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Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:13 am
by SekoETC
A lot of people who are told about Cantr are turned off when they find out they're not allowed to play together with their friends. Is there any other game where cooperating with your friends is forbidden? In most games it's encouraged. If people could recruit people directly to add to their own towns, there would be more incentive for getting friends to play the game because it would cause a direct benefit. Sure there are disadvantages for playing more than two or three pairs with the same player, especially if they quit, but I think the game would only get better if everybody was allowed to spawn at least one character close to a player of their choice.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:43 am
by Genie
In a game like Cantr it can be enjoyable to play with friends, but it kills game's nature when people plan and do things with OOC decisions, this is unfair. Especially with violent characters we saw many bad results of OOC cooperating( I'm sure you remember the massacre). Why not to try to force yourself to stay in game and have more fun with your friends? None says that you can't play it with your friends, but when you get advantage of that it is becoming something like multi accounts. At the other hand one can always meet many characters of same player without even planning or you can meet your friend's char and learn this much later. I believe closing that topic had different reasons, because there was a post about a certain group of people. :wink:

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:55 am
by sherman
To an extent this is true what Genie said. However this is not what most people expect from a game. I understand the rule though, as the current game stands anyone who could get let's say 10 friends play together could basically do what ever they want

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:10 am
by pulkownikarnold
You know what I hate so much? Ignorance. When there are chars, and they aren't talking at all to anyone... because? reasons
They are joining projects, walking around, and talk almost NOTHING. Dude, just say a single damn word once for a while... It's especially visible and equally frustrating with some male characters. But once the female character shows up... oh boy. That's some good role playing right there.

Unfortunately this behavior (and OOC actions) is a growing cancer on cantr, I think some players are ignoring the fact that this game is supposed to be a role-play society sim game, not get laid & have gf simulator. After three years of constant RP degradation, I really think about quitting this game...
So I just quit today. I hope to return in the upcoming years to see if cantr is still alive. But I doubt it will.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:45 pm
by Kyriel
Genie wrote:I believe closing that topic had different reasons, because there was a post about a certain group of people. :wink:

You mean because someone dared to mention my character's name.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:04 pm
by SekoETC
I promised I would quit in January and I've been preparing for it, gradually killing off my older characters, but I have so many young ones and I feel I'm going to be a total jerkwad when I finally hit the X because nobody will see it coming IC, my characters will be letting a lot of people down and they have no ways of preparing those people emotionally because they have no idea they're about to die. I'm sorry in advance. I've been trying to come up with causes of death that make more sense than a heart attack but for most of them there are none.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:38 pm
by Snickie
SekoETC wrote:I've been trying to come up with causes of death that make more sense than a heart attack but for most of them there are none.

Look up fatal familial insomnia. I wanted to try it with one of my characters but real life prevented me from doing that.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:04 am
by Rmak
Kyriel wrote:
Genie wrote:I believe closing that topic had different reasons, because there was a post about a certain group of people. :wink:

You mean because someone dared to mention my character's name.

Did they say it three times like in candyman ?

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:15 am
by Wolfsong

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:41 pm
by Millhouse
I'm really considering just throwing in the towel over the upcoming radio nerf. It will mark the third or fourth time since I started playing that I've had to hit the brakes hard on one or more characters and I can't overstate just how frustrating it is.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:10 pm
by sherman
I'm sharing the same feeling, though first time in my time playing Cantr.. I just feel like the change will break most work I have done as town leader etc.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:15 am
by Vanya
Like the chineses, ... where you see a big low hit, I can see a ton of opportunities.
Of course, this will torn apart the connection between many villages, and even communities, sinking them in isolation and emptyness. BUT... In the other hand, well organized villages can create some kind of economy and a mail system, with someone actually delivering messages.

"WHY", you would ask. Then I would say: "because is fun"
Because sending someone to the darkness, with a mission and with a message, and that person venturing into the silence, is fun.
Pay the guy. Use stamps and stamp the letter. Tax the letter for every node it has to cross to reach the target. Go out there and hunt those messengers. Use steeds. Create posts where the steeds can be fed and the messenger can rest. Turn on the grass industry.


I see it like a lot of fun. Of course it hurts, and it hurts a lot more to those who really used and cared for the radios. But it also makes a really good source of RP, and it can also be explained RP-wise (like a raise in the electromagnetic field around Cantr, reducing the effectiveness of radios).

Just dont sink with the problem. And remember that we are getting messenger pigeons "soon (tm)".

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:57 am
by MattWithoos
I'm so tired of characters sitting in radio rooms, tied to the radio, unable to go outside for fear of missing a crucial message. For that I'm optimistic about the change. And I think you nailed it - it's going to add way more to the game than it takes away. At least, that's my opinion and I stand to be corrected.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:45 pm
by BosBaBe
I have quit before. And I'm seriously considering doing it again.
I just have a few characters really important, who are relied on... I don't know what to do. Recent wvents have just been too much though so even with how imporant they are, I've lost passion.
It doesn't help that the game Arx (someone introduced it to me on here, it's so wonderful) feels so much more welcoming.

Re: Thinking about quitting.....

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:08 pm
by Vanya
BosBaBe wrote:I have quit before. And I'm seriously considering doing it again.
I just have a few characters really important, who are relied on... I don't know what to do. Recent wvents have just been too much though so even with how imporant they are, I've lost passion.
It doesn't help that the game Arx (someone introduced it to me on here, it's so wonderful) feels so much more welcoming.

No ofense intended but... For me, thats an inability for thinking out of the box. Come on!! Its a great oportunity to make something great!! No matter what, the communication CANT be so important. Or at least the radio communication.

You can always send a messenger and thrill till the messenger comes back. You can always rp about the global event. There is an entire industry that can be created behind this, and move some serious and interesting gears. Its not the death of communication, but a door that closes and forces people to move their butts and try to do something else, instead of stay there, sitting and using a radio.