CR Question

Public discussion channel to report possible breaches of the capital rule and for the public investigation of suspected cases. Note that in many cases it might be preferred to report such cases in private to instead of on this forum.

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Postby Jaguar45 » Tue May 30, 2006 9:05 am

No, you got me wrong here. I am not going to create a character, one of the current ones might use it as means to reach freedom which is the short term goal and long term goal is to get rich by stealing. So in no way is using this strategy over the line, as it clearly is only the means to what my character wants and not a objective on it`s own.
And don`t worry, I am not even slightly being a bitch about it, I am just learning, so I don`t go around making wrong OOC suggestions again and if such a suggestion would be made to me, I can refere to this discussion and have it cleared out. Thank you again Bran-Muffin

<edit> And just to be all the way in the white zone, how many projects may I start if 100 is too much?
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Postby Marian » Tue May 30, 2006 1:54 pm

Well, 10 is obviously allowed, even though personally I think even one is wrong. :? If someone wants to leave a message that's what notes are for...

(I think this might be one of those things that's only not agains the rules because it happens to often and would mean too much of a headache for the staff...all you can do is pray that your chars wil lbe able to get rid of projects like that soon.)
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Postby Oasis » Tue May 30, 2006 2:50 pm

I personally think ten is going way overboard, unless the character is perhaps locked up for ten years. One message per year sounds reasonable to me. I am not opposed to this method of "leaving a lasting message", as a char that is being killed has no other means of doing so. Notes will just be picked up and buried in a waste envelope.

There was an incident in Jakara, where characters who were being murdered in secret wrote the names of their killers "on the wall". That was used as evidence against the perpectrators. It made for a very interesting situation. To use it as a threat to try to get released, and leave nonsensical messages is not very good rp, imo, however if not done to the extreme or leaving offensive messages, it is too difficult to distinguish one case from another, and too subjective to allow some and not others.
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Postby N-Aldwitch » Wed May 31, 2006 11:05 am

Oasis what's your opinion if the character wants the other character dead within 4 days? They attack you at every opportunity. Not much choice.
Nakranoth's "evil" character says:
"Thief! That's terrible! *shakes his head* That would hurt people's feeling if I did that." - Free MMORPG in development.. need help.
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Postby Oasis » Wed May 31, 2006 6:13 pm

My what way? How many messages are acceptable in four days? I would think one or two. Name your killer, if you want people to know who he is. You don't need to leave tons of them to leave behind an important message for others.

(If you meant something else, please be more specific)
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Postby N-Aldwitch » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:19 am

Heh I was in a rush to go to the toilet so I made it short and sharp. :P

The character involved knew he was going to die and didn't know the killer's name so he scraped, using around 200 grams of wood, words all over the building. The killer said nothing, he just dragged the character into the building, entered, attacked, left, basically. So the poor innocent young man didn't know what to do, he was going to die obviously, so he just wrote on the walls...
Anyway, to rephrase the question, if your character knew that he/she was going to die and had no way out of it because the other player was determined to kill your character, do you think only 5 messages (and 200 grams of wood were used on each) is acceptable?
Nakranoth's "evil" character says:

"Thief! That's terrible! *shakes his head* That would hurt people's feeling if I did that." - Free MMORPG in development.. need help.
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Postby Marian » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:24 am

N-Aldwitch wrote:So the poor innocent young man

Jaguar45 wrote:My character kills pirates and people who attack without a word once they arrive in towns. Your character was both.


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