question about CRBs

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question about CRBs

Postby Wiill » Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:23 am

Firstly I would like to make it clear that the below scenario is entirely fictional, and any resemblance to a real life scenario is purely coincidential.

I have two charries. Mr X is charismatic and evil, Mr Y is foolish and impressionable. Would it be a CRB for Mr X to fool Mr Y into taking his point of view and for Mr Y to follow X around, etc, work for Mr X, take his side in arguments?

In above scenario (great word) roleplay would of course be neccessary, and neither of the charries personality would alter dramatically (Y would remain foolish and impressionable)
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Postby sanchez » Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:00 am

The short answer is Yes, it's a CRB. And the reason is that no matter how good your RP, when you control both chars and their lives are intertwined and they work towards the same goals there is an intrinsic advantage gained for them over chars of other players.
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Postby DELGRAD » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:56 am

Mr X and Mr Y will collude and that is CRB.

Mrs Sanchez said it better:
The short answer is Yes, it's a CRB. And the reason is that no matter how good your RP, when you control both chars and their lives are intertwined and they work towards the same goals there is an intrinsic advantage gained for them over chars of other players

In other words. Keep all characters controlled by you away from each other as best as you can.
Fictional and coincidential means absolutly nothing. If two characters by same player work together, you will be caught and delt with.
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Postby Piscator » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:35 pm

I don't think that a situation like this is against the spirit of the capital rule, if both characters would behave exactly as if they were not played by one person. It's of course nearly impossible to do this and probably even harder to prove, so I'd try to avoid such a situation, even if I would, ironically, have to perform a minor CRB to do that. :wink:

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