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Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:09 pm
by SekoETC
So I caved in and got rid of the individual timelines, which means that everybody is in the same time, which is bound to the server clock. Currently all AP usage happens instantly and there are no limits, but in the future there will be an hourly limit of how much AP a person can spend. I haven't yet decided what the limit will be. I haven't tested much of anything, so it's possible that there is a lot of new bugs. One day real time is 6 days ingame.

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:51 pm
by Wolfsong
Thank Christ. Individual timelines were a nightmare.

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:21 pm
by SekoETC
Honestly, people should just tell me when I'm making something overly complicated for no good reasons.

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:27 pm
by Wolfsong

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:42 pm
by muidoido
I liked the time travel feel of the game... :(

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:22 am
by SekoETC
Well, I can't please everybody. Scenes will still allow adding spoken word and emotes to meetings that started in the past, but that's the only out of time aspect.

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:42 pm
by SekoETC
Good grief, I'm trying to make a kiln by the book (without resorting to generating resources from thin air) and it is SOOOOOOOO tedious! My character has to go to another location to get clay because clay was only implemented after her location was explored, so the local resource pools were already established without clay being one of them. Clay is gathered very slowly because resource gathering tools aren't implemented yet. My character has a bone shovel, two in fact, but can't used them because that part hasn't been programmed yet. I've spent probably 20 minutes real time gathering resources and traveling back and forth (or that's at least what it feels like), yet the project only has about a third of the clay needed. And not all the stone either, even though that is faster to gather.

So what is needed is
1) gathering tools
2) automation of tasks that require a lot of repetition

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:50 am
by Hommer
Is this game out now

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:01 am
by Hommer

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:30 pm
by SekoETC
I sent you a PM, Hommer.

I just had this budding idea about how to handle what NPCs are willing to accept as payment. Player characters will be able to define "prices" for how much weight in a resource will be worth 10 AP of their work, or how many AP an individual item is worth. NPCs will accept the average of defined prices for all characters in a location who have the value defined. The flip side is that if you do set a value for a resource, you have to honor it if someone offers you work in exchange for said resource, so your character will automatically accept work offers given to them when you're offline. Once you've set a price, there will be a time period during which you can't change it again, so this will prevent people from setting it to a low value, taking advantage of an NPC, then setting it right back to a high value to prevent themselves from being taken advantage of. You can only offer things for which you have defined a value. You can also set a limit for what's the maximum you will accept. These will affect how much stuff of a kind an NPC community of a certain size is willing to accept. As I may have mentioned earlier, NPC population will depend on the PC population of a location, so that if there is only one character, there will be no NPCs at all and it gradually goes up from there.

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:16 pm
by SekoETC
Today I have been working on converting a certain class to work properly like an object oriented program should. There is a certain structure that I have used multiple times that relays on arrays, but in fact it should use objects instead. I should go through all the cases that do that and fix them.

I also made a simple yet revolutionary discovery that is greatly going to simplify certain projects that I have thus far been unable to figure out how to implement most optimally. I'm very excited about this discovery and it means very soon there will be brain tanning and certain other types of projects. That's one big hurdle averted.

Edit: A lot of files have been changed, so it's very possible new bugs have been introduced. Lots of testing is needed. Also now it takes time to finish certain projects. In the future it will be extended to more projects but it won't be a standard thing for everything. Most projects will still finish as soon as you have invested all the necessary AP.

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:14 pm
by vamking12
Is this still going?

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:49 pm
by Arval
I'd say yes. It's just been a month since the last posts.

Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:57 am
by SekoETC
I've been working on new things but the game is going through a shift of focus, which means I need to rethink about how I'm going to approach it. Also I find it very depressing that nobody cares about supporting me on this. I can't get second opinions on anything so I might implement something and then find out months later that it was the worst way to do it.

There are two hidden features, one is the possibility to define fields and plant seeds, the other one is the possibility to discover local NPC groups and view their stats. I don't have cron jobs yet because I need another person to set it up for me, so currently all stats are static and don't evolve. In the future, groups will consume food and children will be born, turn into adults and eventually grow old. Groups get assigned a random name based on local animals or resources, sometimes just a generic name like The Adjective Wanderers.







Re: Working title: Otherworld

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:02 pm
by muidoido
Would these groups grow and get stronger based in the amount of resources around them? Will you limit their expansion?