The Dead Character Thread

General out-of-character discussion among players of Cantr II.

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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby muidoido » Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:26 pm

altoids wrote:45-B aka Forby. Polyglot, industrous village caretaker, explorer, tirelessly working to restore telecommunications on Haven

He will be missed! :cry:
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby EchoMan » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:27 pm

The ancient ones:
Gabriel Wayfinder (Sidewinder) - Spawned in Pok Desert South and immediately found his place in the community. Producing petrol and administrating the workforce in the metal shop among other things. Never understood love for anything but the town and work, yet got married (sorry Clementine). Making her unhappy but never understanding why or how to fix things made him miserable. They relocated to Freedomland where she eventually died. Been a sleeper since she died ages ago.

Elvira - Seamstress of Quillanoi Forest North. Never visited another town in her long life.

Osqar Nraam - Spawned as a Swede in Nraam, from visitors who had left. Didn't understand the language (English) at first, but eventually found out the spawn-parents had left for Shai. When he got there they were long gone. Found another Swede there, Bertil, and together they built a ship and prepared for a journey to find the origin of the Swedish people. At this time there were no maps, just a rude scetch. They finally took off and sailed for many years, until the found deserted and abandoned Swedish towns, but not a living soul. Bertils heart gave up there, and Osqar buried him, before continuing to sail around the world, and finally ended up in Shai again where he resided for the rest of his long life.

Dexter Lukas - Spawned in San D'Oria and became a Silver Knight. Outlived them all and was the last Knight. Felt guilty for not being more active when the Knights died one by one. Got slightly rejuvinated when he found a number of recruits who were interested in training for Knighthood, but again fell into depression when almost none took their responsibilities serious.

The young ones:
Jason, Ivert Dimma, Tudilura, Stigfinn, Una, Fredrik, Linna, Sissela. I think that's all. I don't have the energy to write anything about them at the moment.

It has been fun! :)
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby muidoido » Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:07 pm

I met Osqar in game recently. He was still a nice guy to talk to! The fact that Gelsomina was around at the same time was a plus! :D
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby ninja » Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:55 pm

Dexter, Osqar and Una met a couple of mine. I would have never guessed they were played by the same person. Although it's sad to see a good player go, I wish you the best in all of your adventures, EchoMan.
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby Millhouse » Sat Nov 10, 2018 6:52 pm

Ok, folks my Cantr playing days are over. It probably shouldn't have come to a huge surprise to those that had a character near mine the last nine months or so.

So basically what happened here is that I took a Cantr haitus in the spring to focus on work and personal stuff. I was here but not really for about four months. I came back to play during the summer and found that I just really wasn't getting into it. I kept playing through the summer hoping things would go back to normal but they really didn't. I just felt a lot of apathy every time I logged on. I didn't even bother working on projects with most characters.

I continued through the summer but by fall I was ready to call it quits. It wasn't the first time I wanted to quit, but it's the time that stuck. It wasn't any person or event that happened in-game. Honestly nothing in-game influenced my decision to quit. It was just time. The alternative was to keep sleepy and boring characters around that I could dust off when I felt nostalgic. That might be ok for some, but that's not me.

One thing I had always wanted to do in Cantr was to give my characters unique and fitting deaths. Just hitting the X button quietly is boring. So that why all the sudden deaths. I'll list their causes of death below.

And so, here the are.

Howard Cromley aka Howie
Cause of death: Acute Necritus (or whatever you call the corpse proximity sickness). Howie had bad luck catching the desease and was gripped by fear of it for a long time. One of his final acts was pulling a corpse from a building and burying it, so it made sense that's how he would die.

Howie was my first character and I made a lot of early mistakes with him. He had sort of a shady past that not many people knew about. It's surprising that he wasn't jailed or killed. I eventually made him legit, and he became a ship captain of an exploration team that went off on a RL year long voyage to explore the Seven Isles and Fu. After that I spent another six months preparing for an Omeo settlement and then almost a year on Omeo. At times he was my favorite character to play. I'll miss him and the people around him.

Marco Paublo Juliano Diaz-Francesco
Cause of death: Steam engine boiler explosion

Fare thee well, Marco. He was a blast to play. I spawned him with the intent to make him a Renaissance man, hence the alphabet soup of a name. I think I achieved my goal, though I took a pretty quirky path there. He was a traveling salesman, curio shop owner, religious zealot, leader, diplomat, husband, mad scientist, architect and so much more. He was also my favorite to play at times.

Forest Evergreen
Cause of death: Accidental self inflicted crossbow wound. This was a throwback to the time he accidentally shot Naedell Blackrock in the middle of Klojt while trying to help her drag something.

Forest was a lover, plain and simple. I spawned him to see what all this Cantr sex RP stuff was all about. He honestly wasn't my favorite character, though. Not because of his interactions with people, which were great. He was just kind of flat and not that interesting to play when not doing his Forest thing. This may be due to the fact that at some point I pictured him as something like Fabio Lanzuli. Still, I'll miss him and his Zuzi girls.

Damascus Rubio
Cause of death: Crocodile wrestling accident

Happy trails, y'all. Here is one I'll really miss, probably because I saw a lot of myself in him. I don't know at what point I decided to go full cowboy with him, but when I did I went all in. Based on a joke made here on the forum, he and some friends settled a town they named Texas where they sold horses to the people of Treefeather. Later he lived on the ranch in Siom where he loved to tell stories and do trades. Then later he split his time between Siom and Blackrock Forest. Special shout out to Malena and the folks in Siom for playing along with what turned into a very intense death sequence.

Smiles Softly
Cause of death: Hypothermia (she went skinny dipping during a blizzard). This was another throwback death to that time she was inducted into the Ancient Order of the Penguin by Ann Robinson.

So I spawned Smiles pretty much as a joke, if that wasn't obvious. She had cartoonishly good looks, perfect body, perfect teeth, big ol' anime eyes and everything. But she was a walking parody. And for those counting at home, she never once used the *smiles softly* emote. Something odd happened and I ended up having fun playing her. She took ownership of the tavern in LFE and I spent a lot of time with her coming up with crazy ideas and seeing them through, like making a bronze elk statue with a huge rack, building a pair of buxom mermaid longboat landmarks, or filling 100 jiggly water balloons (do you see a theme here?). She gained modest fame when she became a ventriloquist, performing at various festivals on Treefeather. Last year she earned the number three spot on top 100 characters. Not bad for a character I once considered a throwaway.

Summer Storm
Cause of death: Alcohol poisoning. She drank 2000g of rum at once from a custom amphora named Summer's Mug.

I killed this one off several months ago but I never confessed to playing her until now. She was a pirate, and a damn good one. She was a member of the Whatever pirate crew, and later whatever that group became when it merged with the Ice Sisters. I basically played her as a sociopath, an ice cold bitch that only found happiness when her dagger sank into the hearts of her victims. She was also a cunning strategist, helping the pirates narrowly escape capture many times. If you knew her and wondered what happened to her, she spent the last half of her life far from the EZ, hunting polish merchant ships. There were a lot of pulse-pounding moments with her, and I have no shame saying it was some of the most fun I had playing Cantr. My biggest regret was capturing and killing Cookie in Morgan Cliffs. To Cookie's player, you're cool and I'm sorry we murdered you and everyone in town. Also, the EZ could learn a lot from the PZ about pirate hunting. Seriously, gg PZ.


Alright, so I know this post is already super long, but I have just some final thoughts. I hope that players aren't too sad about me quitting. Never forget that this is a game and it's perfectly normal for people to quit after years of playing. With most online games with community involvement, when an old player quits there's maybe a bit of sadness but it's mostly positive. So if I've made you laugh or smile, maybe leave a little positive comment. Or if I frustrated you near to insanity, I'd even appreciate criticism above a sad comment.

For those that didn't know me, maybe you're new or we just didn't interact thanks for reading this if you made it this far. If you're active in Cantr or even an old player struggling with staying active, my advice is to make lots of different types of characters. Don't just stick to one personality. Make them all as disalike as possible and when you dial in to a personality, turn that dial to 11 and make them stand out. And when you've finally tapped all your creativity, there's no shame in letting them go. Its not easy but learn to know when its time to let go.

That's all from me. I'll do my best to keep up with your PMs and comments here. Goodbye again, Cantr.
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby altoids » Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:38 pm

RIP Summer. We never had the heart to bury her.
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby Millhouse » Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:55 pm

altoids wrote:RIP Summer. We never had the heart to bury her.

Thanks...I think. :lol: Did Alice eat her to absorb her powers? Wait, don't answer that. I don't think I want to know.
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby Rmak » Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:59 am

*pats summers head*
Quote Wolfsong:
They aren't playing children; they are playing mentally ill people.

:twisted: :roll: :lol: 8) :twisted:
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby llcoolj11 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 1:47 pm

So long Millhouse, I was there when Marco passed, so it's a sort of closing to know who was behind that great character, a few of my characters knew him, and there is one who considered him a good friend, but I understand the reasons for leaving, I've thought about leaving myself, but I've never been quite able to do it

Either way, happy trails friend
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby Rax » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:55 pm

I gotta say, this one hurts. Marco and Smiles were some of the best characters out there, by far. A light has been lost, and the game will always feel dimmer. It's been a pleasure, Millhouse.
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby kronos » Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:16 am

RIP Howie.
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby Vega » Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:02 pm

Oooh, Damascus :(

I am still wanting to write about my chars, and I will, once I have the time and will... But for now, a list:

Jake Fray.
Doctor with OCD and hoarder of medicines and plants. And water.

Alex "Storm" Vayle.
She despised love, and then she fell in love so madly she never recovered. She became a part of Puk, knowing she will never leave.

Former Queen of Olipifirovash West. And link with the Spanish community.

She had the soul of a puppy.

Dash Blackrock.
She loved her family too much. And she was always trying to hide how crazy she was.

Chris Cooper.
She loved people and traveling. And -her- people. Loyal and strong.

I'm going to miss them...
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby sherman » Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:37 pm

So many great chars gone :(
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby Millhouse » Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:10 pm

Vega wrote:Oooh, Damascus :(

Yeeeeah ....

GG Vega. I knew Chris through a good number of my characters. Think I was there when they spawned. Great character.
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Re: The Dead Character Thread

Postby Vega » Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:25 pm

Millhouse wrote:
Vega wrote:Oooh, Damascus :(

Yeeeeah ....

GG Vega. I knew Chris through a good number of my characters. Think I was there when they spawned. Great character.

You knew Dash too! But maybe less.
Chris was really fun to play, I loved any moment of her (until RL kicked me...)
Quebec Lima Delta November
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