Jos reveals himself in Karnon Forest?

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Postby kroner » Sun Nov 16, 2003 3:23 am

The whole thing sounds to me like if someone IRL found out somehow that there really was a god and in fact his name was Fred. How would anyone find something like that out? I mean you can't exactly just ask. I think the use of Jos ic is humorous, but certainly a cr breach, although completely harmless.
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Postby Meh » Sun Nov 16, 2003 3:52 am

Not enough god-kings and god-queens or authoritarians claiming divine rights to rule.

Now what's funny is that gods fake or real aren't widespread but agnosticism and/or athiesm is. Aren't those things OOC and thus CR breaches. What is the alternative? {Just kidding, don't think about that to long, your head could explode}
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Postby rklenseth » Sun Nov 16, 2003 4:24 am

Well, I think some religions need to get started first. The Church of the Kept is pretty strong in the Blaman region and is now beginning to take in Alenz and Cantr areas as the Kept sends out their holy people to those lands. The Unnamed Ones are really strong in Moku, Olipifirovash, and Mirovash and is beginning to spread outside those areas. The Church of Jos has spread from Siom to Quillanoi and is beginning to arrive at Brunoi and Tircqi.

The first religions in the real world were called mystic religions which no one really knows much about. They were very open religions that worshipped a whole host of things. The first big religions with gods and everything came from the Greeks though some believe that the Jewish religion started long before the Greeks prayed to the Gods of Mount Olympus. The Romans were the next which they just ripped off the Greeks. The Jewish religion was the first to have only one god and they were a very closed and secretive religion. A lot of people began to see the Jewish people as untrustworthy because they were such a closed society which was far different than the Mystic religions which were very open societies. And there are some religions that don't pray to any gods. There are religions that pray to spirits, natural things, or even ancestors.

I believe Alexi Romanov said he was something like a god. I do not think that any emperor since has claimed the same. Though my character, Sester, prays to Alexi as a if he is a god now.
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Postby kroner » Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:05 am

What about the Summerians, the Babylonians, th Chinese, the Egyptians, etc.? I'm pretty sure all those civiliazations had organized religion before the Greeks.
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Postby Darth Tiberius » Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:54 pm

Not the Chinese. Same time allmost.
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Postby Solfius » Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:19 pm

the Church of Jos is meant to be humorous, but at the same time I think it is wrong to be spread OOC, it's been started in one place already. It would be a bit like someone cloning the Olip Clan style government (was the first very unique/original example to come to mind) and putting it all over the game.
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Postby new.vogue.nightmare » Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:22 pm

Actually, I think Zoroastrianism came before Judaism...not sure.

But yeah. A religion should have some way of spreading before being used in a location. That's why there are missionaries ^__^
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Postby west » Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:38 am

kroner wrote:What about the Summerians, the Babylonians, th Chinese, the Egyptians, etc.? I'm pretty sure all those civiliazations had organized religion before the Greeks.

sumerians and babylonians, yes.

greek and egyptian pantheons borrowed heavily from these as well as from phonecian
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Postby Missy » Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:26 pm

I kind of disagree here with all of this. Although we know very well there is a "church of jos" located somewhere in game. The use of Jos deffinately does not always have to do with the church that has been made. People looke for a word to put in besides god that means high and mighty...a word that means "Something greater above---something that is the reason they are there" Thus resulting in the use of Jos.
Can't exactly say "god" because that would be using a term from the real world no?
When someone wants to say something like "Oh my _________" there aren't exactly a whole lot of choices you can use. The person who came up with the church of Jos, wasn't the first to have the thought in their head.."Ahh Jos the greater above--reason we're here"

Oh my Word...
Oh my goodness
Oh my god
Oh my Jos

And although the Church of Jos may be located on a diff island. I can't see how using the term JOS is a capital rule breach in any way shape or form! It's in peoples head to use that...and it has nothing to do with the church! Besides, is the point of this game not to simulate societies? Certainly religions play a role in how societies are shaped and formed. But is it going to matter which term of "greater above" they use? In real life people believe diff things no matter what a book and church tell them. No matter which name they call their creator. So I just don't see the point. Wheather we say "Oh my Jos" or "Oh my cantr maker" People are going to believe in some thing. What would matter is "How" they believe in it ..would it not?
Just my opinion. Only time i can ever remember the church of jos is when it's mentioned on here. I've used the term Jos before and its not had anything to do with the church ...
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Postby Solfius » Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:37 pm

In real life we use different words because of different languages. On Cantr the language english is spread over 3 or 4 islands with any communication between the two.

I suppose that the word "god" is part of the language that everyone would know, but "Jos" is a specific word used for a particular religion.

Using your reasoning, it isn't breaking the capital rule to create mimic groups that use terms etc from existing groups.

To use a distinct example, if someone mimicked the Cult, and used all the terms etc it uses, then using the same reasoning as your arguement would be fine.
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Postby new.vogue.nightmare » Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:10 pm

And that is why these people need to come up with their own religions, or join an existing one.

Also, Jos would be a proper name for a SPECIFIC god.
Just as Allah, or Jehovah, or Adonai or Ahura Mazda would be different religions' terms for their gods.

SO actually, saying "Oh my god" in Cantr would be acceptable, or the name of whatever higher being is predominant in that area.

At least that's how I see it.
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Postby Missy » Tue Nov 18, 2003 12:14 am

I get the point here about the word belonging to a church. But you can't deem that as someone copying off of the church. Thats relatively impossible. Especially when I KNOW there are people who had used the word in game long before the church was started. And in areas where the church could not be reached at the time.

I don't want to start a fight or riff raff. But if the case your making is true, then please do tell me how you should be aloud to use the word jos at all for your church? IS it not the belief of the church that "Jos" is their creator? Hmm. Well I thought we weren't supposed to use real life situations in game. That to me is no differant than ....putting a church in game and saying that there is a guy named god who made Jos..and Jos introduced land and water. You used the name using ooc knowledge did you not? Just as anyone who says "Oh my jos" does it because they know he's a creator just as god supposedly is. But I see a differance. ...

Personally when I use the words "OH MY GOD" the person, people believe to be a creator NEVER crosses my mind one bit. Usually what is on my mind is the thing that makes me say that...An unbelievable moment.
I see someone stab another person i say OH MY GOD. I see an apple fall from a tree and hit someone in the head..Oh my god that was so funny. Does god enter your mind when you say things in relation to those incidents? Not mine. And if/when i have/had a char say "Oh my jos" jos deff was not on my mind then either nor my chars. Its just a word to emphasize what a moment is...

But since I just said that my opinion now changes. I don't think you should be aloud to have the word Jos for your church. Nor should anyone be aloud to use it period. You use what YOU know to be fact from real life, in game when you use the word PERIOD. IT don't matter in which context or why you use use it because somewhere along the line you know jos is the creator of cantr. No?

A few months ago I had a post on here about my char who was writing a book and if I could use the words Lad and Krif in there. I was told NO. Because I would have been using the information because of what in the end I KNEW. Not what My char knew. The church of jos does the same thing I would have done in my book. Tell me why the church is aloud to use the word Jos...but my characters were not aloud to use the word lad?
If you say it is because your char doesn't really "know" for a fact there is a jos. Well I said the same thing...My chars really don't "know" of a place called lad..and i was still told "no"
The result no matter how you look at it..even when i say "Oh my jos" is that the word shouldn't be used period. Cuz as others said in the post I made..."You'd be using it because of what you know" Guess you should make up a name for your church like I had to for my chars book. No longer is it is Lantimian...Perhaps your god should be called POS...and I'll start saying something more "Oh my spawning chief....that was funny"

Sorry just my opinion. If some people can't use the word Jos. Then neither should the church be allowed to use it.

shandra_vampiress: Do you use the words "Oh my god" ever?
mekoswarrior: rarely if ever.
shandra_vampiress: When you do use them...does god enter your mind when saying them?
shandra_vampiress: No correct?
shandra_vampiress: the actual being..
mekoswarrior: god is a generic term.]

And so is Jos. :wink:

Personally I think you're making a big deal out of aword and trying to copyright a Really? Jos is about the only term I think anyone would possibly "consider" using that has been used somewhere else in game. And I guaruntee it has NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do with the little church you have. In fact almost every char that has used the word Jos...besides those involved with the church..Probably don't even have a belief. They just use the word. Big deal. You make it sound like they run around trying to worship jos----You're idea. I have yet to see anyone running around saying OH MY JOS then drop to their knees and pray to him. Even so...if they do say stilllllllllllllllllll can't deem it as cap rule breach. Unless you find out what the chars reasoning for saying the word jos is. Even if they did believe in "jos the almighty" Is it tooooo hard for you all to believe that someone else thinks there is a guy named jos who created them???? A coincidence? They happen all the time. I mean do you think ONE Single person believed there was something great in real life and called him allah? Somewhere along the line someone else had to believe there was such a thing too...I don't care if they were millions of miles away or just two miles away.


Also I'd like to point out if you had used a word completely differant than JOS for your churches beliefs or for your churches creator you wouldn't have this problem in the first place. Its a word we all know, and a person we all know. I could have expected for this to happen long before you made the church myself because people and chars used it so freely in game. Don't blame me. You should have picked a word that other people didn't use!
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Postby Meh » Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:05 am

Change Jos to Mosh.

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Postby west » Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:51 am

[quote="OniKaze"Also, Jos would be a proper name for a SPECIFIC god.
Just as Allah, or Jehovah, or Adonai or Ahura Mazda would be different religions' terms for their gods.

SO actually, saying "Oh my god" in Cantr would be acceptable, or the name of whatever higher being is predominant in that area.
actually, Oni: Allah, Jehovah, and Adonai are all words for the same god in different languages. Arab Christians as well as Muslims call God "Allah" and Jehovah and Adonai are two different Hebrew names for that same God. So maybe a bad example. Ahura Mazda is a different god, the Persian/Zoarostrian one, if i'm not mistaken.

Basically Missy's saying the exact thing I said a few posts ago only more articulately. so yeah. listen to her.
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Postby sammigurl61190 » Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:41 am

Missy wrote:But I see a differance. ...

Personally when I use the words "OH MY GOD" the person, people believe to be a creator NEVER crosses my mind one bit. Usually what is on my mind is the thing that makes me say that...An unbelievable moment.
I see someone stab another person i say OH MY GOD. I see an apple fall from a tree and hit someone in the head..Oh my god that was so funny. Does god enter your mind when you say things in relation to those incidents? Not mine. And if/when i have/had a char say "Oh my jos" jos deff was not on my mind then either nor my chars. Its just a word to emphasize what a moment is...

Perhaps your god should be called POS...and I'll start saying something more "Oh my spawning chief....that was funny"

mekoswarrior: god is a generic term.]
And so is Jos. :wink:

And I guaruntee it has NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do with the little church you have. In fact almost every char that has used the word Jos...besides those involved with the church..Probably don't even have a belief. They just use the word. Big deal. You make it sound like they run around trying to worship jos----You're idea. I have yet to see anyone running around saying OH MY JOS then drop to their knees and pray to him. Even if they did believe in "jos the almighty" Is it tooooo hard for you all to believe that someone else thinks there is a guy named jos who created them???? A coincidence? They happen all the time. I mean do you think ONE Single person believed there was something great in real life and called him allah? Somewhere along the line someone else had to believe there was such a thing too...I don't care if they were millions of miles away or just two miles away.

See? That's what I was thinking when I said it. I mean, EXACTLY. Actually, it's über creepy...but anyway, the point is that I consider Jos a generic term--when it comes to Cantr. In real life, Jos isn't a generic term--it's a specific being. Much like the contrast between store, and wal-mart. Store is a generic term--meaning a place where you buy goods. Jos as the generic term, means a higher power. Wal-mart indicates a certain store. Jos indicates a certain person. You get my point? It's really grammar, for the most part. I felt strange using God as a term there--that, to me, indicated using a combination of OCC/RL information. So, even before I knew about the Church of Jos, I used Jos in place of it. I seriously didn't even know there was a Church of Jos until someone told me there was like 20 days or something of the like into the game! Which is another thing that's über creepy. But, like I Missy said, there are instances that happen like that. :)

And like Missy said too, I'm not trying to piss anyone off--LOL

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