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Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:02 am
by LittleSoul
Wolfsong wrote:
4776-5: Mona (a woman in her twenties) says: "English men must be giants, and english women leprachauns then. *She snickers softly.* I suppose the polish are just normal. And Devora you're adorable! You shouldn't be embarrassed at all."

4776-5: Devora (a woman in her thirties) says: "*She murmurs something unintelligible behind her hands*"

4776-5: Artax (a man in his twenties) says: "Oh, Ae'goloth used to live here. He was huge. He was about a head higher than me and he looked to be soo heavy. And Micky says, that I am shorter than an English man who she had known long time ago. *he turns toward Devora and puts his arm around her, giving her a warm smile* I love the way you are. No need to feel embarassed. It's as if I kept being embarassed about being so hairy. "

4776-5: Mona (a woman in her twenties) says: "If english men are taller than you I will find myself a polish one, if I ever fancy to have one at all. *She chuckles faintly.*"

4776-5: Devora (a woman in her thirties) says: "*she blushes more and hides her face in her hands*"

4776-5: Mona (a woman in her twenties) says: "But you're super tall, how is that possible. *She blinks in confusion.*"

4776-5: Artax (a man in his twenties) says: "*he chuckles when he sees Devora blush* It is quite nice actually. You're my Leprechaun. *he winks and turns toward Mona* Well, the funny thing is that I am shorter than any English man I've know or heard of. You are a bit taller than Devora and Micky, but just a bit. "

4776-5: Mona (a woman in her twenties) says: "Well what makes you all so tall? *She chuckles.*"

4776-5: a woman in her forties says: "I'm taller than Devora?*she. murmured with a faint smile *"

4776-5: Devora (a woman in her thirties) says: "*she blushes* We cannot help it."

4776-5: Artax (a man in his twenties) says: "By the way, I was just wondering,what makes you, the English women so short? Every English woman which I know is rather short, though Micky claims that she knew one who was high, higher than her husband, and she used to lift him and drag him in and out of a car. *he chuckles*"

4776-5: Artax (a man in his twenties) says: "*he blushes a little and grins* Thank you. Now Micky will have to stop calling me the Caveman. *he grins* "

4776-5: Mona (a woman in her twenties) says: "*She waves.* Hello Artax! You look really cool with your new look!"


Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:58 pm
by iavatus
Ever had one of those days, or weeks, when feels like you've got nothing funny around?

And then you meet these guys. Will post choice snippets later, but for now

Lady says: "...and some materials to make a pickaxe. (OOC:Sorry, baby on the keyboard)"
Lady says: "33333333333++++++"

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 1:01 pm
by *Wiro
Baby on the keyboard sounds like a song.

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:23 pm
by Armulus Satchula
4796-1.29: Susan says: "Yep, you're all weird. *grins widely*"
4796-1.30: Mona says: "If having fun makes me crazy I'd rather not be sane. *She pokes her tongue out with proud expression before fluttering the note near Micky's face. She shoots a grin at Susan.* Welcome to being English."
4796-1.30: Susan says: "*smirks at Mona, looks over a note, and says slowly* Witaj. Jestem Susan."

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 4:24 pm
by iavatus
Alright, fingers got to tapping, words get to snapping.

Lion says: "Is it just me, or does the word waltz have only two real meanings, and the one about a dance rarely gets used?"

Lion says: "*coughs, and adopts a panicky tone* And they just waltzed in, did whatever they wanted, and waltzed out again. *drops the tone* Unless they actually waltz out, spinning and in a pretty dress, it's probably the bad use of waltz."

Avren says: "Couldn't it theoretically be possible to do the good and the bad kind, both at the same time? "

Avren says: "Presuming there were enough pretty dresses to go around?"

Lion says: "*panicky tone* "They just waltzed in, and ..." *bored tone*"So, they walked in and took stuff" *panicky* No, waltzed. Spinning and music playing, with small food on sticks, and an orchestra. And between steps they were taking stuff, breaking locks and pulling people about""

(lots of explaining trade stuff to a friend)

Avren says: "*nodding and gesturing at Lion* See what I'm doing here? *gestures at him again* This is what I do whenever anybody starts asking trade questions. Just point at the Lion. Man knows his stuff."

Lion says: "*grins* Practice, and effort."

Lion says: "I'm happy to talk, and do, because I enjoy it. The feeling of walking away, not having screwed the other person, but having reached a comfortable middle ground, that we both enjoy."

Lion says: "Except for people who I have reason to be annoyed with. Then the screwing numbers come out of the woodwork."

Avren says: "I don't know how numbers work, I'm just here to look pretty."

Lion says: "Like termites in a wooden cart in a dead town."

Avrens point at primitive fur cloak (This cloak is made entirely out of rat skins, spaced evenly and with the tails still intact, pointing downwards.) held by Avren.

Lion says: "*pats her shoulder* And you do it so well."

Avren says: "Pretty in my rat cloak!"

Onyx Zaglowego says: "Oops, meant to say, interesting. Glad I can tag along while you make these trades."

Vylette says: "*she raises a brow* Strange cloak yes yes?"

Avren says: "Oh hey. *looks at the coast* We don't seem to be moving?"

Lion steers The Ship, adjusting its speed to 100 percent and its direction to 90.

Lion says: "Oops!"

Lion says: "Got distracted with sailory and tradey and bitching about Moku talk."

Avren says: "*crossing her arms and saying emphatically* Looking. Pretty. Just cause I'm the one on deck don't expect me to, like, do things, okay?"

Lion says: "Did .. the non-tail parts of the rats go into your brain and have a bit of a chew?"

Avren says: "*turning to Vylette with a little grin, giving the cloak a shake so the rat tails all flop around* Bought this from a lady from Burgeo. I saw it, and knew I must have it, and Lion was asleep so I could throw rubies at her and he couldn't stop me."

Avren says: "And Lion did you just imply my brain was made of cheese?"

Lion says: "Onyx, you're more then welcome to. I'll write up some trades as we go along, and hand them over to you. See what you think we should buy, and how much. Best way to learn, is to do."

Lion says: "No. But holes. Squeaking holes."

Lion says: "And what makes you think I was asleep?"

Avren says: "'Cause it was your sleep time. And you didn't try to tackle me when I handed over a big fat ruby for a ratskin cloak. "

Avren says: "*taps the side of her forehead* Brilliant logical deduction there. No holes, no squeaking, see?"

Avren says: "Yeah, thanks Rian. *nodding* It's cool how, with just the handful of us, we manage to do better than at least four towns I can think of as far as keeping up with the news goes. "

Avren says: "I'll run out and scout the place when we dock, but think you'll be awake? "

Avren says: "*nudging him playfully in the ribs* What if Swiler's pulled a Zuzi and is waiting for us in a van?"

Rian Cant says: "Onyx, I just realized you aren't wearing a lei"

Rian Cant says: "*he chuckles* And we don't even have a radio"

Onyx Zaglowego says: "*slips the lei on* Ooh, thank you. Is this for the party?"

Avren says: "It's for my coronation party, now that I'm a Baroness."

Avren says: "...I'm, um, actually not entirely sure how the whole Baroness thing works. But a coronation party sounds cool, so let's go with that."

Rian Cant says: "Coronation... Isn't that what you are supposed to do to dead people?"

Lion says: "Nah, a Zuzi would be if they were looking for us in the Desert to the west."

Lion says: "A Dexter, is if they suddenly are there, for no visible reason and not having moved in years."

clueless James says: "So when we landing?"

Lion says: "But no, what we do with dead people, is called 'looting'. And burying. But a bit of both, really."

Lion says: "Should be in half an hour or so James."

Onyx Zaglowego says: "*fingers her lei as she looks out at the water* So what are you thinking about doing once we hit land, James?"

Lion says: "I'll be awake, and do the scout if you prefer."

Avren says: "*glancing at Lion with a little grin* What if Ivy was there, just sort of sitting there in her truck? "

Avren says: "I would actually be legit scared. Like seriously convinced her eyes would suddenly snap open and be all yellow with creepy horizontal pupils like a mouflon's and then she'd sprout fangs and fly shrieking for my throat."

Lion says: "Would you like off ship for a bit?"

Rian Cant says: "Oh dear, I've made a terrible mistake"

Rian Cant says: "That was an accident, I'm sorry"

Lion says: "Uhoh. Never like hearing those words."

You see Rian Cant point at project Picking lock no. 15303112 at The Ship.

Rian Cant says: "I've accidentally chipped the lock as I was trying to wiggle the gate"

Lion says: "Huh. Didn't even hear that. I would've thought I would've."

Lion says: "*shrugs* No big deal. Kind of funny, really."

Rian Cant says: "I don't find it funny."

Lion says: "And I'm sure you'll see the funny side after the ... *hunts about for a dice* 12 year prison term."

Lion says: "Hope you like fish sandwiches *nods seriously* You'll be making and eating em for a long, looong time."

Lion says: "*shakes his head* Anyway, in all seriousness. No problem. You want off ship for a bit, stretch and enjoy?"

Rian Cant says: "I was just going to cause trouble, if that's okay"
It's a smart man who knows his limitations

Lion leaves The Ship, entering Zeza.
Lion enters The Ship, coming from Zeza.
Lion leaves The Ship, entering Bosmanie Gniazdo.
Lion enters The Ship, coming from Bosmanie Gniazdo.
Lion leaves The Ship, entering Daszek z póltna zaglowego rozpiety nad pokladem.

Lion says: "*scratches his head* Why is there cheese everywhere."

Avren says: "Cheese? *she looks puzzled*"

Rian Cant says: "Oh, there's some cheese"
Rian Cant points at some cheese.

Avren says: "Huh! You know, come to think of it, my rat cloak /did/ go missing for a little while the other day..."

Rian Cant hits Avren using a waster.

Avren says: "*waves her waster threatening* I'd whack you back, but I am undergoing the metamorphosis tonight. I need to preserve my strength for when I exit my cocoon as a beautiful 30 year old."

Rian Cant says: "Your cocoon?"

Rian Cant says: "HA *he laughs* Beautiful 30 year old. That's when you start getting all wrinkly"

Rian Cant says: "like i'm sure that potato mound will look by the time we get back"

Lion says: "Did... did your cloak, seriously, wander off by itself, snavel some cheese and just hide it about the ship?"

Lion says: "And don't you dare talk about the potato mountain like that. Or Avren."

Lion says: "One of them might get annoyed. The other one .... is a mound of potatoes."

Avren says: "*nodding at Lion, serious expression* That seems to be the case, yes."

Avren says: "*extends an arm and runs a hand over it, looking at Rian and saying cheerfully* And...yup! That's the cycle of'll understand when you're older. Gonna shuck off the skin of a scrubby 20-something like a wet sock and then the new, more mature and respectable me will be here. *smirking* It'll probably be super gross, you might want to hide in a cabin and cover your eyes. "

Avren say: "All biological and stuff."

Lion says: "*looks at his hand, turning it over a few times* Nope, still got the same old Lion skin. No sluicing, shucking or sloughing there."

Lion says: "Maybe shedding."

Sorry folks, and especially Armulus, we had an amazing few days.

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 4:46 pm
by SekoETC
It bugs me that this one guy on Cantr island has his cloak described as a ratskin cloak because he saw it mentioned on the forums and decided to copy it, even though the character is too young to have ever seen a rat. Everybody should know which one is the original, from the island of actual rats. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they say.

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:51 pm
by Marian
iavatus wrote:Alright, fingers got to tapping, words get to snapping.

Lion says: "Is it just me, or does the word waltz have only two real meanings, and the one about a dance rarely gets used?"

Lion says: "*coughs, and adopts a panicky tone* And they just waltzed in, did whatever they wanted, and waltzed out again. *drops the tone* Unless they actually waltz out, spinning and in a pretty dress, it's probably the bad use of waltz."

Avren says: "Couldn't it theoretically be possible to do the good and the bad kind, both at the same time? "

Avren says: "Presuming there were enough pretty dresses to go around?"

Lion says: "*panicky tone* "They just waltzed in, and ..." *bored tone*"So, they walked in and took stuff" *panicky* No, waltzed. Spinning and music playing, with small food on sticks, and an orchestra. And between steps they were taking stuff, breaking locks and pulling people about""

This one here is short, but I think it's my favorite. :)

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:56 pm
by iavatus
I've been told to mention that if the owner of the real one meets the owner of the fake one, that it'll be easy to tell them apart afterwards due to a copious amount of red issuing forth from Mr Fake. I paid with rubies, he'll pay with Sweeny Todd rubies :twisted:

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:28 pm
by Marian
Only 70 pages in 12 years?

That's kind of sad. Surely we're all funnier than that. More people should use this thread.

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:38 pm
by Kyriel
I'd imagine part of that is that it's not so easy to casually post stuff that doesn't make it obvious who our characters are.

Of course I can just make this simple: Absolutely everything said by Avren and Lion. :lol:

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:41 pm
by Marian
Kyriel wrote:I'd imagine part of that is that it's not so easy to casually post stuff that doesn't make it obvious who our characters are.

Of course I can just make this simple: Absolutely everything said by Avren and Lion. :lol:

Well yeah, that's the main reason I don't post often. But plenty of people have outed their chars, and if not there's always Armulus and Alladinsane to bug.:)

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:40 pm
by prometheus
Withersnull? Well, interesting he certainly is/was.
Percy...well, he's...[img]something[/img].

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:15 am
by Friar Briar
Posted for everyone's favorite pirate!! 8) <3

From top to bottom:

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "*a brash female voice* 'Allo, mateys! Sorry ta all me loyal fans wot missed me while I wos off the air, but ya can stop weepin' inta yer pillows now, cos we're back in radio range…an' that means it's time fer today's episode o' Pirate Radio! *an irritatingly memorable jingle played on a fiddle* This be yer charmin' an' lovable 'ost, the Scourge o' the Seas, the Singer o' Songs, the Stealer o' Stuff, the Dread Pirate Lyra Halifax o' the Wo'ever! We steal wo'ever from whoever wherever an' whenever we can!"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "I'm sure yer all wonderin' where we wos. Well, we just took a nice li'l vacation ta the middle o' nowhere, an' ye'll never guess wot we found there! Abandoned towns? Savage animals? Sleepers? No! It wos... "

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "*a weighty pause* ...a colony o' murderous slave-'oldin' cannibals! Gahahahahaha! They wos all completely off their rocker, even the slave. Nice folks, really, but a mite odd. We had quite the adventure wif 'em, though! There ain't time ta tell the whole sordid tale 'ere, but I ain't never seen nuffin loik it in me life, let me tell ya! *a hearty guffaw* It wos loik a bloomin' radio drama, complete wif intrigue, violence, betrayal, slave escapes, thrillin' boat fights, bystander casualties, spooOOooOOooky ghost ships, dancin' bears, unholy curses, evil taters, wot 'ave ya."

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "'Ere's a lovely li'l poem wot that slave wrote, named simply...“soap”. *she clears her throat and starts to read in a melodramatic stage whisper* blood blood blood / bones bones bones / drippin' in a bowl / meltin' in a fire / meat an' fat an' flesh an' blood / burnin' bubblin' burblin' / such a mess ta make ya clean / pure an' pure an' pure and pure / cleansed in blood an' bone an' fire / fire fire fire / free yerself o' curses / purify yer soul / in blood an' bone an' fire / burn burn burn"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "*she pauses dramatically to let that sink in, then continues* Blimey, ya can't make this up, can ya? They even gave me a plate! It's got some manner o' daft-lookin' bear on it, doin' a daft li'l dance! I'll treasure it fer all me days. Ain't every day a cannibal gives ya a plate, yanno. Ya figure they ate someone off it? *cackling*"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "In conclusion, today's public service announcement is about spendin' too much time alone in the wilderness. Don't do it, mates! It's bad fer yer mental 'ealf, wot."

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "I got two more announcements fer today's episode. First one is we viciously robbed two more old blokes while we wos gone, one named Larry wot wos passin' through Cannibalville an' anuvver named Boo Hoo wot wos in a boat. Blimey, I ain't even know wot we're gonna do wif all these bloody boats! Maybe we oughta donate 'em ta the Zuzi navy, gahahahahaha! Anyway, I reckon ya be'er bring us lawless troublemakers ta justice, cos we're victimizin' innocent folk left an' right. The second announcement is that after that chat wif me mate Una last time, I'm now givin' out autographs. Line up ta get yers today! "

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "Finally, I got a question fer me number one fan. Did ya write me any fanfiction like ya said ya wos gonna? If so, I reckon ya oughta read it out over the radio fer all ta 'ear an' enjoy."

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "And wif that, it's time fer today's sea shanty which I'm callin' “The Saga o' Loki Stack”. I 'ope you lot enjoy it! *she strums jauntily on her creaky old fiddle, then starts to belt out lyrics with great gusto and enthusiasm*"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "In Zuzi town there lived a guard / Whose name wos Loki Stack / 'E tried to save a desperate man / From pirates' fierce attack"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "[Hey, ho, Loki Stack! When the cards are down, ya can't do jack!]"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "'E growled across the airwaves / 'E growled across the sea / 'E growled 'imself inta a van / Ta set the victim free"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "[Hey, ho, Zuzi town! When folks need 'elp, yer not around!]"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "But wot 'e did not realize / Wos that a van can't float / An' only later did 'e find / That pirates use a boat"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "[Hey, ho, Loki Stack! When the cards are down, ya can't do jack!]"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "'E tried ta fill it wif balloons / 'E tried ta ride a whale / But no ma'er wot 'e did / That van just wouldn't sail"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "[Hey, ho, Zuzi town! When folks need 'elp, yer not around!]"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "An' so the pirates got away / Laughin' all the while / Because resistance was so poor / Ta their schemes most vile"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "[Hey, ho, Loki Stack! Next time yer robbed, pick up the slack!]"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "If there's aught that can be learned / From Loki's sorry tale / It's that when pirates come ta call / Ya be'er 'ave a sail!"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "[Hey, ho, Zuzi town! Next time yer robbed, don't be such clowns!]"

You hear from radio at freq. 100: "*she strums a bit more on the fiddle, ending with a dramatic flourish* An' that's it fer today's episode o' Pirate Radio! This 'as been yer 'ost, the Dread Pirate Halifax! Tune in next time fer the next thrillin' installment, mateys!"

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:40 am
by Moonflame
Why are you searching for pirate booty when you're made of SOLID GOLD?

Some people are allowed to contribute to radio.

Re: Funny IC quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:06 am
by iavatus
Hold onto your lugnuts, varmints. It's time for an overhaul. Or a few more bit swathes of talk.

Further proof that insanity, contained and bottled up, creates big problems later on.

Howie says: "You got a file, Igs?"

Ignatius says: "Nope."

Howie says: "God you're useless."

Ignatius says: "Could be worse. At least I'm not ugly. *glances at Howie and snickers a bit*"

Ignatius says: "Thanks man."

Howie says: "Don't break your arm using that, ok?"

Ignatius says: "Okay, if you stop trying to offload your insecurities. It's okay to be a wimp, Howie. You just have to own it."

Avren says: "Ignatius, can I drag you around a little before you all leave? It always looks like so much fun."

Ignatius says: "*he stares at Avren*"

Avren says: "*adds hastily* I mean, I assume it's fun for you too, or you wouldn't allow Jesp to do it."

Ignatius says: "*he keeps staring*"

Avren says: "*stares back*"

Ignatius says: "*staring contest*"

Avren says: "*hooks her fingers in her nostrils and makes a silly face. Still staring*"

Ignatius says: "*stares unblinkingly with all the cold disdain of a winter storm that is freezing your ass to death in the frigid mountains of Treefeather*"

clueless James says: "*Starts laughing while watching the staring contest inbetween Iggy and Avren*"

Avren attacks Ignatius using a waster, but misses.

Avren says: "*resorts to violence*"

Avren says: "*attempts to resort to violence*"

Avren says: "Uh holy shit what was that, Kraken again! *points frantically at the water* "

Avren says: "Staring contest interrupted. Oh well."

Ignatius says: "*dances nimbly out of the way* Hahahaha! Foolish woman, you're no match for my nimble grace and elegant fighting style passed down through the generations of my lineage!"

Avren says: "Such a pity we'll never have any possible idea who might have won that one."

Ignatius says: "*looks smug in a way that only someone who has inarguably just won a staring contest can look*"

Ignatius says: "A pity, truly. *pityingly*"

Avren says: "*leans against the railing, resting her chin in her hand* But please do explain this whole thing with the generations and the lineage. Sounds fascinating. Let's have it in detail, hmm?"

Avren says: "And next time I'll just borrow Lion's blindfold first so you'll never have any idea /what/ my eyes are up to."

Ignatius says: "Well, I'm glad you asked, Avren. *he draws himself up self-importantly* You see, my full name is Ignatius Maximilian Fairmont. I spawned in a small mountain monastery inhabited by an order of martial monks, the Fairmont order, and trained with them for decades to master their unique fluid style of boxing before descending from the mountains to grace the lowly plebeians in Silkwood with my elegant prescence."

Avren says: "*looks fascinated* And will you return someday to teach them the refinements you've made to their ancient art, with your unique Deadly Spike Dancing technique?"

Onyx Zaglowego says to you: "Hello! I'm here, just a bit quiet. Just in case you need anything. You guys are pretty entertaining."

Ignatius says: "Yes, exactly. I've left the monastery to travel the world and refine my technique so that I can return and be crowned the number one fighter in the world."

Ignatius says: "I'm actually in my forties, you know. I just have a very beautiful and youthful countenance."

Vylette says: "We leave soon yes yes?"

Ignatius says: "Sorry, Vylette, the adults are talking."

Avren says: "She is always so impatient. And I don't think she was impressed by your completely true and not fake story /at all/. *frowns disapprovingly*"

Ignatius says: "*frowns disdainfully*"

Howie says: "Jesp and Iggy worked mostly with the Silkwood."

Howie says: " worms "

Avren says: "I just passed a copy to John, while you weren't looking."

Avren says: "*blankly* Silk...worms?"

Howie says: "Yes, the worms which make the cocoons "

Lion says: "Drat. Umm. We will take the clothes Avren wanted, but we'll manage without the shields and such for now. Just figure out a decent price and I'll pay it in ... I dunno. Beer?"

Lion says: "And brandy?"

Lion says: "Generally used for getting clothes off, not on, but.... well, can make an exception."

Howie says: "I'd love more rubies."

Howie says: "I'd honestly probably buy all your rubies."

Avren says: "Oh...hmm. *she pauses, then shrugs* Hey, get the shields if we really need them. Nice clothes are nice, but don't do much in the way of preventing stabbings."

John Stone says: "There was a fellow there who kept trying to put silkworms into the food I was cooking. He wanted to be my assistant. I think leaving without telling him I was going was a clear answer to that."

Howie says: "If you're willing to part with them all."

Avren says: "*rolling her eyes a little* Guys, I'm not dumb, okay. Worms don't have anything to do with silk, that's just silly."

Avren says: "How would they make anything, they don't even have fingers."

John Stone says: "I believe they defecate the silk."

Rian Cant hits Avren with a waster.

Howie says: "I could never tell which end it came out of."

Avren says: "*goes silent a moment, staring at him* So, you...uh, it's your dream to have a fancy outfit made entirely of worm poo and hi Rian now stop hitting me. *yanks her shield around*"

Lion says: "You know how hard I had to work for those rubies? The ruby mines of uhh *looks at a map franticly* Ooorc?"

John Stone says: "But it is _fancy_ poo."

Lion says: "There were beatings. Many, many beatings."

Lion says: "Sure, rubies are fine to sell all of."

Avren says: "*shaking her head with a little chuckle* For real though. I've watched Lion pick cotton and I've seen raw hemp, it has leaves on it. Cloth is made from plants, not worm poo."

Avren says: "Worms. Pfft. I bet that's just some dumb joke Silkwood people try and trick visitors into believing."

Lion says: "Should have another 15 days. What clothing did you want anyway Avren? And what was I going to be seeing Igs strutting about in?"

Howie says: "So that would be an additional 15 days..."

Howie says: "Yes exactly"

Avren says: "Leather boots, cotton trousers, silk shirt. And I gave you that note with his designs, did you marvel at it yet?"

Avren says: "Oh wait, duh. That's why you're having claymores at dawn."

Avren says: "Sorry, getting sleepy here."

John Stone says: "I would imagine that gold is dragon poo."

Howie says: "It's a silk shirt made of the finest poo, some cotton trousers, and leather shoes. I will sell it all for 15 days extra of rubies and those leather shoes Iggy wants."

John Stone says: "*twirls his mustache with a grin*"

Avren says: "Leather boots! And actually, we may not even need those, we have tons of plain leather shoes set up. "

Avren says: "*making a face* And I expect a major discount for any clothing items that have come out of a worm's butt, thanks."

John Stone says: "And leather is made from the flayed skins of dead animals."

Howie says: "Ah! Boots I'm glad you corrected me."

Lion says: "Yeah, but at least something died for it. That says respect."

Avren says: "Yeah but, that's okay. Animals are cuddly and so are their skins."

Avren says: "Anyway, if Lion wants, we'll just get kite shields instead."

Lion says: "Ooops, forgot I was by the window. They must all think I'm mad out there. Maaaad!"

A short while later

Lion says: "*walks over and stands directly in front of the window, holds his left eye open with his right hand and pokes the eyeball a few times. Shrugs, and walks back to the boat*"

Avren says: "Oh shit. Those Shield people attacked a town out of nowhere and killed the leader. *she frowns* Guess they really /are/ ninjas..."

Lion says: "*blinks* Eh? That's where whatshernames knights went? They exist?"

Avren says: "Hmm. So maybe being invisible /does/ have it's uses. Perhaps we've been wrong to mock them all this time. "

Lion says: "I'll start leaving dust all over the floor. If they're truly invisible, at least we can see footprints."

Avren says: "But I think they may have forgotten their invisibility powers didn't extend to their vehicles when they went a'raidin with their organization name painted on the side. *pausing with a slight shake of her head* Though for real, I'm not even sure I want to joke about it just in case it turns out to be real."

Avren says: "....but pity we left the flour back at the HQ. For all we know they could be on the ship /right now/."

Lion says: "Then I'll die the way I lived. With a stupid expression on my face, a crowbar in someone else's lock, and looking *flashes ring about* fabulous."

Lion says: "And I will annoy the absolute crap out of the person who has to clean up. Not from blood. No, from so many notes. So, so many notes."

Avren says: "*she grins and pats a bundle of fat envelopes* Oh, you and me both. Soooo, so many notes.... *glances down and plucks at her soaked dress* And still need a bit of work in the fabulous department, but I'll get there."

Avren says: "*waving at Ophelia* But make sure you keep a log of all that, all right?"

Lion says: "If a dude shows up wearing my face, and it's not me, then at least humor them a little before throwing them over the railing."

Lion says: "I'm very attached to my face. If I'm not, then I'm very angry at someone."

Avren says: "*she grimaces* We have the weirdest conversations."