Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

General out-of-character discussion among players of Cantr II.

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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby gudgeon » Thu May 11, 2023 1:45 am

I have no problem at all with people who play a robotic working character and I've had success with them in the past and appreciated them just lending a hand to all the work, but when you make multiple and give them all the exact same name, exact same actions, and exact same goals and speeches and motivation, it confuses other people who are trying to tell their own characters apart and play the game right.

Exactly. I'm totally fine if there's only 1 Potato. :mrgreen:
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby miirkaelisaar » Thu May 11, 2023 2:15 pm

Bmot wrote:
miirkaelisaar wrote:
7531-4: Potator Trademark (Klojt) (a man in his twenties) says to you: "(ooc:Genesis server lets players spawn instantly as aged character depending on collective amount of days survived as other characters. If only I knew that earlier.)"

This is not true.

In the "olden" days, when Genesis was just for new players, mentor characters of active players spawned at 40, maybe he's confused about that, but otherwise all characters in Genesis just spawn at 20, like usual.

That's exactly what I thought, I'm like wtf is this guy talking about? I've played cantr for over 12 years in real life and my character in Genesis spawned at 20 like everyone else.

Finch wrote:Also, as an /actual/ CRB from Potator, the character has been talking in-game about very specific game mechanisms that the character should not reasonably know. They also have been using (OOC:) inappropriately. In one case, the player tried to start an argument with me over semantics. In another, Potator was asked not to do something by a town leader, and the player responded OOC to say they wouldn't be doing that thing because it didn't optimise game mechanics. I can provide screenshots of both examples if needed.
I agree with Miirk that it just ruins parts of the game to have the same character littered around the place.

Edit: I've also submitted my concerns via the CRB reporting tool in Cantr, but didn't hear back, hence why I'm posting here, too.

Yes this too, like in my example above, you can see that my character is engaging Potator as a character in-game, and because he can't figure out how to make this make actual sense in the game, he just ooc explains to me that he doesn't give a crap about the game, he's just trying to level up in Genesis. And my character continued, in character, to think he's blabbering about things, because I didn't ask him for an ooc explanation of why he's messing things up, I wanted his character to answer for themselves why they have this idea, but the player doesn't want to flesh it out and do the work, they just want to float through this for a weird ulterior motive.

And he also did the same a couple of other times. He bitched to me through another character, OOC again, that it's not fair that he can't drag half a million grams of something and that having limits on dragging enables cheating. I explained to him it's the exact opposite, that having limitations on strength and pulling prevents issues we had in the past of small groups decimating entire cities in seconds because they can drag every object and person in town while someone is sleeping or at work and they come back to their character dead because mechanics were abused. He whined and whined that it's not fair, I told him one of my characters literally can't drag more than 11 kilos, less than what a person can hold in their inventory, and I deal with it because this is how the game is meant to be and we can't god mode, and that the ONLY reason to NOT have a limit on dragging would be to cheat the system and rob people, so there was no argument for his point. He was not having it, he thinks that us and the devs are all dumb and our game is broken and stupid and that he could do better by removing all the RP and making this a simulator only. And if that's what he wants he can go play farmville, or Sims, this is an RPG, with other humans and no NPCs, for a specific reason and that's to engage in RP along with simulation, with other players. Otherwise it could be an offline game with NPCs if all we were doing is collecting and building with no human interaction. He can play freaking minecraft, he doesn't want to play this game yet he's here being a dork just to mess it up for us.
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby Finch » Tue May 16, 2023 8:38 am

Anyone from PD want to weigh in on this, or...?
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby Bran-Muffin » Wed May 24, 2023 2:05 am

Potator.... I've ran into 15 different versions of him so far, Graduated from Knives in Genesis I'm guessing
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby gudgeon » Wed May 24, 2023 4:33 pm

Potator is actually earlier than Knives. :wink: At least Potator is coherent. Knives even uses emoji. The horror! :twisted:
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby miirkaelisaar » Sat May 27, 2023 3:58 pm

I'm also starting to wonder if people who join aren't being given too short a wait to start in real cantr. Knives was able to start making characters so soon and he never learned anything in Genesis and just started wreaking havoc on us. Now there's another one in Genesis who doesn't listen or learn anything and just joins cantr and messes things up because she has no clue how to play and I have to explain everything to her even though she was just in Genesis having everything explained to her. Maybe someone should have to prove they've completed the tutorial before joining the actual game, you know, like other games. No new character until Genesis has decided you at least understand how to interact properly with the other players and not give them a hard time with aaaall of your new characters. Or just a way for Genesis characters to postpone a newbie's passage to real cantr when they're refusing to listen or play the game, just for these rare cases where someone is belligerently ignoring people trying to teach them and just habitually disrupts instead of trying to play.
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby Wolfsong » Wed May 31, 2023 9:06 am

Yes, I also think that the best way to bring new players into Cantr is to ruthlessly gatekeep them from the actual game.
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby miirkaelisaar » Wed May 31, 2023 10:17 pm

Wolfsong wrote:Yes, I also think that the best way to bring new players into Cantr is to ruthlessly gatekeep them from the actual game.

I don't think it's gatekeeping to make sure someone's not a griefing troll fucking with us for some youtube blog somewhere, before letting them in to mess everything up. Do y'all know this game WAS hacked before? Now we just let everyone in because it's "gatekeeping" to have security filters? When I joined in 2011 I had to fill out an application and wait weeks to get into this game, for THIS EXACT REASON. Not gatekeeping, I had to prove myself and that I wasn't a 4chan troll here to just dick around in a niche game and mock the people who enjoy it, everyone else should too.

And if THIS is what "new players" are gonna be, just constant griefers and no actual roleplay, I don't want new players. I haven't seen anything constructive. Potator, knivesfinejewerly, now the new girl who grabs things from every town and walks off, these aren't new players, they aren't trying to play, they aren't even attempting to listen or follow rules or learn, they're trolling. Trolls aren't players. Good riddance, we don't need them. Players should be vetted like they used to be.
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby miirkaelisaar » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:36 pm

Anyone else feel like they're pulling teeth just to get people to RP or react to literally anything in-game? It's like people are allergic to RPing anymore than "good morning". We implemented weather in the game to "make things more interesting" and give more reasons for people to wear different clothing and RP reactions to weather, and all my characters get treated like some kind of insane weirdos for saying it's too cold to go outside, or reacting in pain to animal attacks, because everyone else is a bland mechanics-sim and they literally only play this game to harvest wheat for 5 IRL years and somehow find that entertaining. It's sad that in a game with no NPCs, 80% of the player base chooses to play like NPCs anyway. That will never stop annoying and puzzling me. I can think of like one town in the entire cantr world that respects RP and reciprocates it on a regular basis, everywhere else likes to shut it down or ignore it completely, you can literally RP having a mild heart attack and being unconscious for 3 days and your character's friends will quietly move them into a corner and walk around them until they literally see them starving and have to react, and then they'll whine and whine about your character's eating disorder for 5 days when he HAD A HEART ATTACK and that's why he's starving because he's too weak to eat, and you explicitly explain the symptoms felt in RP and everyone just densely ignores every symptom you RP and asks if your character has weak teeth and that's why they can't eat. *FACEPALM* You cannot spell it out clear enough to get anyone to RP things anymore, they only react to the last 2 lines they see and all your effort gets shot down.

The thing that kept me coming back for 12 years is the perfect BALANCE of sim and RP, and I feel like most people don't appreciate or support it anymore like they did when I started this game and what made it so addicting, and this is why I wind up taking 2 or 3 month long breaks because it's so boring I can't will myself to play anymore, and then when I come back all the young characters bitch about how boring and slow everything was because my character was asleep with the keys and supplies, GOOD. Now YOU know how it feels to be bored out of YOUR mind. And then when my character gets everything running smoothly again, what do all those whiney characters do? Go to sleep or stop RPing and turn into farm sims and leave me bored again, awake and running a town where nothing happens, because they insisted I wake up and run it so they can sit around not living and not being people, just automatons picking sugar and potatoes. So if old people start falling asleep with the keys, it's probably because of how mind-numbingly boring it is to wake up now in a world where nothing happens. And if you're going to try and wake them up and complain that their sleeping is holding you back, then when they wake up and give you more opportunity, actually do things and live life and not go right to sleep or sim-farming for years. I literally feel like I'm playing all by myself sometimes, some characters in this game are so empty and the RP is next to nonexistent in most places except a handful of characters you might get close to, and as soon as they go on a trip or something, the town is dead and it's not fun to play anymore when it's like this.
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby Slowness_Incarnate » Thu Jun 08, 2023 3:25 pm

I mean alternatively they can just kill the old people with the keys, and obtain said keys.
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby gudgeon » Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:12 pm

I somehow corner myself into an awkward situation that my existing characters occupy the countries of strong people and my recent new spawns are all from an area of weak people. Or perhaps, this is entirely flux and strength as a stat is just evenly distributed across the world.
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Re: Things that annoy or puzzle you about Cantr

Postby Sunni Daez » Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:27 pm

Puzzle.... my new experiences so far... areas with a lot of people, all like standing dead.. no conversation, not even slow, no reactions.. like 30 people, 5 are working the rest just stand there, half of those are starving.


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