Group Projects

Threads moved from the Suggestions forum after rejection

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Postby Brimstar » Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:19 am

Nakranoth wrote:Well, singing is one of those things that intrensicly can be role played. As in, if you want to joing in singing, you would actually emote/"speak" your song.

Yes, but again, that's not quite the same thing as actually joining in the music making. Carrying on from what's gone before, if singing is only RP, then the traveller arriving to town would hear the band but not the singer. Picky, sure, but if it were implemented, 'twould be nice to go the whole way.

Think how fun it might be to have someone take up a guitar, and then others sitting around the small fire pit start joining in song, and someone pops in from a building or a road to hear the whole town singing. Can't RP that. :lol: And don't tell me it wouldn't enhance your character's experience, because you know it would. :)
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Postby Brimstar » Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:22 am

For those of a more military bent, imagine the town guard marching off to battle singing a stirring battle song. Or how about all new citizens have to learn the words to the town anthem, and at any important town event, everyone joins in singing the anthem. You know it would be cool. :lol:
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Postby formerly known as hf » Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:19 am

Brimstar wrote:For those of a more military bent, imagine the town guard marching off to battle singing a stirring battle song. Or how about all new citizens have to learn the words to the town anthem, and at any important town event, everyone joins in singing the anthem. You know it would be cool. :lol:
And can be done, and has been.

You don't need a project to have your characters sing...
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Postby Phalynx » Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:21 am


You don't need a project to do anything... you can role play making anything or doing anything.. but not in this game.
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Postby Brimstar » Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:43 pm

formerly known as hf wrote:You don't need a project to have your characters sing...

Once again, there is a big difference between what can be done now through RP and what I'm suggesting. What can be done now is strictly RP, and if you walk in after someone has pretended to start singing, you won't know. What's being discussed here is allowing characters to make music together, and sing together, so that a character walking in will *hear* what's happening even having missed what went on before.

You enter A, from B, and see 23 people and hear 23 people singing.
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Postby formerly known as hf » Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:59 pm

Like I said, that's automated RP, really.

People can play insturments at the same time in Cantr, they can sing together.

I don't see a need to have vast numbers of characters all participating in an 'RP' project...
It would just seem really, really unnatural to have long-term sleepers suddenly whip out their banjo, sing me a ditty, then revert back to comatose...

A character should be RPing, when it's player is active - otherwise it's just a tad pointless, really...
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Postby Chris Johnson » Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:23 pm

I agree with HF - This is basically automation of RP something which we have tried to avoid as much as possible .

It is also a lot of work for something which can be emulated using emotes and talking already

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