Possible CRB

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Possible CRB

Postby Drönern » Mon May 15, 2006 4:45 pm

A character named Sture, currently located in Nickelboda on the swedish islands, has for quite some time been trying to get his hands on a crowbar but he had no luck. But recently Gynter showed up, who apparently travelled across the whole island, despite lack of food. Conveniently he happened to carry a crowbar with him and as a shocker he is very eager to help Sture with his task.

It would just be an odd coincidence if it weren't for this thread, where the first post states that both these characters are played by the same player:

Gynter den Pricksäkre McDonald Man Dimmornas dal (Nufeld) (P 15 %)
Sture Syd Man Sserperia (P 0 %)

I understand that he's frustrated because the ones who had crowbars weren't interested in lending them out, but this is not the way to go.
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Postby Thelander » Tue May 16, 2006 6:49 am

Yes. Sture and Gynter clearly cooperate, as Sture tried to make someone give Gynter an iron shield directly after Gynters arrival. I think most people in Nickelboda found it really strange, and now when I read about this possible CRB I understand Stures eagerness to give Gynter a shield.

If I had a crowbar with my character I would have helped Sture. When I am reading about this it makes me really angry at the one who plays Sture/Gynter, as he must have planned this CRB for quite some time as he have walked across the entire island. And now this:

1532-4.21: Du ser Gynter lämna Nickelboda, och ta gång mot Skogen.
(You can see Gynter leave Nickelboda, walking to Skogen)
1532-4.21: Gynter säger: `Då följer väl jag efter.`
(Then I will follow)
1532-4.11: Du ser Sture lämna Nickelboda, och ta gång mot Skogen.
(You can see Sture leave Nickelboda, walking to Skogen)
1532-4.11: Sture säger: `Jag börjar gå nu direkt. Hoppas ni kommer så fort som möjligt. Ta med er så mycket helandemat ni kan och gärna sköld till Gynter med kofoten. Dör han och de tar kofoten är vi alla sålda om vi inte hinner göra en kofot till.`
(I'll start walk now at once. I hope you other join up as soon as possible. Bring healing food and a shield for Gynter with the crowbar. If he dies and they take the crowbar we will all die if we not are able to make one more crowbar)

If this not is to be considered as a CRB, then I don't know what is. Sture/Gynter has even planned this for perhaps two-three weeks, as the long walk across the entire island must have taken that amount of time.
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Postby Oasis » Tue May 16, 2006 6:57 am

Thank you for the information. This is being investigated.

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