Trouble in the gray area of the CR

Public discussion channel to report possible breaches of the capital rule and for the public investigation of suspected cases. Note that in many cases it might be preferred to report such cases in private to instead of on this forum.

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Postby Floris » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:30 pm

Doug R. wrote:
The new character spawning system was changed about 3 or 4 months ago to ensure much larger geographic distance between new and existing characters of the same player. This will reduce greatly the chance of spawning in the next town , especially in the English regions, but also in all the other language groups (except for Russian and Lithuanian which currently use specified spawning points).

Well, it must not take into account players on roads, because my newest charrie that I made 2 weeks ago spawned in a town my old charrie left 2 Cantr hours before.

Exactly, I made three new chars over the last two days. I all wanted them in the Dutch language area. And they all spawned in the same German city. But yes, the second and third each time spawned in that city shortly after the others left.
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Mafia Salad
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Postby Mafia Salad » Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:09 am

I see now. I don't know how I missed this thread earlier.
Jos Elkink, Mon Oct 10, 2005 wrote:It's so close on the borderline that it will be impossible for the PD to distinguish it from breaching the rule, so we have decided that it simply is a breach, to avoid the problem :) ...

So, you'll have to come up with an excuse not to end up in the same organization. You can think of many nice role playing excuses, I'm sure.

Even if the goals are different, the PD can't tell this. So avoid any look of a breach and you'll be ok, even if its at the characters personalities expense.

Jos Elkink Mon Oct 10, 2005 wrote:If you figure a good roleplaying argument to avoid your own characters to cooperate, e.g. because one suddenly turns sick or crazy just before (s)he was about to join the same organisation as the other char...

IMHO I don't think that good RP unless your character has some indication of insanity or sickness before the incident, but I guess from a moderating point of view it's better to have a high amount of loonies than a high amount of players playing their chars as one unit.

I also don’t think that chars being in the same organization is a good indicator of RP breeching, I think the temptation of breaching is a lot worse if you have chars in opposing groups than the same one, but if that was banned then it would ruin the game for a lot of people who are having a great time seeing two different sides of an issue.

I would like to see more trust in the players of the game, but you all have a lot more experience with this game than me. So I’ll play by the rules and drive my chars nuts when I run out of better things to do to keep them out of each others goals :roll: .
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Postby Sho » Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:58 am

Mafia Salad wrote:I also don’t think that chars being in the same organization is a good indicator of RP breeching, I think the temptation of breaching is a lot worse if you have chars in opposing groups than the same one, but if that was banned then it would ruin the game for a lot of people who are having a great time seeing two different sides of an issue.

The most common type of outright CR breach is of a player having his characters helping each other by working together in game, and that usually means they go in the same organization. There is certainly a problem with players using OOC information about the other side in a conflict, but most of the time that information is gained through forums or IM, not by actually having a character on the other side (and that's what the Four-Day Rule is for). In any case, there are so many pairs of opposing organizations that a rule based on them would be unenforceable and highly subjective.

Mafia Salad wrote:I would like to see more trust in the players of the game, but you all have a lot more experience with this game than me.

Better to be slightly unfair to some players who get screwed by the spawning system, or whatever, than let an unscrupulous player cause real damage to dozens of players.
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Postby swymir » Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:35 am

The biggest problem came with my original set of characters. I had 4 spawn on the Sring Sri island. That location only had 5 zones. How were they suppose to stay seperated? IT turned out okay though. They all were killed by stupid Dhung. I wish someone would discover that island and sen d a report on how to get ther eback to the main islands.
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James Bowen
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Postby James Bowen » Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:31 am

The way I see it, as long as you are playing your characters as independent individuals and don't give them strong interaction; ie, it's easy to be an acquaintence or even an assigned coworker, but not a close friend or business partner, then there's really no problem. But be prepared to prove that you're doing it.

Another way is to look at it like this. Say that the player's department looks at a pair of characters without looking at the players they belong to. If they're acting strangely, ie in such a way that two characters of different players would not interact, that is a CR breach. Don't know why you people have to make things so complicated. :P

It's going to get hard, with the advent of the radio, to have characters anywhere *near* each other without having at least some organization overlap. That's just the way it is. So instead of fretting over how it could affect gameplay, just don't let it.

>.> What a nice way to introduce myself to the forums, eh?

EDIT: I did NOT realize how long-dead this topic was...sorry about the necromancy!
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The Sociologist
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Postby The Sociologist » Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:15 pm

The problem I have here is that characters may be forced into acting in bizarre and unexpected ways in order to prevent such situations arising. For example, an otherwise loyal and rational charrie might suddenly go ballistic trying to prevent the merger of two organizations purely because that charrie's player already has another character in the other merging organization.

The more stringent these rules become, the more impossible it becomes to build up significant multiregional structures. Anyhow, as far as I'm concerned the Xanth communes are independent entities united by a common loyalty and culture. No different to the MRU. I don't see why a player should not have a character in the Forest commune and another in the Akypor commune. Anyone want to challenge that?
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Postby N-Aldwitch » Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:14 am

Oh, in regard to the conjunction of your two character's companies, if this is just an example or not, that's perfectly okay with the CR. At least, I'm next to certain it is. You're not doing it, it's not your fault.
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