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Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:06 am
by Alladinsane
The capital rule.

You know...-The- rule?

But back to my question...
I am wondering how many times you have got a character murdered because you had to move them?
You can leave out specifics of course in case there are more murders to come.

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:16 am
by MonkeyPants4736
I feel that both Alladinsane and HFrance are picking on Rmak. HFrance's post was deleted, but included cursing which I don't feel was appropriate. Also, you guys aren't even on topic. I am also curious about the rule about moving characters, because I have never seen it either. I think Rmak's question was valid, was not answered, and was replaced with a question that isn't on topic either.

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:33 am
by Rmak
Where does the capital rule say:

We will spawn you in this place but by the way you need to move immediately if we spawn you close by.

Can't find it on here: ... W5rbm93bg,,

(Hope that comes through)

or here:

There is this part though, its the only place I can see the rules talk about a character and its location:

If you cannot avoid having two of your characters meet, it is best that one 'sleeps'. If interaction is unavoidable, you must carefully play as if they were played by strangers. But keep in mind, that since you as a player are controlling when your characters are awake and what they know, there are some intrinsic advantages to their interaction that no kind of roleplay can mitigate and which are unfair to other players.

Maybe you can point me to where that rule is mentioned.

And its why I don think conflict.............or anything really occurs in the EZ apart from the odd visitor and newspawn wanting to trade for a hammer. Whether its Greater timezone spread (Across all the worlds english speaking areas) causing activity mismatch or dense population due to misfortune of spawning location - peoples hands are tied. Most towns have everything needed, machines, resources and vehicles so the only excitement is trying the new recipes that RD have created (They would taste better with Butter 8) )

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:51 am
by Alladinsane
MP feels that I am being mean. I am sorry Rmak, I will no longer ask that you justify your statements.
Please forgive me if my behavior seemed to be bullying or condescending in any way.

I will give you the link to our wiki rule page.

I will even quote some of the key lines we use when considering character proximity.

you may use only the knowledge each character obtains on their own within the game. For example, if one of your characters witnesses an event, your other characters must act as if they have no knowledge of it until they learn for themselves independently in the game environment.

You may never use multiple characters together to help each other.

you as a player must develop your character solely within the game environment. Play your character from his or her in-game experiences, with his or her in-game knowledge, and taking his or her in-game personality and interests in mind.

they cannot join in any activity which profits one another, even from different locations. They must have their own individual interests and goals, and these may not intersect.

If you cannot avoid having two of your characters meet, it is best that one 'sleeps'. If interaction is unavoidable, you must carefully play as if they were played by strangers. But keep in mind, that since you as a player are controlling when your characters are awake and what they know, there are some intrinsic advantages to their interaction that no kind of roleplay can mitigate and which are unfair to other players.

There are several other lines, but rather than quoting the whole of the capital rule right here I gave you the link.
If any of these situations ever apply to you, you are urged to seek the guidance of PD.

They are nice people and will help guide you if necessary.

Thanks! :)

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:02 am
by Rmak
I think MP was referring to yet another staff outburst that was deleted. I don't get hurt feelings, I laugh most of the time.

But thanks for showing me you can't point to a specific rule that the game spawning mechanic ignores. Only a subjective rule that is "defined vaguely on purpose". A good fall back to cover some basic functionality causing the issue.

And I have seen 2 newspawns murdered and 4 thrown in jail to starve. I'm sure those players had an excellent experience

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:47 am
by Alladinsane
I heard about the post, I wish I had seen it.

What I was trying to show is the totality of what they look at.
Fortunately, the 'vague' rule worked for a dozen years.

I could go on and just erased a long part of this post and my post was not answered either.
I agree that we have begun to divert this thread into a thread that was moved and split.
I'm sorry I fell for that.
So to avert further frustration: we will move back to "less conflict" ? now.

Be well.

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:23 am
by Willis
ecoman: Yeah, the trend where staff never officially report what actually happens is undermining the entire system

Why is this a thing? never heard before where vaguary was a good desired thing. It always was something to be removed, not kept in the loop as a black box.

You both posted the same rules and the power walks away happy and threatening. See how the powerless wouldn't like such a resolution?

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:06 pm
by Jaxon
To add to my last post in another thread, if Cantr is to save itself it needs conflict.

While killing may not be a part of the game, conflict is inherent in society.

Cantr has become more of a utopian simulator where resources are infinite and crime is limited.

Just to reassert, I'm not advocating for more killing, but like I said, there does need to be more conflict. How do we get more conflict? Shorten the lives of newspawns. Before I elaborate and type out a bunch of stuff about this though, I want to know if anyone is interested in hearing more. So if you are, let me know.

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:49 am
by MattWithoos
You can have conflict without death. That's my prefered mode. Capture and imprison for a long time, beat the anger out of the character until they're an empty shell, and then free them knowing they won't revolt or rise up. (or it'd take years).

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:27 am
by Willis
How you treat priisoners is an other signpost. Lokked in room and bored says much. Something to do and talk about for time with glee says more. Rust says prisoners are best toys cause they squeak. Squeaked toy with nobody around stops squeaking and goes away

Re: Less Conflict?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:42 am
by Jaxon
^^Agreed to both. There is a solution to fix this that I have stated I would propose. Though I won't waste my time proposing it unless the pd is actually interested in hearing an idea. As it stands now, Cantr is barely floating by. My ideas would fix this, though they would take time.