draging/moving projects [Duplicate]

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draging/moving projects [Duplicate]

Postby km17 » Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:41 pm

It iritates me sometimes why i cant start a file in one room and carry it to anouther and continue working on it, why isnt that possible ! its completly unrealistic that if i start a project somewhere i must finish it there, now i know this doesnt apply to all projects but for objects, such as a file, shouldnt it be possible to carry an unfinished file to anouther room and then complete it.

now obvisouly this isnt realistic for all objects ingame, like anything that requires a machine or some type of fuel or other unmoveable object (such as a building) so i simply suggest that for small objects that you can carry around be created as projects but on the projects page (as long as it is not being worked on) it can be "picked up" and in your actvity page only you can see the project being listed to signafy you are moving a project. you most obvisouly will be carrying the weight of the materials in the project at that point.

just a suggestion to add some realism, starting a project on land, say a chisel, then being able to move the project to your boat would make sense.
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Postby wichita » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:28 pm

Duplicate suggestion. Original can be found at:


Moving to Rejected
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