Players Wish List

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Players Wish List

Postby Solfius » Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:12 pm

Here's an Idea. I thought that everyone on the board could post a list of all the ides they think are good in order of the ones they would like to see soonest at the top.

That way the programming dept. and rest of the staff can see what poeple want the most and do that first, where possible.

I think to keep this tidy, any discussion should be done outside of this thread, and keep this thread purely for lists.

Any changes you can go back and edit your first list rather than post a new one.
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Postby Solfius » Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:14 pm

Here's my list in order:

- Bodies, Corpses, and Skeleton system to add depth.
- Cancelling burying projects
- Dead body wieght to be less
- Destroying all objects in the game
-. Renaming locations, roads, buildings, and vehicles.
-. Improved violence system
-. Skill System
-. Knowledge System (where you have to discover how to make things etc)
-. More attributes like health and energy instead of just strength. Having to rest to keep up strength etc
-. Babies, reproduction, etc preferably nearly completely replacing spawning.

edit: added in another one that I'd like to see - 580
Last edited by Solfius on Fri Aug 29, 2003 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Oasis » Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:50 pm

Okay, here's my Top 10 List: (sorry, there is just so much to choose from)

1) More Minutes!

2) Camping/Activity on the Roads
-the ability to cook, pass notes, trade items etc.
-tents would be nice

3) Children, but not replacing spawning

4) Useful furniture, and the ability to drag furniture

5) Skills

6) Ability to speak to more that one person at a time privately

7) Character profiles - player written

8) Renaming of Objects, buildings, vehicles

9) Destroying Objects (but need some controls here)

10) Improved Boating vavigational system
(at least a better, more accurate map)
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Postby JJ » Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:38 pm

1. being able to distroy notes
2. able to hit stuff with cars
3. skills system out
4. spandex (for them juggers)
5. sickness (for the hospitals to finaly come in handy)
6. animals to reproduce a bit faster yet not to fast.

hehe, you must admit its a great sorce of food in seri sering area.
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Postby swymir » Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:40 pm

1. Destroying all objects in the game (except notes)
2. More Animal Options
3. Renaming locations, roads, buildings, and vehicles.
4. Children, but not replacing spawning
5. Useful furniture, and the ability to drag furniture
6. Activity on the Roads
7. Ability to speak to more that one person at a time privately
8. Skill System
9. Improved Boating Navigational system
10. Coined Money (forget about counterfeight for now)
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Postby Meh » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:05 pm

Belive it or not I have no opnion here.
I'm up to try whatever gets implemented next.
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Postby Pirog » Thu Aug 28, 2003 5:46 pm

1. The big "map" change, where roads etc. would be replaced with a grid system...leaving place for larger cities and so on.

2. A more advanced combat system.
Preferably including a lot of randomness, like the ability to knock someone out, ciritcal hits and so on.
(so that the best equipped warrior isn't ALWAYS the one who wins)

3. Children

4. Skills

5. Energy meter, meaning that people need to rest.
(And therefore houses, furniture and so on will have a meaning)

6. The ability to destroy everything in the game, ESPECIALLY notes.

Well...these are the major ones.
The is quite a lot more I would like to see, but this will keep you occupied for a while I would believe :wink:
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Postby ephiroll » Thu Aug 28, 2003 6:23 pm

I'd be very happy being able to:

1. Rename buildings and vehicles
2. Use the containers.
3. Move large stationary objects (furniture, anvils, etc.).
4. Drag animals. :twisted:
5. And seeing a better combat system (random hits, random damage).
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Postby Matt » Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:27 am

1. make clothes so we have a use for all that cotton cloth lol
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Postby new.vogue.nightmare » Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:12 am

I think it'd be cool if characters could get better at things the more they did them...Like working out, sort of...
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Postby watermelonnose » Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:54 pm

1. Making Notes non-forge able.
2. Children
3. More Animal Options
4. Make roads and towns and country side on a grid system adding activity on the roads.
5. Collect and plant seeds.
6. Forceable search another character.
7. Skill System
8. Useful furniture, and the ability to drag heavy objects.
9. Cars should have only a limited range until they need to be refueled.
10. the ability to sneak behind buildings or trees and hide. Especially when running from those Lad barbarians
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Postby west » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:51 pm

1--able to remove building projects after a certain amount of idle time (for example the whore house in pok)
2--able to salvage resources from half-completed projects (maybe with a crowbar
3--rename buildings
4--taming anmials
5--being able to hit animals more than once a day
6--improved animal reproduction rates :?
7--clothing shows up on chardesc. or does it already?
8--iron growing on trees :D
9--building/object damage
10--robot elephants
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Postby The Hunter » Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:20 pm

1 -skills system
2 -Clothing, but useful clothing, like faster healing, conceiling weapons.
3 -When killing a Char on the road, the victims items to drop "on the
-Animal farming, for meat but also milk/cheese. (healing foods)?
Horses to be tamed and ridden.
-Razing buildings. (recycling)
-Clothing, but useful clothing, like faster healing conceiling weapons
-Able to notice weapons (abd hiding them with clothing)
-Changing building names.
-Armour (Leather, iron, steel)
-Useful furniture.
-NO children.

The first 3 have my priority, the rest I don't know.
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Postby Missy » Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:10 pm

Although I think I should be greatful for whatever is implemented at whatever time; and whenever they get the chance to do so; it would be a lie to say I didn't have a wish list. :)

1.) Children (I've been asking for children in game since my first account. and at the very beggining of it which was forever and three ages ago)
2.) ---would have been character profiles but since we're aloud to add pictures to notes for sure now--this isn't so much of a priority for me anymore!
2.) The ability to use, drag furniture! Including containters as well like Silo's etc.
3.) I wish for things that have already been implemented into the game but don't have a function as of yet---to gain the ability to function. I want the small things like silos and desk drawers to have USE before we go implementing other things! It only makes sense to me to do things in order and finnish one thing before the next! And since clothing is one of those things? This is the end of my wish list for now!
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Postby thingnumber2 » Sun Aug 31, 2003 12:06 pm

1. fixing all the stuff now, such as animals and stuff like that
3.nicer interface (not green)
4.can't think of much else...

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