WWGV:Victorian Whitechapel Night 3:Floyd Lynched

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WWGV:Victorian Whitechapel Night 3:Floyd Lynched

Postby TatteredShoeLace » Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:24 pm

Strangley enough, the entire village had nightmares that evening, the image of Lord DragonSlayer and Seko dead, and for fear of who may come to find them that very night. Two dark figures meet in a back alley of town, and whispers can only be heard inbetween the stiffled laughter. Suddenly they are surprised with the sound of a cat screaming and panicked footsteps runnning away down the streets, a third was out tonight. The two monsters bound after them in a fury, and when they reach a dead end there seems to be only one place the spy had come from; Surly's apartment.

The next morning the townspeople wake up, thankful to be alive. But immediately something seems wrong and both the Sheriff and the surgeon are called to the Egyptologist's residence. Unable to find anything of Surly save some blood, they immediately look outside and found themselves peering on the man's body. A pair of fine silk stockings are positioned around his neck, but he did not die of suffocation. His ribcage is split and for some reason appears empty. The Sheriff points over the body's feet where two halves of a heart lie in a pool of its own lifeline. Swymir gently nods and proclaims, "This man is dead." A small trail of blood finds its way to a sewer drain, and a few ladies gasp when they read "Love Hurts!" written on the wall with Surly's blood.

Next to the opened chest cavity was carved the ancient Egyptian symbol for Merteseger, the goddess of punishment and mercy, also the guardian of the ancient burial tombs Surly was planning to invade. His maps and a page from one of his books describing the goddess is torn out and left lying next to the body.

Everyone on edge, the sound of a cough could be heard from Lord DragonSlayer's home. When the Sheriff ran into the room of the dead to see who was tampering with them, they found Lord DragonSlayer sitting up, still nude, holding his Seko. "Why couldn't I die?!" He cried out, "I've already killed all worth living for!" He silently wept and the Sheroff closed the door behind him. Dragon will need some time to recover from his loss. The Sheriff notes that the sun will not rise too high today, the fog seems twice as thick as it were yesterday.

Last edited by TatteredShoeLace on Tue May 03, 2005 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby wichita » Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:11 pm

<i>He walks slowly down the street early in the morning, bundle tightly to keep out the cold and fog. Jingling his keys in the lock to the bank door, he notices the commotion coming from the alley. Walking over slolwy, fearing the worst after the discovery yesterday morning, he enters the alley timidly to find the body of the Egyptologist lying there draped in gore.</i>

Oh!...Dear God! Mr. Surly dead now?!

<i>Pulls his handkerchief from his pocket and covers his mouth as he turns away from the ghastly sight, his face paled from the shock.</i>

This is terrible news! Simply terrible news! <i>Quickly scurries off to the bank.</i>
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Postby AoM » Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:48 pm

Alex looks at the crowd gathering around Surly's house. Working his way through the crowd, he stares at the scene of the crime. Taking in everything, he whispers to Spider.[/i]
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Postby RainKing » Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:04 pm

Having been awoken by the noice outside the blacksmith makes his way trough the crowd grumbeling under his breath as he pushes people out of the way. He stops short when he sees Surly's body and shakes his head with look of disgust on his face

Sweet Jesus, what kind of sick people are we dealing with here? The poor bastard most probably brought this on himself but isn't it enough to just kill a man? Do they have to desecrate his body like this?
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Postby Sparkle » Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:51 pm

She jumps up realizing she dozed off. She notices the sun is up and all though she is greatful for being alive a feeling of fear came across her as she nervously goes to check on her girls. She began checking them we she suddenly hears screams and cries from outside. Her heart drop as she imagined the worse...She runs outside toward the crowd then stops when she see's the body. Her heart skipped a beat as she finally began to recognize who it is laying there...


She says softly as places her hand to her heart.

My heart was right. You were innocent and now I feel happy that your blood was not shed by my hands.

She looks around at the others

Who did this? Did anyone see what happen this time? This has got to stop!
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Postby AoM » Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:50 pm

When Alex is done whispering to Spider, he goes back to his shoppe.
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Postby mortaine » Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:01 pm

Moments after Alex enters his shop, Miss Mortaine comes around the corner. She is carrying what looks like a large brown sack, but closer inspection shows it to be her drab cloak. Her face is bright pink and a little damp. Clearly, she's been out for some time.

'What's this--" she breaks off as she sees the body. "Oh, no-- not again. Oh... how terrible!"

Unlike most ladies, Miss Mortaine does not turn her head away or avert her eyes. Instead, her sharp gaze flicks over the corpse and at the other early risers. She pushes her spectacles up her nose, and sighs deeply, her breath showing in the cold morning air like puffs of smoke. Fleetingly, her glance lands on the maps and desecrated book.

"Ah, Mr. Surly! Such a fine man, a noble man-- the world is a stupider place with you gone from it, and so cruelly! A stupid, stupid place!"
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Postby Dee » Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:10 pm

She comes out from her home slowly in the early morning, heads to her scholar's house, only to find people gathering around it, and her scholar's body lying there drowned in blood

Oh my God!!! She drops the papers that were in her hands

Oh no!!! He didn't have the chance to teach me all the things I needed to know!! Now I have to carry on without him to be an egyptologist, just like him...
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Postby Spider » Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:23 pm

....I need to finish my questioning...but i have to be quick about it, anyone ready?

Also, Dragon isn't dead...but he will need some time alone...
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Postby Dee » Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:25 pm

She suddenly remembers something

He gave me some gold to claim upon his death... To hire another teacher.... She tries to fight her tears back but she couldn't I'm really going to miss him...

Spider, I'm ready for your questions..
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Postby Spider » Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:29 pm

Alright then...
walks over to her, and they both move away from the crowd
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Postby Floyd » Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:23 pm

he tries to evesdrop on Spider and Dees conversation as he walks towards the commotion on the street but thier talking is drowned out by the noise of the others. As he nears the group a strong unpleasent smell and the sight of surlys ,mangled corpse causes him to retch repeatedly* Jesus christ...[/i]
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Postby Nixit » Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:48 pm

*rushes out hearing all the commotion*

What is it this time?!

*sees a a crowd over by Surly's home, cringes, but still edges his way toward the house, crossing his fingers. He parts his way through the crowd, and peeks over a townsperson's shoulder to see what was going on. Immediately after he sees the body, he turns away and shoves his way back to the inn, muttering and cursing*

Stuipid.....no good...killer.........why would anyone....I can't believe this!

*right before he slams his door he shouts* And I can't believe it's not Spider!
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Postby mikki » Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:02 pm

*she walks out of Alex's shop, in shock as to what he told her. She walks slowly over there she notices his body laying on the ground. her tears begin to fall. * I was ... hoping that .. Alex wasn't .. right.. *she shakes her head and sits down on the porch.. * Another one of our neighbors are dead..
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Postby AoM » Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:53 pm

Alex walks out of his shop and sits beside Mikki. He puts a consoling arm around her shoulders and takes her hand in his.

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