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Re: CantrSpy 2.8

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:06 pm
by *Wiro
If I'm not mistaken, CantrSpy is not the only thing that doesn't work with this change. Every single image in notes stopped loading for me.

Re: CantrSpy 2.8

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:16 pm
by SekoETC
Don't scare me like that. At least my map works just fine. Maybe it's off-site hosted images?

Re: CantrSpy 2.8

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:24 pm
by *Wiro
SekoETC wrote:Don't scare me like that. At least my map works just fine. Maybe it's off-site hosted images?

No it's every single image in notes - an issue that has started for me at the same time as CantrSpy stopped working. It's also the reason I couldn't see that image I PMd you about. If your CantrSpy works for you it seems logical that this image problem wouldn't affect you either.

I hope I can get removed from the test server list soon, as I need CantrSpy (and images) more than I need to test things at the moment.

Re: CantrSpy 2.8

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:37 pm
by Pies
Don't panic, images hosted on cantr server will work. Unfortunately all notes containing them will have to be changed, but this is doable.
Other thing are images hosted outside our server. We will solve it and maybe now using hosting outside would be just impossible (which would be good).

Re: CantrSpy 2.8

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:00 pm
by joo
AniCator wrote:I've been trying to get 2.8.5 working for a while now.
I'm still using 2.8.4 because it fails to update to 2.8.5. I also tried a clean install and manual one.
2.8.4 installs fine while 2.8.5 usually states that its installation package may be corrupted.

It turns out that this was happening because the publication certificate I used had expired, and that particular version of CantrSpy had been published without a digitally signed timestamp (for some reason I can't remember, and, I suppose, erroneously). This should be fixed in the version I am about to publish, although it will require a manual installation.

Re: CantrSpy 2.9.0

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:04 pm
by joo
CantrSpy 2.9.0

The certificate I was using to publish CantrSpy expired recently, after 5 years. If I'd remembered, I might have been able to renew the certificate without any trouble, but perhaps 5 years seemed too far in the future to worry about at the time, so I didn't. The new certificate will expire in 30 years; who knows if the human race will still even be alive then?!

Consequently, unlike previous versions, this update will need to be installed by:
  • Manually uninstalling the old version, using your operating system's usual facility for this, then
  • Installing the new version using the link above.
Any saved login details and settings will not be preserved in the new version.

  • Added an option to "Connect through SSL/TLS", enabled by default, due to recent server changes. It is recommended to leave this on, unless you know better.
  • Changed to a new publication certificate, since the previous certificate expired, requiring a manual reinstall, as above.
For more details, see the change log.

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:50 am
by joo
I have had problems reported on Windows 8, but have not yet been able to test on this operating system myself. I would be interested to know how it goes for any other Windows 8 users.

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:52 am
by Snickie
I had no problems with it whatsoever.

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:53 am
by ColormeGreen
joo wrote:I have had problems reported on Windows 8, but have not yet been able to test on this operating system myself. I would be interested to know how it goes for any other Windows 8 users.

I tried it on my laptop, and it would not connect. I even tried various combinations of settings with no luck. So I had to revert back to using 2.1. That's the only one that seems to work for me period. :( But it doesn't have the tick timer, which kind of sucks.

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:49 am
by kicking jay
Adobe, y u no Linux?

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 3:52 pm
by GoldenApple
At home on Windows 8, I get the Error: Invalid Server Response.

Works, I figured out what I was doing wrong!

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:45 pm
by Pies
kicking jay wrote:Adobe, y u no Linux?

You can alway write something for Linux ;)
If you want only for yourself then it is pretty easy to make one with wireshark. If you would like to generate more general, then it will be a bit more work, but still doable and less then you would except.

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:25 pm
by kicking jay
Pies wrote:
kicking jay wrote:Adobe, y u no Linux?

You can alway write something for Linux ;)
If you want only for yourself then it is pretty easy to make one with wireshark. If you would like to generate more general, then it will be a bit more work, but still doable and less then you would except.

I really should.

I really should.

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:58 pm
by Pies
kicking jay wrote:I really should.

So for what are you waiting? ;)

Re: CantrSpy 2

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:38 pm
by kicking jay
Pies wrote:
kicking jay wrote:I really should.

So for what are you waiting? ;)

Remodeling the house.