All general rules apply but to keep RP fun there are also a few more rules to consider. Me (capjoel) will mod the specialist RP rules and also manage any other RP related matters.

Don’t Godmod or “Cheese Whizz”

Try to keep your character realistic, characters cannot dodge every bullet and are not powered over anybody else’s so if you want to make a character who can defy gravity and run extremely fast give it weaknesses as well. As this RP is only just starting we can discuss what we see as fair and unfair and try to make the RP better .

Also you cannot say the outcome of an action you make so

* Capjoel punches bob and sends him flying off the edge into a pit where bob impales on a spike and dies

Is not allowed rather

* Capjoel thrusts his fist though the air aiming straight towards bob’s head

And then

Bob tries to move away at the last second but is to slow and capjoel’s fist glances the side of his head and makes him lose awareness of his surroundings for a moment

Also your character is not a seeing all knowing all god, if you are not in that same area when somebody says or does something you do not know it and cannot act upon it unless somebody tells you.

Sign up

Before you start the game please give you name and give other players have an idea what your character looks like also include any special powers you might want as well

Notes on characters

Your character does not have to participate in fights and you can go off and do other things as well in the RP (anything you can think of) but the fights are more for some structure to the RP.

Try to make it balanced, any advantages should be balanced with a disadvantage (e.g. heavy armour protects you more but makes it harder to dodge bullets)

Equipment can be changed but physical appearance and attributes cannot be, I will allow you for your character to go away or get killed so you can create a new one but I would prefer you didn’t have to

Oh also feel free to create in human characters

As this is a GFX fourum I welcome and pictures of your character or diagrams.

Ok that’s way to much from me, here’s my character


Name: Jason

Physical attributes:
Human, Male, 5ft 6, visible muscles but not the strongest

Physical appearance:
Brown eyes, dark brown/ black hair which is cut very short. Sort of average looking with no particular features sticking out. A very generic appearance that would be similar to Sheppard from mass effect. (ok I compared my character to a character from a game but if it makes it easier for you to compare to an existing character feel free)

In combat wears light armour which allows for easy movement, it is powered by a battery pack which is in his right shoe, if anybody touches it with bare hands when it is on then they are given a jolt which would send an average human male flying backwards. However this armour would not help very much against a powerful smash or a heavy weapon. Also Jason wears a thruster pack which allows short jumps out of trouble. It has limited fuel capacity so can only be used twice before it needs to be refuelled. He also has a pistol with 9mm rounds which can penetrate light armour only. Because the bullets are so small he has clips of 20 and can bring 5 clips into each match on his utility belt.

When he is not wearing his combat gear he wears t-shirts and combat trousers and sometimes sunglasses.

I had some spare time so decided to make a little picture of jason :)

Last notes:
Anybody can sign up with one character only, I will open a thread for the main RP
Only one character each
Don’t include any background or history to your character, you can tell other players in the RP a little bit about your character but you might not want to give everything away at once. Saying this, it might help you when you are role-playing to make at least briefly your characters history (even if its just in your head) so you know how your character will react in certain situations. A quite, shy character the one minute turning into a loud, rude character the next without explanation wont work to well.

Once you have signed up I will try to manage this page to be only alive characters sign ups but for now I would like feedback on my background so I can edit it and try to make it better.

Also note, the arena layout in the intro is only for the first match/s, becuase there is an abundance of resourses anything can be made in there and when there are more people more battle modes will be created (e.g. team battles)

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:12 am
by Dudel
Well its an Arena RP but clearly has Advance standards provided you are not allergic to writing at least 3 paragraphs of information. It would still go into the Arena section.

When I have people make Bios I like to have people talking about what has happened a few moments/minutes before the RP opened.

At the max, would be "Yesterday" within RP bounds.

The explanation is not needed.

The examples of what god-modding etc are, are also not needed.

If you took emphasis away from the "Arena" and added more to the "story" then you could flat out start this in either Casual or Advance. My thing is start in Casual and say "High End Casual" which means "Advance but not really" (Lets players know you are looking for a "real commitment" but are not going to mash anyone for being a "poor writer") I like to make my own threads Mid Casual as they are not very serious.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:14 am
by *Wiro
Dudel wrote:

Tell them Dudel sent ya. ;)

I'm "more known" among the Advance Section and a small group in the Casual but that might be a good place to try your thing.

They've even got a section JUST FOR Arena type stuff.

I like these sites. But I barely ever join them. They're nice to read though. :)

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:17 am
by Dudel
I really enjoy RPGuild and its community. It was a nice find. :D