definetely a CRB

Public discussion channel to report possible breaches of the capital rule and for the public investigation of suspected cases. Note that in many cases it might be preferred to report such cases in private to instead of on this forum.

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Postby mtm21 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:22 pm

This lag is a huge CRB. It effects the cantr world in a big way. :lol:
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Postby shapukas » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:05 pm

The hell with those resourses. But the behavour of that newspawn is uofull. Shouldnt that player be punished? Delete his acount i say. How else to deal whith such bad players? They spawn, they hit themselfs, then realised that theirs chars arnt what they expected they just try to spoil others fun.

That person who ruined resourses walked into the boat and swimed of. The captain ofcourse killes him, but before that he throws all the resourses out of the boat (puts them into meny projects). This scenario woudnt be crb if only there were eany RP. But there wasnt. So i say just delete player's account.
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Postby the_antisocial_hermit » Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:47 pm

This forum is not for chatting. It is for reporting.

An answer was received; if you think it should be looked into further, I suggest PM'ing or emailing a staff member.

And a reminder: Just because marol said that the resources won't be returned from some of the projects doesn't mean that PD won't be reprimanding the player.

Edit: And sabotage should be reported in this sticked thread: Reporting Sabotage/Building Messages
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