I'm New/Hello!

General out-of-character discussion among players of Cantr II.

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I'm New/Hello!

Postby Jokey » Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:19 pm

Hello everyone! I am Jokey. I am new, and you may have encountered my characters in either Djorf, Djorf Hills (west), Krif, or Pak. :) I need help with the game, or maybe just a few people I know.
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The Hunter
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Location: In my cave, making bombs.

Postby The Hunter » Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:52 pm

Hi and welcome. :D

Read this topic, sum golden first rules:

Have fun.
Life is fun. Play naked with Psycho-Pixie.

"Our enemies are resourceful and innovative".
"and so are we..."
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and people"
"and neither do we"
~G.W Bush
Drew Zinkan
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Postby Drew Zinkan » Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:22 am

Well, i'm new too.. To the forums anyway.. most of my characters are in their mid 30's now so i'm not new to the game.. just started reading this stuff and it's amusing to see who's who and stuff OOC... who ever thought the leader of the lad empire was the ex leader of DoUrden Estates lol.. sorry i find this stuff amusing :-P well, just wanted to say hello
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Postby rklenseth » Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:52 am

General Sester Gartaf isn't the leader of the Lad. Empire though but yes my character was Zak DoUrden who died in the Lad. Empire and Sester played a minor role at the time in Zak's death. Now one of my characters in DoUrden Estates is hoping to play a minor role in Sester's death. I also have another character who made an agreement with a group to help take down the Lad. Empire if they help him free his homeland. I don't want to name that character at this time or the group as it could affect things IC.

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