Radio Message gone way OOC

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Radio Message gone way OOC

Postby BarbaricAvatar » Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:39 pm

Pok/Treefeather Island.
I've marked in bold the offending part, so you don't have to read the whole passage of immature drivel:

2350-2.07: You hear from radio at freq. 100: `The MacGreggors are fucking stupid. They kill innocent people because they seek power that isn't theirs to take. They do not let people sleep for a day. No, they decide to accuse someone of taking over land when the person sleeps for a day and collects resources outdoors when no one was in town, and when no note or anyone said that it wasn't allowed. There are also many other fucking idiots in this game who fucking ruin it for people have old respected characters who happen to enjoy working up to good things and not just fucking being stupid. For this, I choose to die. Consider yourselves lucky that I did not just sink to their level and terrorize everyone else. And consider yourselves rid of my bitching as of now. `
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Postby frenchfisher » Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:17 pm

One of my characters witnessed what I think is another character of this player. It was very confusing for him and for me OOC :P
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Postby sanchez » Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:40 pm

Thank you for reporting this. PD is looking into it.

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