Project Queue [DUPLICATE]

Threads moved from the Suggestions forum after rejection

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Project Queue [DUPLICATE]

Postby Proudmonkey » Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:48 pm

Sorry if this has already been suggested but I could not find anything via search. I think it would be nice to have a project/action queue...

For instance you are havesting potatoes and you are 90% done with you task, but you in real life have to go to work or something of that nature and you know by the time you get back your charrie is going to be sitting idle for 6 + hours. It would be nice to have something to set to have the charrie automatically start another project or action to keep them busy while you are away. Or even possibly some sort of default they would go to when inactive such as repairing weapons or the nearest building.

Also along the same lines. Your charrie is working on say collecting wood. He has been doing it for 2 days and he is ordered or for some reason has to stop and do something else. Why can't he recieve the 2 days worth of wood even if he didnt complete the task?


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Postby marol » Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:14 pm

It looks like searching is not the best thing you do ;)

:arrow: Queueing projects

Anthony Roberts wrote:REJECTED. Cantr is meant to be a slow paced game for the player, not for an automated system.

In case unaware, all suggestions of "automation" are very brutially murdered. Even I want some form of QUEUE system for projects, but it'll never happen.

Automation = Bad in Cantr.

It might happen, but not anytime soon from my point of view.

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