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If it isn't mentioned...

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:55 pm
by Sunni Daez
If it isn't mentioned in the wiki, does it not exist in Cantr?

Re: If it isn't mentioned...

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:50 am
by Rocket Frog
I think Josh state somewhere, at some point (yet I can't quote it) that Cantr doesn't have an official lore. This one is built by the players and some kind of community common sense developed through time and that's subject to discussion, debate, and interpretation.

For example, some people take the wiki as some kind of holy text and what's not stated there, it doesn't exist. But some others go beyond and rp things that don't exist in Cantr but that are not game-disruptive.

Example: insects. Or using a flint and a steel piece for lighting some fire. Or smoke. Or ashes.

Astronomical events are also subject to rp interpretation. Some people believe there are stars and moon/s. Some others only see the sun 8/20.
I think there's some freedom on that matter as long as it doesn't go against the rules (for example: no magic allowed).

Re: If it isn't mentioned...

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:43 am
by Bmot
Also there's definitely things in the wiki that might not exist at all. :lol:

Re: If it isn't mentioned...

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:20 pm
by Sunni Daez